
The Prince of Heaven N&R

after receiving a lot of abuse at his young age, naruto meets kurama and decides to become strong enough to protect himself, but unknowingly destiny has other plans for him, sending him to another world, where he will become a prince and find love.... "I would also like to remind you that I do not own the anime characters such as naruto & high school dxd do not belong to me."

Naoo_black · アニメ·コミックス
4 Chs


Night had fallen in the village of konoha. This village was known as one of the great shinobi villages that inhabited the elemental continents. For the people who had been able to visit it, it could be a beautiful place, full of warmth and peace for the most observant. With strong and determined shinobi under the will of fire so famous among the continents. And how not, if they were the winners of the three shinobi wars that occurred in previous times.

But sometimes the most beautiful things hide horrendous stories. After all, not all apples that look shiny mean that they are in good condition inside. And so was konoha seven years ago or maybe more, the truth who knows, but maybe everything converged when for some reason and without any prior warning attacked the kyubi, the one that would be known as the nine-tailed fox demon and strongest bijuu. Causing many tragedies, chaos and great losses for the village, leaving sown a hatred in all the citizens of konoha, which only became denser as time went by, and for some reason all those negative feelings fell on a poor blond boy.

That child called naruto uzumaki, or better known among the great part of the people as the demon child or the outcast of konoha, the one who was condemned to denigration and to endure the unjustified hatred of a people who focused only on their hatred, pain and resentment, without stopping to think about the damage they were causing to a child who had no control of the facts, of the destiny that was given to him, much less of the circumstances that led him to be in his current state.

Mediocre mentality of these poor people who could not, or perhaps refused to see beyond their prejudices that filled their brains, making them go to the extreme of hurting a child who since he was right knew nothing but hostile and unjustified treatment, making him wonder why he had no parents, why they hated him, why no one helped him when he received those beatings every time his birthday came. A date that for other children meant joy, for him it only meant a more painful part of his hell.

Those were the questions that always haunted the thoughts of the little blond who was sitting on a bed, with his eyes fixed on the floor of the room, tears running freely down his cheek culminating in small drops that fell to his feet.

- What have I done to receive so much hatred? Naruto wondered aloud as he tried to wipe away the tears that fell continuously, until after a few more minutes of crying he fell fast asleep.

The next day naruto woke up to hear someone's voice knocking on the door of his apartment.- I'm coming! Naruto shouted as he got out of bed and started walking towards the door to find out who was looking for him.

When he opened the door naruto saw an old man of 1.65 centimeters tall, dressed in a completely red robe that reached his feet, over this he was wearing a white haori with long sleeves, and also wore a red hat with a white square with a kan ji for fire on the front.

- Good morning old man, naruto greeted the third hokage with a fake smile, which hid the true feelings he was trying to hide under it.

- Good morning naruto, how are you feeling? asked the third hokage, as he reciprocated the boy's smile with one of his own.

- Fine, replied Naruto while hiding a yawn with his hand.- May I come in? asked the hokage.

Naruto stared for a few seconds. His gaze was not directed at the hokage as such, but at his back where a pair of masked ninja stood. The first ninja that was on the left side had a feminine appearance, she was dressed in black ninja pants, with a white ribbon that covered half of her right thigh, gloves of the same color that reached above her elbows, on the back of her hands she had a metal plate, she also wore gray arm protectors, which matched the vest she was wearing, a white cat mask hid her face leaving only her long purple hair in sight.

The second one on the right side had a more masculine appearance and was taller than his companion, had the same clothing, except that he wore a dog mask, and his hair was short and silver in color.

Naruto could have sworn that from the left hole of the mask, where his eye should be, he saw a faint red glow come out.

- Calm down naruto they are two anbus of my complete confidence.

Despite the words of the third hokage naruto continued observing them carefully, as if he was looking for something, or trying to remember where he had seen them, something that could perhaps take a little while due to the clothes that covered them, but after a second naruto nodded, implying that in his mind something had been clarified.

- Lose old man, they are the same people who helped me when those drunks from the village chased me down an alley and beat me up. Naruto replied as he stepped aside so that the hokage and the anbus could pass into his small apartment.

The third one was a little surprised by naruto's statement, because even if they were the ones who helped him on that occasion, according to the reports that reached him naruto was unconscious when the two anbus had come to his rescue. However, he passed calmly to the apartment followed by the two anbus on his back.

After passing into the apartment the hokage walked into the living room and sat down on a chair that was next to a small circular table, which was in the middle of the room, while naruto also sat across from him with a sleepy face. And so they stayed like that for a few seconds, until the old hokage broke the silence.

