
Not Easy Prey

Absomet had been bleeding soldiers faster than she could produce new ones, and this situation was not helped when her fabrication and cloning facilities were reduced to functioning barely above 25%.

The Rune Ship still fought hard with what she had available. Each soldier was armored with a metallic armor that resembled silver mirrors, these were the latest iteration of armor produced by the Rune Ship after she discovered how ineffective her previous armor was to the power of the Abominations.

At the first clash, Absomet had with Lamia, the Abomination Champion alongside its troops had torn through a hundred thousand soldiers like a hot knife through butter, as her previous armor had no way to restrict the Abomination from infecting and absorbing her soldiers, in fact, the core of the Reapers, Lamia foremost shock troops came from these batch of Absomet soldiers.