
The price of a hero.

The story follows boys and girls whose mission is to end the war that has been going on for thousands of years between humans and animals. In order to end this war they have to train to climb levels, learning techniques. Their first goal is to become a Suname. They are warriors recognized as the strongest, but first they will realize the consequences of war which are to see their loved ones die in front of their eyes, betrayals, combat strategies, suffering and hope. This will make them know how important peace is and they will do whatever it takes to achieve it. (Work registered at the NATIONAL SERVICE OF CULTURAL HERITAGE DEPARTMENT OF INTELLECTUAL RIGHTS).

Fernano_Suname_100 · アクション
6 Chs

Starting the journey.

There are four children in a room who are sleeping in their beds and there are three other children. Suddenly a bell started ringing, the sound was so loud that three children woke up immediately scared.

Anthony: I hate waking up to that sound!

Adam: yes, but it seems that Gaspar never wakes up with a noise like that.

Cristian: I wake him up.

Cristian started to move Gaspar to wake him up.

Gaspar: what's up, what's up.

Cristian: we have to go to the dining room to have breakfast.

Gaspar: Let's go!

Then he went to bed immediately and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

Anthony: we have to do the bombing.

Adam: there is no other way.

The four of them jumped on top of Gaspar. Making him wake up again.

Gaspar: I've been awake for a long time!

The three told him "Liar!

The four left the room to go to the dining room where there were many boys and girls of the same age, they are a total of eighty, a speaker saying after they have breakfast they should go to the living room, which the children went to the living room where they sat in their seats and two people on the stage.

Grade 1: good morning, this meeting is to tell you many things, but first say happy birthday to all of you I am glad that you have already turned 5 years old, I am going to tell you the doubts that you have like who are your fathers or mothers, the answer is that you were found abandoned on this island, which means that I am a kind of father because I raised you and you all could say that you are brothers (all were amazed at what they heard). I raised you to fulfill a specific objective which is to stop a war that has been going on for thousands of years against the animals. To achieve this, the first thing you have to do is to level up. How can you level up? Professor Cintia will explain it to them.

The teacher approached the center of the stage.

Cintia: I am going to do a different teaching with Grade 1. We will show you how to level up.

A girl raised her hand.

Rosa: if we are in a war, how come we haven't seen any animals?

Cintia: we are on island 5, which is secret even for our allies, besides there is a barrier that avoids being seen, feeling the energy of those who are inside and knowing who enters it, which all islands and continents are like that. But do not worry if you attack this island we have an emergency plan to evacuate all of you and I am very strong.

Cintia: well you will start training tomorrow so you can celebrate your birthday.

The following day.

In the same room Cintia told them about a person who had a level 100 with an army that attacked suddenly, appearing out of nowhere destroying for no reason, but were sealed by legendary warriors who gathered from the 7 galaxies. among them only 6 survived and four people created legendary weapons to oppose them when the seal is broken. It has already been 665 years.

Valentina: then I will eliminate that level 100!

Cintia: first focus on going up to level 2.

Everyone started to laugh.

Valentina: you will see, I will convert those real words.

Cintia: there are 4 types of energy which are the white energy that only the grades have, the bloody energy that the army of level 100 had, the purple energy which is the energy of the beings of pure evil, the blue energy which is the normal energy that people have. There are exceptions of people who are born without energy, which the doctors examine at the moment of birth, managing to understand that there are 4 difficulties of energy growth. Which the extreme difficulty are those who have no energy, difficult difficulty are those who have energy, but it costs them to go up more levels, normal difficulty have energy and have average difficulty in climbing levels and the last one that are very rare are those who are born with much more energy and climbing levels for them is very easy. All of you have normal difficulty level.

Level one has 15 power, the powers go up by 15 in 15 except for level 28 which increases by 60. When you reach level 28 the energy is so strong that it becomes visible, managing to cover the entire body of the user. In addition, the eyes change color according to their energy.

Levels increase, strength, speed, agility, flexibility, endurance and vision.

When level 10 is reached and one sleeps then the body grows up to 1, 80 meters. If you do not reach level 10 the maximum you will grow up to 1.60 meters.

On this planet there are two continents, the continent where the humans are there is a main city which is the largest and around it there are 15 cities. These cities are surrounded by walls, because of animal attacks and to prevent them from polluting the environment. To move from city to city, they must pass through subway roads. The other way to move is by air, only used by the government.

