
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · ファンタジー
9 Chs


Annabelle's pov

We spend all day visiting and giving things to the poor and people who needed and we all love it.

It's night time so is back to the palace. As we got there we heard screams and gun shots. We got out of the car and saw why was happening. It was the German people my dad was talking about that one day they might come and today is the day. On my birthday that was going great.

"What are you doing here?", My father asked a strange man.

"Brother...", Wait what brother!

"....how are you and your pretty child", the strange man which I think is my uncle looked at me then he scanned everywhere. "Where is Isabelle and Fiona", the man said.

"Dad who is Isabelle and Fiona?", I asked my dad because I have never heard those names before, or have I and I forgot. It feels like I have.

"They.....", My uncle I think interrupted my father

"They are family"


"Yes..", my uncle looked at my father "wait you didn't tell her", he started laughing

"Tell me what", I asked looking at my father. While tears gathered in my eyes. I thought my mama was dead, he lied to me.

"You lied to me! you said you will never lie to me! But you did!"

"Well, Isabelle is your twin sister and Fiona is your mother", he told me with a smirk on his face.

"What! Dad I thought you said my mother was dead and I was the only child" I said with tears going down my face.

"See darling I did it because of him", he said pointing at the strange man which I still think is my uncle.

"Why! What did he do....." Then I heard a gun shot and it meet Daphne. I dreamed and ran up to Daphne. Ok it didn't hit her chest but her stomach area she held hit so the blood won't gush out.

"That will make you to shut up",the strange man said.

"What is wrong with you James...", Oh his name is James. "You shot your own sister. Or is this because am the king not you or is because Fiona chose me instead of you!" , My father said.

"I already have my beautiful damsel in distress", then I saw Vanessa come out of the castle and walked to him and stood by his side. "And yes is because your the king not me"

"Vanessa!",my father exclaimed.

"Yea it's me  and am his damsel in distress. Also the intruder you've been looking for years", she said while she smiled.

"I thought you were nice and everything I thought you were and what you told me, that's why you were my favorite and also the head maid. I made sure daddy promoted you to be the head maid", I said while tears flow down my face.

She just laughed. Then a woman came out of the castle too, I've never seen this woman before.

"James no soldier or the policy or the FBIs or any for the security forces will come here", the woman said.

"Good", James said to her then Vanessa brought out a gun and pointed it to her. "And bye", Vanessa said smiling.

"No noo boo...", And she shot her.

"What a good girl she was", Vanessa said.

"Now where was I..... Yeah..... I was supposed to be the king of this place not you!", He said.

"You did this to yourself brother, you killed father and we all had to banish you so you won't kill anyone but you just did", my dad said.

"And you are next.....", He pointed his gun to my dad ".....then your daughter and then twin and sin then lovely Fiona so no one will be remaining to rule this place except for me", he said and smiled. Then someone dragged me away for my dad and we just ran. And hen I saw my dad falling down to the ground after a gun shot, that I know my dad is dead. I turned to my front and saw who dragged me away, Daphne, she's till holding the place which was shot.

I stopped and she also stopped. "What.. why did you stop. Let's go!", She screamed. I've never seen her this way before.

"Why should I stop!, Here are we going!" I was so scared. I just screamed at her.

She came towards me and hugged me. "You are going to see your mother", when I heard those words I could move I was lost. I didn't even know when we got to our private jet. And the pilot flew us out of this disaster.

I can't believe my father is dead and in my birthday.