
The President's Love Code

Aryanna is an orphan born out of wedlock. For years she has struggled to live a lonely life in a society that shuns her for her mother's sins. She meets her boyfriend, Carlos, who warms his way to her heart. He gives her every reason to trust him. Until she discovers his scheming ways and deceitful nature. She uncovers the reason why he approached her and it breaks her to pieces. His boss, Sebastian appears out of the blue and sweeps her off her feet with an offer of love that promises vengeance to the people who hurt her. Will the alluring temptation of passion and power sway Aryanna to accept his offer? *The cover isn't mine. Credit goes to the owner.*

precious_pruddy · 都市
106 Chs

7:Wedding gift

Aryanna plastered a smile on her face as she pushed the doors to Sebastian's office open. Her heart hammered against her chest, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. She felt nervous stepping into his office.

Every step felt like walking on glass. Sebastian's world was manicured from top to bottom. She encountered his fragrance in the room. The smokey scent of mint wafted in the air. 

Her eyes scanned the room for her better half. Anxious to see him, they had been apart for a day, Sebastian flew back from the beach house for urgent work. He insisted she stay behind and enjoy the comforts of the beach. 

Aryanna's plane landed an hour ago, the minute she landed in her city, her first thoughts were to visit her husband. The trip away cleansed her soul of the cruelty of the world. He showed her that someone like her can receive kindness and love. 

For the first time, Aryanna got to experience the princess treatment that girls at the cafe brag about. Which increased her insecurities, Sebastian walked into her life out of the blue and gave her the world at her feet. Aryanna feared he might one day disappear as quickly as he came. 

She has pulled herself back from the brinks of hell on countless occasions. Aryanna wasn't sure if she'd be able to pull herself out now that she'd seen the beauty of heaven. 

"Good morning, sweetheart," Sebastian hugged her from her back. Breaking her daze, Aryanna failed to notice his arrival as she was lost in her train of thought. "Why did you insist on seeing me? You should be resting. "

Aryanna wrapped her hands around his and accepted the hug. She leaned her head back and leaned on his chest. Aryanna closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. His scent calmed her nerves. 

"Are you displeased?" her sweet voice meekly sounded. 

Sebastian kissed her cheek, "I'm not displeased. Simply worried you might tire yourself out, " he expressed his concern. 

Aryanna beamed. She refused to let her anxiety ruin the beautiful time she was having. Aryanna knew that tomorrow wasn't certain and the two of them might find their paths diverging from each other. 

Nevertheless, that was a bridge she'll cross when that time comes. For now, she resigned to enjoy every beautiful moment life presented. 

"Were you able to sort out the emergency yesterday?" she inquired. 

"Yes, it's done, " Sebastian gave her a response. "Have you had breakfast?"

Aryanna shook her head to refute. She had some snacks on the plane and the latte Faber got her. In her book, they didn't count as she didn't have it with him. 

With Sebastian, everything felt new and sweet. Aryanna was inclined to explore this new world to the fullest. Her path aligned with his made for an amazing time. 

"I'll make arrangements for breakfast and then I'll introduce you to the staff, " Sebastian announced to her. Aryanna opened her eyes, and her mind fell back to Carlos and how she never got to meet any of his friends or colleagues when they dated. He kept her away from his real life like a bad secret. 

She didn't mean to think about him. Her mind was somehow wired to fall back to his cruel treatment every time Sebastian showed her kindness. Her mind processed his words, unable to believe that Sebastian would push through with it. Her scars clouded her mind for a moment. 

"Or would you prefer an introduction before we sit down to eat? " he asked to get her opinion. 

Sebastian tilted her head for her to look at him. Aryanna tensed. He was the first man she encountered who ever asked her what she was comfortable with. He informs her of his plans and lets her have the last say. 

The amount of trust and submission she received from Sebastian melted her insides. She subconsciously coiled further into his arms. Yearning for the warmth of his body and the security he offered her. 

"The introduction first then breakfast, " she let out a notch below a whisper. 

"What did I say about biting your tongue?" Sebastian raised an eyebrow at her. 

"It gives the impression that I'm an easy target, " Aryanna responded. 

"Are you an easy target?"

Aryanna shook her head. She used to be easy to pick on but that time has passed. Aryanna knew it would take time for her to fully hold her head high and raise her voice when she asked for what she wanted. However, she was determined to take one step at a time until she got there. 

"Verbal answer, baby, " Sebastian whispered in her ear. Aryanna blushed, her breath hitched. She grew shy and shrank more into him. 

"I'm n..not an easy target, " she struggled to stabilize her breathing. 

"That's my girl, " Sebastian confidently praised. He unwrapped his hands from her waist, and Aryanna's smile dropped, missing his warmth. 

Sebastian rested his right hand on her backrest and ushered her out the door. "Call an emergency meeting in the hall, " He instructed Faber. 

"Yes, Sir, " Faber left his desk to attend to his wish. 

Aryanna looked up at her husband who was slightly taller than her. It was hard to believe that she was older than him. The differences in their height give off the impression that she is younger than him. 

"I can feel you thinking about my age again, " Sebastian let out next to her ear. 

"I wasn't, " she looked away, to hide the blush on her cheeks. 

"It bothers you... "

"No! Not at all, It's always been my dream to marry a younger man. So you know....you are that, " she mumbled. Aryanna nibbled at her lower lip, to sway Sebastian's train of thought, her mouth started moving without her mind filtering her words. 

Sebastian grinned. He found her answer amusing. The way her mouth worked faster than her mouth never ceases to bring a smile to his face. 

"If it will make you feel better. I can get my birth certificate changed and add a few years on there, " he offered. 

"And have you been older than me, never!" Aryanna let out. It took a minute for the words she spoke to echo in her head. Aryanna gasped, she shot a shocked gaze at Sebastian. 

Aryanna caught Sebastian's stunned gaze looking back at her. She swallowed the lump in her throat. 

"Oh, I won't change it then, " he sneered. 

He directed Aryanna down the hall to the private elevator. He pressed the keys and walked her in once the doors opened. He closed the doors and pressed the button on the wall, one that leads to the first floor. 

"I need you to hold your head up. Show them that you were born for this role, " Sebastian instructed her. 

"Role, what role? " she thought aloud. "Oh, being your wife, right? "

"Yes and no, " Sebastian said, "I need you to show that you were born to stand next to me both at home and at work. "

"What do you mean? " 

"You are my wife and the new head of this branch of my company as of yesterday, " Sebastian announced. 

Aryanna's face drained of color. She paled. The words flowed out of Sebastian's mouth lightly. He spoke as though he was handing her a beauty product and not a company. 

"The urgent work I needed to do yesterday was to transfer these company documents to your name. You are not just the boss' wife, you are the new boss, darling, " he disclosed to her. 

A line appeared between her eyebrows. A week ago, she was a waitress at a small cafe. Now, she upgraded to the head of a branch of Devonte. It was a lot of trust from her husband and plenty of responsibility to shoulder.

"It's your wedding gift, " he handed Aryanna the documents.