
The Prince's Lazy Reader

The 7th son. The bastard child. The worthless trash. All common names of myself, Prince Mackenzie Everblade. At a young age I received an incredible blessing from the gods. [Telepathy] A blessing strong enough to rupture the bubbling power struggle between my siblings. A power I chose to hide in fear for my life. But one day, I heard the strange thoughts of the scummiest noble in school, August Vale. 'Huh? I'm inside the body of the novel's forgettable scumbag, August Vale? This is awesome!' From that point onward, my life became a living hell.

MERCURY · ファンタジー
21 Chs

Professor Boyden

Covered from head to toe in dirt, I met with August in the training hall.

He was wielding one of the school's training blades, repeatedly striking the dummy.

When his peripheral caught me, he stopped to call out to me.

"How'd it go, Your Highness?"


I shot him a look of disdain.

"I'll... take that as a no."

We sat down and gathered our thoughts again.

"August, I understand the severity of the situation, but why haven't you sought outside help from instructors in the academy? Thinking about it logically, doesn't saving her on our own seem inefficient?"

'Does this prince even remember who he's talking to?'

"Have you ever heard of The Boy Who Cried Wolf?"

"I... see your point."

I almost forgot about the original owner of this body.

His original tone, mannerisms, and attitude were all completely different.

Even the way he sits and holds his posture.

It did not resemble the once noble image August enjoyed holding over others.

But to everyone else, it didn't matter if every bit suddenly changed.

August Vale was still August Vale.

If he asked for help, most people would assume he was the root cause.

"Wait... that's it!"

An idea came to my head.

August withdrew while asking.

"W-whats it?"

My finger shone the spotlight on August.

"You! You're the problem they can solve!"


The plan was simple.

August Vale was already a poorly received name around the school.

If I told an instructor he was fighting with Princess Aurelia in the academy library, they'd surely help!

Get the timings aligned, the assassin should appear, and the teacher can apprehend him.

So long as August and I keep our stories straight, we can remove suspicion and remark on the incident as a coincidence.

"That's a great plan, Mackenzie!"

Thanks to the imposter taking over August, it makes suggesting this plan all the easier.

"I'm glad! With this, I think we'll be able to rescue your sister!"

I wonder why the imposter is so determined to save her.

Saving the story was his goal, but is there something else?

Our enthusiasm split into two opposite ends.

Honestly, I wouldn't care if Princess Aurelia died.

But I need to fulfill my end of the bargain.

Starting the very next day, August and I took to our roles.

August trained in swordsmanship on the training grounds.

As backup support, it could prove sufficient.

But our main goal was to have an instructor apprehend the assassin, so my role was to acquire one.

I was no longer going after spirit magic.

August gave no complaints either.

When I pried him earlier for more information, his answers were vague.

'I'm very knowledgeable on spirit magicians except for their ability to communicate with spirits. Although their magic is incredibly strong, specific details about the class are unknown.'

Even when I checked August's thoughts, it proved true.

With our new plan, it's deemed unnecessary.

I agree.

Almost every instructor and professor in this school was proficient in a particular field.

And as long as that field was combat, the assassin shouldn't be an issue.

I have only one issue left to address, and it's not related to August's reputation. 

Now, the issue is about my reputation. 

The bastard son of King Casimir.

Not only students but staff also regard me as unworthy of the name.

To them, there is no value to my existence.

If I asked them for help, a disappointing stare was all I would get.

Due to the outside influence of my siblings over the years, the personal opinions of Sylvanvale's staff have changed.

Some of them have even outright sponsored a few of my siblings.

I needed a neutral force for this task.

Things might also become difficult if it's spread that I'm helping Princess Aurelia.

So they needed to be tight-lipped as well.

Thankfully, I had the perfect person in mind.

"Professor Boyden!"

The doors almost swung off their hinges.

I burst into the professor's office with a loud bang.

Slipping the sleeping mask off his face, Professor Boyden glared at me.

"What do you want, Redhead?"

Keeping my friendly manner, I asked him.

"Good afternoon, Professor. Would you like to play a game of chess?"

I don't hold any bonds with any of the teachers at Sylvanvale.

So, I'll have to secure one.

"Chess? Is that why you've woken me from my nap? I'm not interested."

The first step is to lay out their interests.

"Hmm, is it too challenging a game for an ex-mercenary like yourself?"

"Can you shut up? I don't care."

'Why is this kid bringing up my past?'

Then compel them to listen further.

"Or is it the opposite? Do you find metaphorical battles less interesting than the real thing? Tactician Boyden."

A stunned gaze stared me in the eyes.

"Oi Brat..."

'Does this Red-head know about him?'

The atmosphere suddenly changed.

"...How'd you learn that information?"

Killing intent dripped from his words.

It sent a wave of fear down my spine.

Tactician Boyden is a veteran mercenary and expert tactician.

In the past, he was presented with an official position as General in King Casimir's army.

Turning it down, he opted to leave the battlefield, now working as an instructor at Sylvanvale.

There was a very special reason why the man decided to settle.

However, all that information is supposed to be private.

Telepathy solves that problem.

In the face of my blessing, hidden pasts, rumors, and secret identities were all revealed.

I calmed my nerves, answering back.

"If you beat me in a match, I'll tell you how."

"Fine, whatever. Don't go asking for anything if you win."

'He won't win anyways...'

Making sure to cover the corners of my lips, I replied.


Fifteen minutes later...


I won.

"H-how did you? Again! Let's play best 2 out of 3!"


I won.

"One more!"




I kept winning.

"What the hell? It's like you know every move I'm about to make, right before I make it!"

You sure are right about that.

6 - 0

Telepathy is all I have.

It's the skill I've spent the most time using and the one thing still keeping me alive.

And if there's one thing I've learned about this blessing.

Is that it's incredibly effective against those with highly strategic minds.

"Whew! That was quite fun Professor!"

As I got ready to leave the room, a small knife flew by my face and dug into the door.

"Where do you think you're going? I still haven't won yet."

There was a particular reason why I chose chess as my means to earn some trust with Professor Boyden.

He was competitive.

Specifically when playing chess, a game he was incredibly skilled in.

The knife throw was an unnecessary threat.

I planned to come back anyways.


He's too kindhearted to harm a student.

"It's already almost curfew. If you want to play again, I'll be back tomorrow, but don't think you'll win."

"Fine. I'll make you eat those words."

Flashing by, the end of the week stared us down.

All the pieces were in place.

The imposter held a training sword at his waist.

We double-checked to make sure Princess Aurelia was in the library.

Sure enough, she was.

The setting sun set the scene behind us.

Professor Boyden would be in his office around this time.

My efforts to play against him this week were worthwhile.

I purposely lost a few times against him this week to avoid suspicion.

Pinning the rumor of his hidden title on another professor.

Maybe it was because I won so much, but I surprisingly enjoyed my time with him.

"You ready?"

I looked over to the face of August.

I could see the fear in his eyes as he met mine.

He nodded to himself.

"Yeah... let's do this."

Thank you for reading everyone!

If you'd like me to extend the chapters starting next week, feel free to comment below.

( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

See you until then!

MERCURYcreators' thoughts