
The Prince of Thieves

Yuuji was an ordinary Japanese highschool boy, but then, a terrible accident happened and he was reincarnated into another world, he turns into a thief to survive, but instead he thrived, as the prince of thieves.

thelazywriter_3wq7 · ファンタジー
4 Chs

Chapter 2: A New, Unlikely Ally.

Leanor wakes up in a different place, in a white bed with a metal frame."(Where am I?)" Somebody then enters the room he's in, "Yo....Your awake sir!?", it was a girl in a nurses outfit."Uhm, where is this?", "Oh, uhh your in a hospital sir.", " A hospital!? where there people who carried me here?", "Yes sir.". Suddenly, Ellise rushes in and slaps him in the face.

"What was that for!?","It was for making me worry, you dumbass!", "Oh shut up!", "Why don't you shut up!?". the nurse then breaks them apart. "Can you please be quiet!? Were in a hospital!"

They then stop arguing. "Fine just for now.", "(Just for now!?)", Someone else then rushes in there furiously. He then punches Leanor. "You son of a bitch! You could have save them, but instead, you waited till the last moment!". Someone then stops him." Sir, can you be quit, we are in a hospital!". The guard then takes him out.

"Was that the party leader?". Ellise asks. "Yeah, I think he was very angry for the death of his teammates, he was right about what he said, about me waiting till the last moment." He then stands up. "Sir ,you should not really be standing sir.", "I'm fine.". He stands up and almost trips , but was helped up by Ellise.

They then go to the hospitals balcony. "It's a really nice view isn't it, its been a really long time since I was here." Leanor admires the view. "You've been here?", "Yeah, I was hired to steal the "Bloody Scarlet Eyes." that the king loved so much, that did not end well *heh*.". he then looks away from her from shame and guilt of what he's done. Ellise then touches him on the shoulder." It's fine." She says with a smile, she then almost kisses him, but stops at the last moment. "(What was I thinking, ughh I'm such an idiot!)"

"What were you about to do?". Ellise then turns bright red after he asked the question." No... Nothing! It was nothing,(Phew that was close.)". Leanor then turns around."(Good thing I didn't mention the almost kissing part.)". He then leaves the balcony. " Where are you going?".Ellise asks." I'm just gonna go prepare some horses for when we leave." He says in cold sweat. "(That was a lie, I just didn't want you to find out that I knew that you almost kissed me.)"

He then heads to the stables to prepare some horses, but when he got there he saw someone he wasn't expecting."(Why is the party leader here!?)". He backs off." Hey I'm not here to fight, I'm just here to ask a question, why did you wait till the last second to kill the goblins?". when he asked the question, Leanor felt like he would be killed in a second if he didn't answer him correctly." I.... I just did it to, to hide my Identity.". "At the cost of human lives? You really are the prince of thieves, not just of valuables or of jewelry, but of human lives.". He said it as guilt and sadness fills his heart.

"I.. I'm sorry."." You seriously think that apologizing would help!?".He then vanishes in the darkness. Leanor then takes the horses outside." What took you so long?". Ellise asks him." It's nothing.". They then head for another town. but was stop by the party leader." Let me join you."." What for?". Ellise asks him." it's for personal reasons, you may or may not know about.". He then stares at Leanor." Ellise, let him join us.". He says with a worried face.