
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · ファンタジー
9 Chs


Sam's POV

We came down from the bus and entered our beautiful school, now we call the school beautiful.

"This is our second day of school and we are going to have fun as we did yesterday" ,Mavis said.

But she was wrong. Then we saw our arch enemy, Chloe , the most mean and annoying girl in the world, OK maybe not in the world but in school. Then she saw us and she was walking towards us.

"Oh no she is approaching us, ugh! I hate that girl. And her annoying friend", Mavis said to me. 😒😒

" here they came😒😒", I said.

"Hey girls", Chloe said

" hey Chloe, how are u", I said with a fake smile.

"Am fine", she said also with a fake smile.

And we talked to each other without yelling at each other. And everyone in the hallway was staring at us especially our own classmates who knows we hate each other.

Then the bell rang and everyone was still in the hall where Mavis, Chloe, violet and I. They all stared at us. They all know that we hate each other and they wanted to see us fight each other as usual

" hey!" ,Mavis shouted to the crowed and everyone looked at her.

"You all know we want to fight but not today"

"Yes, ugh I can't believe am agreeing with two annoying...", I stopped her there.

" shut up Chloe ", I said to her.

Then we started quarrelling. And the principal came and saw us.

" Hey!, hey!, hey!, what is going on here" then she saw us.

"girls I though this hole hatred thing will be over and know you are doing it again in a new semester", she scolded us.

" story miss Lynne " we all said.

"Now everyone get to class!", she shouted. Everyone ran to their various classes.


At lunch

Mavis POV

" ugh!!!!, this is the first time the principal scolded me.", i said.

"But me too I....",I cut her off

" name one time the principal has never shouted or scold you",

"Emm.....there was one time when..... OK there.... Well...."

"nope she  always has scolded you. Ever since I knew you".

We ate our food talked some more and then the evil beast came to our direction.

" Chloe can't you be nice for once? ", I asked her.

" yes I can"

"She was nice for only some second the morning and that as her highest record ever.", violet said while defending her best friend.

Violet is the only friend Chloe has ever science 5th grade, when violet was new to the school. Throughout kindergarten, 1st,2nd,3rd and 4th grade Chloe didn't have any friends, she was lonely. I even tried in I be her friend in kindergarten but she was too mean and that was when I met my BFF, that is always standing right beside me, SAMMY.

"Yea yea ok, she was nice for some seconds, wow that's amazing hey!🙌😒😒", Sam sad sarcastically.

" did you just use sarcasm on Chloe", violet said.

"Yes I did. Get that into your head dummies", ams said and I only laughed. The bell rang and we went to class.


Sam's POV

School is over for today.

" today was  amazing and I loved it even if Chloe and her best friends almost destroyed this day as being a good they for us u..."

I completed her sentence "I stood up for my self and said what have been wanting to say since ... When I met her".

" my brother just texted me that he is staying for an extra class"

"Who's stay for extra class" Mavis asked

"My brother", I said and we both laughed.

" let's go to his school and wait for him, I've just texted him back that we are gong to wait for him at his school "

"But his school is far", Mavis whines

" you know his school is right there right" I pointed at the other building which was for the middle schoolers.

And we went there.

"While we wait for him am going to listen to my fav music"

"And that is what?", Mavis asked me

" Señorita!", I shouted.

"Oh, wait I thought your fav song was all make it pop song, and it thought you fav song was also  all Ariana grande's songs and I got thought...."

I stopped her their " yea yea yea I have so many fav song so leave me alone", I said putting my ear phone on.

It was 4:33, then my brother came out and we went to home.



Anabelle POV

"Dad I'm home", I said as one of the guard bringing me into that castle

" you know this castle is big you know your father won't here you", the guard said.

"I know, I just wanted to try it", I said to he guard. The guard only smiled at me. Then u saw Daphne my aunt.

" aunt Daphne, I missed you their was no one to talk to only Vanessa, now Vanessa went on an errands , now am happy because u are here"

"I can see that you are so happy so now let's go talk in your room and tell me everything that happened in your school today.", Daphne said

" you know I hate royal school, but i made a Friend there today", I said to


"Only one friend, OK what's her name"

" her name is Astroidia, but I call her Astro,  when I said her name Daphne's face changed.

" what's wrong Daphne? ", I asked her but she just said.

" nothing tell me about thus your friend and we will have a sleepover with her some day"

We just continued talking.


Daphne's POV

I left Anabelle's room after talking and when she slept off while talking. Then I asked the guards where my brother was and they told me he was at the throne room and I went there

"Hello brother"

"Hi sister. How is Anabelle"

" she is fine and also energetic too", he only just laugh .

"So..... Linda's children is alive and also maybe Linda", I said.

"How did you know", he asked me

" because, Ana saw Astroidia at school today"

"But Linda is not royal"

"I don't know but we know her children are still alive and maybe her"