

It wasn't long before Huan Biyu finally arrived to accompany them.

The queen who had so much pending even waited for the beta to finally arrive so she could leave the room.

She would sneak into the corner of the room watching the delicacy and beauty of her fiancée who was talking animatedly with Chow about how to do something related to sewing.

They seemed to understand each other and were really entertained by the matter, the queen just sighed in her heart until she finally saw that Biyu had arrived.

The queen briefly said goodbye, knowing that at the end of the day she would see Chow Niu again and she and Anna walked steadily towards the office.

Chow Niu couldn't describe the relief in her heart to see that Wang Zheng had finally left.

She always felt that she was committing an act of betrayal when she saw Liu Wei.