
The Princess Twin

kimmy_o_y · ファンタジー
9 Chs


Once upon a time there live a king named Harold who got married to a beautiful woman named Lucinda, they had three children named, Daphne, James and Adrian. They all loved each other especially James and Adrian. They were all good siblings.

Years pest and they got to the ages of getting married. Daphne got married first. She got married to a man named Nathan, who is the Dutch of Rome. But Nathan didn't tell anyone except from Daphne. Nathan left Rome because he was   looking for the right girl to love him as who he is and not what he his. So he went yo england and act like a person who needed a Job and got a Job in the palace as a guard then he saw Daphne and they both fell in love and got married after a week they got married Nathan told Daphne that he was the Dutch of Rome and one day she will be the duchess of Rome and they will rule Rome together and she was happy.

But for James and Adrian they both love the same girl and always argue o will get to win her heart one day Adrian just stopped fighting and left James with the girl named Fiona but Fiona didn't like James and she wanted to leave the castle but she didn't Lucinda knew that Fiona loves Adrian then she called Fiona back and called Adrian and James to the throne room and Lucinda then asked James if he loves Fiona and he said yes, then she asked Adrian the same question and he also said yes then she then Fiona to pick who she want to marry then she choose Adrian. The next month they got married and then James became jealous because no one wanted yo marry him and he didn't marry who he liked and  also Fiona hated him and he tried to kill his brother but he couldn't because Harold was always protecting him.

When James thought to him self that it was always Harold his father always protecting him so he decided to kill Harold, and the next on the throne was Daphne and Daphne can't protect him to he went to kill his father.

One day James went to the throne room where his father and mother were doing king and queen stuffs.

"Your son James is here to see you", one of the guard said

"Should I let him in"

"Allow Him in, !maybe is year to tell us that he is  getting married", Lucinda said. The guard opened the door and James entered.

"Hello son are you getting married soon", king Harold said.

"No, father"

"Then why are you here", Lucinda asked. James then turned to his mother and said, "mom am not talking to you an talking to my father so do not interrupt when am talking"

"James don't.,." Then James brought out a gun and pointed it to his mother  and she didn't talk again.

"So I wanted to ask who is next  the throne father", then he pointed the guan to his father

"Its Daphne but..." Before he could finish his sentence James shot him, Daphne, Adrian and Fiona heard the gun shot and left were they were and went to were they heard the gun shot at.

Before he could leave the castle he was caught by Nathan.

"Nice job Nathan", said Adrian.

"Why did you kill father?", Adrian asked James.

"Since father is  gone, you are not protected again. Father is not going to protect you again and how will Daphne protect you since she is the one to rule", then he began to laugh.

"Why will you kill your own father and Daphne is not next to rule is me"

"What! But She Is....", Adrian interrupted him

"No she is not I am"

"Wait but ..."

"Take him to the prison", Adrian ordered Nathan and rest of the guards. They went to throne room and they saw Harold  dead and Lucinda  was crying. One week later Harold was buried and everyone in England was so sad. Lucinda wasn't Queen again and Adrian became the king. A month after the coronation Fiona got pregnant. When James heard that Fiona was pregnant he was broke out of prison and his jealousy grew more and more that he wanted to kill Fiona. He tried to kill Fiona the first time but he couldn't. The second time he wanted to kill Fiona. He entered into the castle without any one knowing then he went  to where Fiona was . He got to where Fiona was and he opened the door,  when he opened the door the first thing that Fiona and Lucinda saw was one of the guard dead on the floor then James entered into the room and  shot some bullets out of his gun and towards Fiona but Lucinda, James and Adrian's mother, blocked Fiona from the bullets and the bullets hit Lucinda and died, before he could shoot another bullets the gun  he was held by Nathan and the gun was taking away from him.

"Brother why do your jealousy grow like this why don't you find another person to marry", Adrian said.

"You took away the love of my life", James said.

"You know father told her to choose who she want to marry and she choose me why don't you find a person you love and marry her. Sorry but I have to do this. Am banishing you from England and I do not want to see you here again ", he said to James.

"Guards take him a way, use my private jet and take him to a place that is not here", Adrian told the guards and they took him away and took Adrian's private jet and flew to some where that is far away from England. When they dropped him in a place far away from England, James told Nathan, "one day I will kill you" , and Nathan said,  "and I'll be ready", then Nathan left and went back to England.