- Naruto I got reports that they completely filled the mask store of a citizen of the trade area with green paint, and there was also a sighting of a supposed fox-faced ghost that has been scaring many children during the week. Said the hokage as he tried to hide the smile that was developing on his face as he remembered the reports and complaints that had come to his office earlier in the day.

- I don't know what you're talking about old man, I haven't heard any of that stuff, said naruto as he looked away, trying to hide his mischievous grin.

- Come on Naruto, we both know that if it was you who caused all that commotion, I just want to know why you did it?

Naruto noticing that the third hokage was staring at him, waiting for the prompt answer, had no choice but to turn his gaze to him, but not before giving a wide smile resembling a playful fox.

- It's okay old man, it was me, it's just that I wanted to give them a taste of what Naruto Uzumaki can do, and that if they mess with me, or talk behind my back, I will have no qualms about getting back at them. Said the blond while maintaining his slutty smile.

The third hokage kept staring at the little blond, without averting his gaze even for a second, so much so that you could already see the little blond looking more self-conscious under the watchful eye, until the old man began to laugh freely.

- I find some of your jokes funny, but you have to be careful not to cause serious trouble to the pranksters. Said the third one with a small smile decorating his words.

But also in the hokage's mind he feared for the reactions that the villagers and some ninja from the chunin rank down might take when they found out that the one who has been perpetuating and making their days a complete hell was none other than the little blond, that although he would not blame him at all, since it was his way of telling them that he would not be subjugated by any of the bad treatment they might give him.

For him, that was a great virtue of the little one that despite the bad things he always gets up again and continue no matter what, although there are also moments where the blond breaks in pain and cries alone to not worry the few people who really care about him, and the third hokage knew about all that, but he just wanted the blond to take his time and trust him to help him with those repressed feelings, but until that day comes, he would continue to wait.- Old man, are you all right? Naruto asked aloud, since the third hokage had remained in complete silence and with a lost look.

The hokage came back to reality after noticing that naruto was calling him while looking at him with a face full of doubts before the lost look that the old hokage had.- Sorry naruto, I got lost in my thoughts. Mentioned the old man while showing a small smile.

- And may I ask, what was I thinking, I say since it seems you were out of this world. - Relax, it's just unimportant stuff, so don't make a big deal out of it. Said the old man to the blond while waving his right hand to emphasize his words.

- If you say so. Naruto said unconvinced by the words of the hokage, because despite always having fun at the expense of the jokes he made, or that made him have more work, he was one of the most beloved people of the blond, so much was his affection for the old man that he himself considered him as a grandmother, and he would hate that the old man was having serious problems because of him.The old man felt a little uncomfortable to see the look of sadness that was forming on the face of the little blond, so it occurred to him to change the subject, as he would hate to see the little boy sad, because he was very fond of him, considering him as a second grandson to him, so he considered addressing the issue of how Naruto could identify the two anbus guards that he had behind his back.

- Naruto how did you know how to identify these two anbus, the hokage asked while pointing his thumb at his back.Naruto was silent for a few seconds trying to analyze the best way to tell the old hokage, how he could identify them because for him it was something very difficult to explain and he would not know if they would understand what he was going to tell them.

- I would not know how to explain it very well, but that day, when I was beaten by those drunks I could feel something like that, like spirits approaching quickly to the place where I was, and when they finally arrived I also thought I saw for a few seconds a kind of blue flame coming out of them, but after that I do not remember anything else, until when I woke up in the hospital. Naruto said a little unsure if the third party would believe his story, or would he think he was going crazy.

Flash back:

A little blond boy was running with all his might down a lonely street in konoha. His nervousness and fear was more than evident.

In his mind he could only curse himself for having made the stupid mistake of having stayed so long away from home, and more on this day, the day that for him should be one of the happiest, had also become the day or in this case night of the fox hunt, or so those damn fools liked to call it.And so it had all begun, two years ago, when on his fifth birthday, he was beaten and thrown like a dog out of the orphanage where he lived. Crying, disconsolate and with no other options, he had to wander the streets trying to find a place to sleep.

He tried to ask for help from as many people as he could find, but all he got was grunts and hate speech. After a few hours he gave up and went to a lonely alley, made a makeshift bed with cardboard and was left alone, cold and crying for what was happening, but unfortunately that was his first mistake, because after a few minutes a mob of adults arrived and beat him mercilessly, while they laughed and said they were happy for the hunt of the fox boy.

- Grab him, don't let that damned demon child escape. The adult's scream was heard as they chased the blond.Naruto upon hearing the man's scream tried to run as fast as his little legs would let him, and he ran for a while, until he got into an alley and hid behind some trash cans trying to hide and catch his breath.

