
Descent of Calamity

This was an order that had been given 147 times in the last seven hundred thousand years. This was the amount of times in the past when despite their many weaknesses the Blood Bound had either rebelled or their numbers had been reduced to such a drastic state, it could only be cleansed and new crops made to rise.

What was worthy of note was that the Black Bolt organization had no idea of the new giant form of the Blood Blessed, as far as they were concerned the most powerful Blood Bound was similar to a powerful Deific Ranked Explorer, in other words, merely bigger ants.

They sent only a single Ascendant to rid the continent of all life. Storm Hammer, was an Ascendant more than four million years old, unable to reach the Second Dan, Storm Hammer spent most of her time on the lower continents and her appetite for slaughter was nearly unmatched and she was Jerediah's lover.