
The President’s Pregnant, Ex-Wife

Sabrina Jewel found out she was pregnant after so many pregnancy tests. The same day, her husband, the powerful President of Jewels Group of Companies in NY city, Robin Jewel, brought another woman home after Sabrina had endured his escapades with ceaseless women and tried to be a good wife. “What? After all the sperm, you could not for once be pregnant. Not even a miscarriage. She did your job for you,” Robin pinned the blame on Sabrina. Sabrina’s world crumbled right before her eyes. She left her family for this idiot but not anymore. His father knew who she was but Robin never took the pain to even research about her throughout their three years of marriage. Since he got another woman pregnant, she was done for good. “I have had enough, Robin. It’s either she leaves or I leave….”

Glorious_Eagle · 都市
500 Chs

Chapter 189 – I never signed...”

"Can I get a friendly hug?"

Robin was hoping that their friendship would remain solid even after all the events of the past, for which reason he requested it. 

During their three years of marriage, he never tried to hug or show her affection. It was only in bed that he could not resist her every time they slept together.

Sabrina stiffened at the request but when she relaxed, her eyes were cold and it radiated through her words,

"No Robin, some things should better be avoided."

She was not going to lead him on by agreeing to his request. Who knows, next time, he might just ask for a friendly kiss.

Robin's hopes died. No matter which way he turned, it was just hard to make his ex-wife understand that he had changed.

At the same time, Daniel arrived with Lizzy and both their attention was taken away by the bubbling pair.