- Damn, I have to get out of here and get to my apartment as fast as possible. Naruto said to himself as he jaded, and tried to breathe calmly, after all he had to avoid being found before he got to his apartment.

Naruto thought about the small apartment that the third hokage gave him as a gift after he found out about the fact that he had nowhere to stay because he had been kicked out of the orphanage as a dog. He also thought that thanks to this one he had been saved from the beating on his sixth birthday, even though he didn't leave the apartment at night, he wasn't saved from having the outside of his house left full of paint, or a few broken glasses, but nevertheless they were better than a beating that would leave him in the hospital again.

- I hope they are gone, Naruto said to himself as he looked out to see if he could spot any of his pursuers, but seeing no one in his range of vision, he rose from his hiding place to continue his run in the direction of his home.

With a little more calm Naruto slowly came out from behind the garbage cans, and began to take a few steps in reverse, while keeping an eye on the street he came from, in case someone was coming. But his nervousness came with greater force when he felt he bumped into someone behind him.

- You thought you could escape from us, you brat demon.

After hearing that voice, the little blond could not help but feel the fear that filled his body again, and just wanted to think that it would be part of his nerves that was playing a joke, but when he turned around he saw that unfortunately it was not so, and that voice belonged to a tall and muscular man, He was dressed in opaque gray pants and a green vest, under which he was wearing a kind of shirt that exposed his chest and abdomen, but what most attracted the boy's attention was the scar that started from his left cheekbone and ended on the right side of his mouth.

The blond was totally still, his mind was running at its maximum capacity thinking about how he could escape from that situation and the intimidating looking guy who was in front of him, but no matter how hard he tried he could not find any escape. Until out of fear and despair at the situation he was in, Naruto grabbed a small garbage bag on his side and threw it in the ninja's face, and then ran out of the alley.

But the blond did not have time to get very far, because he had not noticed the bottle flying in his direction, and the object did not take long to reach its target, which in this case was the back of naruto's neck, who perceiving the severe pain after the impact of the bottle fell to his knees, his mind was completely clouded and his body refused to respond because of the bruise, but the little naruto was determined to escape, so he began to struggle with all his strength to get to his feet and be able to escape.

However, all his efforts were wasted, when he felt a new wave of pain invade his body from a strong kick in his side, which sent him crashing into a wall, causing him to vomit blood upon impact. And in front of the beaten naruto was the ninja with the scar on his face covered with waste, his expression was of complete anger and without wasting time he grabbed the boy by the neck and lifted him up until he had naruto's face in front of his.

- Damn brat, I'm going to make you pay with tears and blood for having covered me with garbage. Said the man with an evil smile that filled his features and in turn tightened his grip on Naruto.

Naruto tried to break free from the grip in which the ninja had him, with all the strength that his small and battered body allowed him, but the results were unsuccessful, the man was clearly stronger, naruto was trying everything, between blows and kicks he felt that his breathing was slower, until the strength left his arms.

The ninja seeing that Naruto was running out of strength, let him fall, and while the blond was falling he gave him a direct hook to his stomach causing the little air that had reached his lungs to leave again abruptly and accompanied by a trickle of blood that ran through the lips of the blond.

Without being able to do anything to defend himself Naruto fell to the ground clutching his stomach, trying to relieve the pain, his head could not think clearly, the pain ran through every inch of his body, but he did not want to be defeated so easily, and tried to stand up but was greeted with another kick in his side, but this time it was much stronger, so much so that Naruto was pushed by a few centimeters, giving a couple of turns to be face up with his eyes closed by the pain.

And when he finally opened them, naruto noticed the three drunks that had been chasing him, also accompanying them were two women with sticks in hand and another ninja that naruto could not see more than the konoha diadem that was adorning his forehead. Naruto tried to arrest himself to a safe place, but he was beaten by the two women, and when they got tired of the drunks hitting and kicking him, one of them broke a bottle and embedded it in the blond's right leg, causing a rite of pain from the blond.

The blows, kicks, punches, cuts and above all the insults accompanied by spitting did not stop raining on the blond for a very long time, where the blond could only mutter to be left alone, he had not done anything and even if in the mind of Naruto that was true, for the issuers of the beating was not true and therefore did not think to stop, to leave him seriously injured or dead.

In naruto's mind only reigned the pain, which was constantly growing, to the point that he stopped feeling any limb, his body began to feel light, as if it had no weight at all, his brain had turned off the pain receptors to protect his mind. He could only ask for someone to help him, some god to protect him, and so he walked until everything was silent. 

- This will be the end of me, and if it is, I think it would be better than being in this shitty life. Naruto said to himself as he allowed himself to be consumed by silence.

