
Chapter 40

A surprise expressions swept his face as pain and blood run down his own stomach. he held his stomach and sank to the ground in obvious horror.

"She should have told you that too, I do not come expensive for nothing."

There I was again, thrusting and withdrawing, covered in sweat and blood. Prince Sepo must have thought it wise to help me as more Kanjis came after me. An arrow whirred by my ear and struck a man behind me, with a sickening thud, the man fell.

Lonki screamed;

" My Prince!"

I had only time to look at the screaming Lonki following his eyes to where Prince Sepo lay clenching his chest.

" Oh no..."I said.

I fell with the same thud living a trail of dust, blood running down my animal skin skirt.

Prince Sepo winced out in pain and miraculously stood up, surprising both Lonki and the Kanji who had shot the arrow.

He stood up and looked for me.

"Where is Princess Zae." he shouted

" Here" A Kanji shouted.

"What did you do to her ?"he screamed.

" Nothing sire."  his accent heavy.

Wina run to the Kanji and started beating the man, his palm striking with force.

"Did you kill my sister?" he asked still striking the man who was now bleeding from his mouth and nose.

I mean he is allowed to kill me, it's war after all.

" She is not dead, let him be Prince Wina."

"I was about to stab her with my spear but she fell on her own, my spear scratched her side when falling  I didn't see any blood but instead saw blood and the same scratch, on me."

He said showing his side. Everyone stopped fighting and was watching the spectacle.

It can only be Nyambe's doing.

" She fell when you where on the ground about to stand up." A Kele worrior said.

She must have healed you my Prince. Isn't this what she does?" he added.

" But...but"he stuttered. " She....she can't."

"What just happened." Lonki asked.

With what had happened, the Kanji where even more scared.

" They are not ordinary worriors."One said to the other.

The Kanji where forced back or killed as they surrendered and knelt down on the ground.

It was a field of humans. Groans of the wounded, the dying, it was horrific.

It took some time for everyone to grasp what had happened.

" She fought like a demon." A Kele worrior said.

" I was on her side but I felt bad for the Kanjis." The other said chuckling.

" Help the wounded, burn and bury the dead." Lonki commanded.

Prince Sepo carried me off of the ground and walked with me to the camp confused.

" Zae" Kuku called me.

The great one was not with us, so I figured, perhaps this was the last time I was going to see Kuku too.

She was so happy I could see from the glint in her eyes.

" Kuku, am so happy to see you."

" I am so proud of you, your parents are too. You have grown to be more than , I would have anticipated."

" Thank you Kuku" I said with the respect I can afford to her.

" You were my favourite human being when I lived on earth. I always felt happy when I talked to you."

"I know, Kuku."I smiled with tears blurring my eyes.

" But, am really sorry for how your life turned out, I'll take that with me and will haunt me forever in my afterlife."

" I have accepted everything in good fate."

She pulled me close to her and held my hands.

" I had added a lion's burnt penis to the paste I Imprinted you with, that should change some things but am afraid it's not much."

" What is the change?"I asked out of curiosity.

" Because, you will die having found the antidote, I hoped you will spend a little time with your child before you leave him or her."

" Why the Lion penis?" I asked trying to curve my mouth upwards.

" Because, a lion represents a King, if you could have your child when Prince Sepo becomes King, the better."

" I thank you for everything, and I hope you won't blame yourself too much."

Kuku, stared at me for sometime, but didn't say anything...She regretted her decision. I could see that clearly. She wished it had ended with her.

" Am I going to see you again Kuku?" I asked her knowing she was avoiding saying that herself. With tears in my eyes I waited for her confirmation of the answer I already knew.

" Only when you pass the mantle to someone else."

" But I really hoped, this would end with me." I told her.

" I would want that too, but that is not for us to decide."

" I understand."


Prince Sepo had laid me on the bed in the tented hut. He sat by my side holding my hand.

" Prince Sepo, it's me Wina...Can I came in?"

" Come in Prince Wina."

" How is she?"

" Still sleeping, she must have cured someone but she is not that irresponsible."

" I think, if she did she must have had a good reason because I have never seen my sister or anyone as fierce as she was in the battlefield today, she truly did scare me." he chuckled.

" She will be fine."

When Wina left Prince Sepo sat there​ and continued to stare at me.

" You are really beautiful and brave and am proud to call you my wife.

I remember, the first time I met you, you..."

Something​ clicked inside his head, I saw her faint at age ten back in Seke...that time the pain that I was feeling suddenly disappeared.

Then when she came here, even when she was not around, the pain always seem to disappear after a short time.

Is this just in my head?"

He saw a knife near his pile of clothes. He picked the knife, looking at me, he generously cut himself on the finger. He felt the pain, but no blood and the pain like the blood, was non existent after a short time.

He searched for  my fingers and found one that had a cut on it and was bleeding.

" No, don't make me such a husband... please wake up." he said, hugging me and rocking me back and forth like a baby crying.

Royal etiquette thrown out of the window. He was crying inconsolably.