
The prince of water

Two men matter most in Ivy's life, two exceptional men, one a hero she has always admired, the other the ruler of an Empire she has always envied, two men with indomitable personalities and extraordinary powers who nevertheless hated each other long before they knew her. She loves them both. So who in the end will win her heart.

ashellion · ファンタジー
157 Chs


In desperation, Ivy tried to dream up some fairy tales. Then her denial of the dreadful reality began and led her down an even more dangerous path than the one she was already standing on. She imagined that she was home again, with her beloved family and friends, and that in the evening Kreiz would come to pick her up for their usual outing, to the restaurant, to the cinema and then to the theater, and that this time it was her turn to choose the show. 

She imagined them together, living in a sublime castle. Ivy was a princess, sublime and radiant, her own, while the great writer ruled wisely and fairly over their kingdom, loving his wife more than anyone else and living each day to the fullest. An eternal happiness.