There are 5 islands around the continent. Island 1 is a city, island 2 is the best laboratory systems, some are inside the city and the most important laboratory is outside the city in a secret location. Island 3 is the location of the world army, island 4 is the species that are allied with us. The only species that has joined is the canine race, and island 5 is where we are. The other continent is the other animals, and then there are the northern and southern ice continents.

There is a title called Suname to get it you must have level 20. They can be recognized by their vest.

Grade 1: This will be their new uniform for training and battles. 

The costume is blue with black sleeves, with black pants with a thick blue line on the sides, dark shoes and black gloves.

Then they went out to train their physical condition to teach martial arts, until they were 15 years old.

Cintia: Now I will teach you how to use the energy so that you can use it. The first thing you have to do is to meditate and be able to see your energy. 

They all started to meditate and when they started to see it they were amazed to see a blue flame inside.

Anthony: They could see its energy.

Gaspar: Yes, it was like a blue flame.

Valentina: it is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Cintia: Those who have been able to see its energy. Now they have to create a sphere of energy in their hands. 

Cinzia with one hand created a ball of energy.

Cinzia: This is a ball of energy.

Valentina: Impressive!

Anthony: It is about the size of a basketball.

Cintia: you have to guide your energy into your hands and out of your body.

Gaspar: How can we do that?

Cinzia: You have to figure it out for yourselves. The only advice I can give is that it is easier to close your eyes.

They all started trying to see the shape, but they couldn't do it and after a month.

Anthony: I was able to do it.

Cinzia: now hold it for about 10 minutes.

Anthony: I will try.

After two minutes the energy ball started to move uncontrollably.

Anthony: I am not able to hold it.

The energy ball started to move faster and faster until it exploded.

Cinzia: I forgot to say that if you can't control your energy ball that happens.

Anthony: It hurt too much.

Cintia: the energy ball is a technique to attack at long distance.

Valentina: can you throw it?

Cintia: that's right.

She used the energy ball technique to throw it against a rock, when it hit, it exploded shattering the rock. Everyone was scared by the power of the explosion.

Anthony: That explosion was much stronger than mine.

Cintia: That is obvious. The higher your level is, the more powerful your destructive power will be.

As the days passed they were able to make and maintain the energy ball.

Cinzia: Now we will go to another place.

They all followed Cinzia and saw some stuffed animals.

Cinzia: now they must throw the energy ball at those stuffed animals at this distance. 

Anthony: Yes, they are far away.

Cinzia: they must work on their aim.

They all started to throw the energy ball, but halfway they faded away.

Valentina: it cannot be done.

Cinzia: yes, it can be done, but you must put more energy into your energy ball.

Anthony: then we must put a certain level of energy depending on the energy.

Cynthia: that's right. You can.

They started to put more energy to the energy ball and they were getting closer to the stuffed animals little by little. As the days went by, the children were able to hit the dolls.

Cintia: Well done, now they will learn their second technique. That is the energy barrier, you must have your hands 2 hands in front of you and visualize a shield.

Cintia performed the energy barrier.

Cintia: As you can see it has a rectangular shape and protects only the front. To perform it is the same as the energy ball, but you must visualize a shield.

Everyone started to perform it and a small shield of 10 centimeters appeared.

Valentina: Why is mine small? this won't protect me!

Anthony: We are all in the same situation.

Valentina: you are right, but I want to stand out from the others.

Gaspar: teacher Cintia, you have another tip.

Cintia: it is the same as the energy ball, you must put more energy to strengthen the technique you want to achieve.

Valentina started to put more effort making the shield bigger and suddenly the shield disappeared.

Valentina: I almost made it.

Cintia: you must take your time. You are just learning to use your energy.

Valentina: if I learn to control my energy I can achieve any kind of technique.

Cinzia: no, the effort and dedication you put into it will make you achieve it.

Valentina: I will do my best!

Starting to perform the technique trying to make the energy shield bigger.

After a few days of training they were able to make the shield.

Cinzia: now we are going to test the hardness of your shield.

Adam: Aren't you going to launch your energy ball attack?

Cinzia: of course not, besides their shields have not completed it.

Anthony: what are our shields missing?

Cintia: you will find out with the next part of the training. They are going to meet in pairs and one will make the shield and the other will hit the shield with their fists.

They gathered in groups selected by teacher Cintia and tested their shields with physical blows.

Jackson hit the shield and got through it with ease.

Valentina: my shield is useless! why?!

Jackson looked at the others and saw that the shields were easily broken by the blows.

Jackson: everyone's shield doesn't work either.

Valentina: that's what he meant, the shields are not complete. They lack hardness.

Cinzia: that's right, everybody get together!

They all approached her.