Increasingly resigned, the blond could only see darkness, as he felt his body being slowly carried away by some kind of water current, with no apparent direction he found himself lost, but he wasn't paying attention to it either, because he thought that was what the embrace of death felt like.

Naruto let his body be carried by that current and took that silence to think about everything that had happened to him, during the short years he had lived, the unjustified hatred that the people gave him, the few people who were precious to him, the old teuchi and his daughter ayame who always treated them as part of their family, the third hokage who was always looking after him, and who always saw him as a grandfather.

All those memories flooded naruto's mind, so much so, that he did not notice the faint sound of a leak, that as he advanced the clearer the sound became, and without noticing the darkness in which he was fading little by little, until he reached a large room with pipes that adorned the walls, while from these dripped a red liquid.

The blond left his thoughts aside when he felt his body stop being moved by the strange current, and he turned his gaze to the walls of the strange room he was in. All he could see were those strange pipes that when he followed them with his eyes he noticed that they all culminated in a large golden grille that in the middle of it was pasted a paper with the kan ji for prison.

Confused by the situation, the blond tried to get up, only to realize that the stream of water that had brought him to the room disappeared and instead left a lagoon that reached above his knees and extended beyond the grating, with nothing more to do and thus giving up his death the blond walked slowly towards the grating, thinking that beyond it he would find heaven, hell or the place where people went when they died.

- If you think this is the way out you want, let me tell you, you are wrong.

Naruto jumped with fright when he heard that rough voice, which echoed throughout the room, the blond turned everywhere trying to find the source of that voice, but he could not see anyone, there was only the gigantic grille, and he could not see anything inside it.

- I thought my jailer would be someone stronger, not a cowardly brat who only cries when he is trampled without doing anything, clamoring for his death without even being able to return any blow that damn town has given you. Said the mysterious voice with a mocking tone.

Naruto remained silent letting the weight of those words fall on him, he knew it was true what that voice was saying, but what could be a child against an entire village, no matter how hard he fought he did not have the strength to defeat those who were causing him harm.

- You know why they keep abusing you. Why they beat you, kick you and insult you. asked that voice.

Naruto opened his eyes at the question, but he could not say anything, he just kept his head down, while he let the tears run down his face until they mixed with the water in the room.

- It's because you're weak, and the worst thing is that you don't do anything about it, or am I wrong?

Once again the blond didn't have the courage to answer, but for every time that question repeated itself in him, it made an immense rage rise from him, wondering if he really was weak, that if he were stronger none of this would be happening, and the more he thought about it the more he was filled with anger.

- I see you don't have enough courage to fight. Your parents would be disappointed in the coward of a son they had. The venom was more than clear in the words of that voice.

Naruto hearing those words could not contain his anger, he knew he was an orphan, that he might not have any family, he also knew that his father had died or that was what the third hokage told him, but he clung to the belief that his parents would love him no matter what, and hearing those words from that voice made something inside him break.

- What would you know. You know what it's like to feel alone, or what it's like to be hated and you don't even know why. You know what hell it's like to feel the loneliness eating you up inside. The blond shouted at the top of his lungs.

- I just keep hearing you cry, but I don't hear that you want to do anything about it to make them pay for what they did to you," answered the mysterious voice. 

- I don't have the power to do it, whispered the blond while all the anger was diminishing before the statement.

- Then I will lend you the strength, so that you can disappear everything that hurts you," said that voice with a smiling tone.

When suddenly the little blond noticed a red liquid coming out of that grating and heading towards his position, the blond was completely still when he felt that the liquid began to enter his body, nervous about what would happen to him began to check every part of his body, but not noticing any change wanted to leave the place as quickly as possible, but as soon as he turned around the blond felt that his body began to release a foam that began to cover his body slowly, while at the same time he felt that his body temperature was increasing rapidly, Naruto could not even think about the changes that were happening to him, when a wave of pain flooded his body, the boy felt that he was being burned alive.

Unable to bear the pain naruto threw himself on the floor of the room trying to relieve the pain or extinguish the flames that he believed were consuming him, but it had all been in vain because the pain did not stop, and for every second that passed for naruto that was worse than being beaten by the townspeople and the ninja that had been chasing him.

While naruto was suffering inside his mind, outside his mind the people who were beating the blond stopped doing it when they noticed that a red foam was coming out of the boy's body and his wounds were closing leaving a vapor as a trace. The fear was accumulating when they felt that pressure and murderous aura coming out of the little blond, the ninja present could only sweat because of the aura, while the civilians began to fall on their butts, their bodies did not stop tempering, they knew who that aura was from, it was the same one from seven years ago.

Their fears reached the highest point, when they saw the boy who was lying on the ground and bleeding to death, standing in front of them without any trace of the wounds they had inflicted on him.