
Volume 3 – Epilogue

And here we are finally at the epilogue, where I can finally tell you about some things.

But let's go in order.

1) Cover and news regarding the web novel: If you have been reading The Price Of The Crown for at least a month or so you will have noticed that there has been a change of cover (positive in my opinion). Both were made on commission but this one here (despite the higher cost) fully satisfies me both the style and what is represented there. The previous cover aimed to represent how the protagonist, with the crown on his head, is targeted by other hands (to mean other people) who want to steal the crown. I liked the idea a lot, but those hands could not be seen. They were badly done.

With the new cover, however, the idea is to design an Attila as faithful to history as possible. On the one hand serious, on the other evil. When he sees the crown he can't hold back and half of his face transforms like that of a demon.

I sincerely hope you like it also because it did not come cheap (considering that it is also doing it for passion).

I never thought I'd keep writing for more than three months. I have been writing since June 19th and I feel I still have a lot to tell and write, so thank you for encouraging me to keep writing.

2) Plot: This third volume was not easy to do, I must admit. You do not know how many hours I spent finding medieval battles in 3D with their tactics and their development (spoiler: there is no video about this topic, but only some battles of the Roman Empire and the Greeks, therefore not from the Middle Ages) and I am concluding that I had to imagine it in my mind. I hope you enjoyed it and gave you the same emotions that I felt when I wrote it.

As I promised, the chapters were on average longer and I think I kept it.

I will not spoil you but, as we read in the last chapter, the Emperor will appoint Attila King of Jerusalem and even if this is a real goal, he decides to go ahead and aspire to something even more prestigious.

3) Indecision: I need your cooperation here. I would like to go on with the web novel, but I realized that the first few chapters are full of errors. So I would like to take some time to correct all the chapters to date to make them readable to newcomers who, discouraged by not knowing things well, often decide not to go further.

I know that it is normal for a person to read the first chapter and leave, this always happens, but there is a huge difference between the views of the first and second chapter.

So what I ask you is: do you prefer me to correct the other chapters slowly and in the meantime, I continue to write or do I stop for a few days/week and correct them all immediately? Tell me your opinion in the comments.

Once again I thank you for your support and for the fact that you can see from some comments, some people care about what I write or they just like the novel and want to go and see where it ends.

See you in the fourth volume ^^.


I officially announce that I have decided to correct the errors of the old chapters all in a week. Then the prologue of the fourth volume will be released on Monday. So see you next week ^^

Artur_Battagliericreators' thoughts