Cinzia: as you noticed, your shields lack hardness. To improve this you must hold your shield for ten seconds and put as much energy as you can into that shield during that period. Since they only focused on making their shields visible.

They started to train in pairs while they were making their shields the other would start hitting that shield for ten seconds. As the days passed the shield started to receive little damage until there is no damage to their shields.

Cintia: Now let's test how you can stop an energy ball with your shields.

Valentina: Come on Jackson, throw it whenever you want.

Jackson: Here it goes!

Jackson launches the energy ball colliding with the shield creating a smoke screen and the energy barrier resisted as well as the others.

Cintia: Now that's a shield. Now comes the fun part.

Gaspar: What is that fun part?

Cintia: with the same partners they must fight against the others and they must try to hit their partner with the energy ball. The one who manages to hit his partner with the energy ball wins. A tournament is going to be held.

Valentina: We have to win.

Jackson: Of course we will win.

The tournament started and continued until we reached the final.

Cintia: now we come to the grand final the team of Adam and Anthony against Kevin and Brian.

Valentina: I wanted to win the tournament and we lost in the semi-final to Kevin and Brian.

Jackson: not everything can be won in this life.

Valentina: I wanted to be the exception.

Anthony: they are the only ones missing and we will win.

Adam: that's right.

Kevin: They think they can beat us.

Adam: Of course.

Brian: We'll see.

Anthony: I'll show you how a champion fights.

Cintia: Let's start!

Anthony and Adam started to run quickly towards them, but the other two started to throw energy balls, they started to dodge the energy balls.

Anthony:<<the closer we don't get, the harder it is to be able to dodge their attacks>>, he thought.

Until they were not able to dodge it using the energy shield, generating a smoke screen where Kevin and Brian quickly came out of the smoke. Since they came out immediately the others also came out and where they raised their fists to hit, but the others who were surprised of their sudden appearance being so close to them also raised their fists making the four hit each other and with the other hand they used energy ball where Anthony hit Brian in the stomach with the technique, but Kevin anticipated what Adam would do and dodged the energy ball while performing the technique impacting Adam's back.

Cintia: Brian and Kevin eliminated.

Anthony and Kevin being face to face used the technique several times, but all of them were neutralized by the collision of their techniques, creating a great smoke curtain leaving them blind, where the two closed their eyes to know where their energy is and when the energy is not available.

They continued to throw energy balls as they approached until they were both hit by the energy ball at the same time causing them both to fall to the ground. As the smoke dissipated they were both on the ground.

Cinzia: Were either of them hit by the technique? 

They both raised their hands and were surprised because they thought they had lost.

Cinzia: then it is a draw.

Anthony: It was very exciting to fight with you.

Kevin: Likewise.

Brian: we must face each other later to break the tie.

Adam: you are right, to prove which is the best duo.

The four of them shook hands with a promise to break the tie, after a few days, Cintia will teach them a new technique.

The next day the bell rang and Adam, Cristian and Anthony woke up scared.

Anthony: One of these days I will have a heart attack.

Adam: That will happen to all of us except for Gaspar.

Cristian: how come he doesn't wake up with that?

Anthony: no idea, but I have a method of how to wake him up in a more efficient way.

He made a ball of energy and started smiling pointing at Gaspar.

Adam: don't do it!

Cristian moved Gaspar waking him up.

Gaspar: what's up, what's up.

Cristian: it's time to start the day.

Gaspar: yes I know.

Then he laid down and fell asleep in the blink of an eye.

Anthony: Now I'll give it to him!

Cristian: I'll cover you, do it.

Adam: don't do it! you guys are evil!

Gaspar woke up.

Gaspar: Quiet! Let him sleep peacefully!

Everyone looked at him in surprise.

Adam: there seems to be no other way, Anthony take him down!

Anthony: got it.

He threw the energy ball and Gaspar used energy ball and the techniques collided with each other forming an explosion.

After the four of them tidied up their room, but they had to skip their breakfast to go to training.

Cintia: Form groups of five people who must throw a ball of energy that are directed towards the same target and must make them collide with each other, this will make them come together. If they manage to do this, they will form a big ball of energy, this technique will increase 30 power, that is, two more levels.

They were able to achieve the technique taking 1 month because they had coordination problems between them, performing the technique correctly during the night, where a group performed the great ball of energy upwards to know its maximum reach, to reach the maximum that could the technique exploded. Where everyone was amazed at how beautiful it looked, where many nicknamed him the blue star.

In the morning, Grade 1 gathered everyone in the classroom to say something important.