
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · ファンタジー
9 Chs


In England

Annabelle's pov

"Anna..... Anna wake up", I heard a sweet charming voice.

"What", I stood up from my bed and saw my best maid Vanessa

"Happy birthday Anna", she said smiling.

"Its my birthday already", i said in a sad tone.

"Yea, but go get dress you still have school ", she said while arranging my bed.

"Ugh!! Why does school exists", I said while walking to the bathroom.

I got ready and went downstairs to have breakfast with my awesome family, which comprises with my father, aunty and maybe my best maid. I never knew my mother but I still have a bracelet my father gave me and said my mom wants to to have it. Wait he said wants this means she isn't dead.....right? Maybe I have other siblings that I don't know about.

"Good morning darling", my dad said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Good morning father"

"You know you can call me dad right",said with a smile on his face.

"But that's what miss Sonia taught us"

"Yea but ... just say dad or daddy, that's even better", I chuckled a little bit, "ok daddy", and we both laughed.

"Good morning all", said a voice, I turned and saw it was my aunt Daphne. Some of the maids and man servants passing her greeted her.

"Good morning aunt Daphne"

"Good morning Anna and happy sweet sixteen", she said kissing my hair.

"Awwn, thanks, aunt", I said and she gave me a sweet smile.

We all ate breakfast and I went back to my room to be my stuffs for my royal school, ugh!, only royal can go to that school I wish I can be a normal girl and go to normals school.

I went downstairs and one of my made led me to the car which will take me to my school.

While I past my dad office I heard him talking about a big grand ball for my birthday.

I don't like that, I always have a big ball and also invite other royals and rich people. I hate it. I just wanted a normal birthday where I will spend with my friends and family. So I went into my dad's office and told him how I want my birthday to be, and he agreed. Then I went to school.

School was fun, ok that's a lie. School was usually boring the same stuff and the same annoying royals.

When I got home I didn't see any decorations, no big banners saying happy birthday to princess Annabelle, no royals, no rich people, just my dad, Vanessa and Daphne standing at the entrance of the castle. I ran up to them and hugged them all.

"Dad you listened to me", I said realising them from my hug.

"Yes I did", my dad replied.

"So what do you really want to do on your birthday?", my aunt asked me.

"I wanted to go into the city, like get out of the castle", they all laugh.

"Okeyy", my dad said.

"And give thing to homeless people, poor people, people in needs, I just want to make other people happy today. It's not only about me", I said. My aunt and dad smiled and said ok.

"I won't be following you Anna, I need some rest, and also make sure the castle is in other before you guys come", Vanessa said.

"Okeyy",I was sad she didn't follow us, but she is the head maid so she really need to be in the castle.

We waved at Vanessa and left to the city, I mean left the castle for once.

My father saw some people leaving in the streets which he didn't know of so he gave them some money and we took them to an hotel to stay for a while, while he build more buildings and homes. We also went to the orphanages and gave them some money and things. Im having so much fun giving and helping people. It feels right.

At the palace

Vanessa's pov

"Miss you are not allowed in there", one of the stupid maid said.

"Why", I sad in a low and calm voice

She was shaking" no...no...nothing ma"

"Good, now shoo"

I walked into Adrian's office, took  some keys, then off to my bedroom.

"James there out. I've confinced her and she took it. So they are out. You can come now. I will be opening the doors for you", I said through my phone.

"Ok darling",he said. And hung up.

I went onward and open all the entrance and secret passeges.

"They are coming", I said to my self. And smirk.