
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · ファンタジー
9 Chs


3rd person POV

Bam! Goes the gun.

"Mother!", the two children cried out.

" you killed  our mother, you are....", a man cut he off by holding her neck and probably chocking her.

He laughs evilly then say "see little child I told you to kill her and you had the chance but you didn't, and what did I tell you if you don't kill her",

" y..y..you w..wi..will k..ki..kill ou.. Our mo.... Mo.... Moth...mother ", the girl said while being choked by the man.

" and so I did, . Ha! Wow that was exciting.  Now now guard come take thus and dispose it" and the guard did as he commanded them and he let the girl of his grip of choking her

"  so today am giving you another chance and if you fail me you know what happens ", she noded her head.

"So bye go on go to school", so she turn and was packing her bag and wanted to live but the man hold her back by calling he name. "Astroidia!"

"Yes master", she answered him

" oh don't call me master call me James ", he said while smirking.

" OK, y...yes j...James", she said as her voice was trembling in fear.

"Don't be afraid Child I won't eat you, I just wanted to say, you forgot your brother Steven"

"Oh!, Steven let's go" she said and her brother went to her and they went to their royal school.