
The Pregnant Cannon Fodder Is Looking For A Second Husband

"There is only the two of us in here," Midori watched the man before her with a solemn look. "Tell me what you really want." "Isn't it obvious?" With a thoughtful stroke of his chin, he studied Midori, piecing together an impression from her posture and attire. "I wish to take you as my wife, and establish our baby's rightful status as the heir of the family." --*--___--*--___--*--___--*--___--*--___--*--___--*-- After her life took a turn for the worse, Midori Takigawa transmigrated into a historical romance novel that featured a cannon fodder* who shared the same name. As soon as she entered the novel, she was already pregnant and subsequently kicked out of her in-laws' house for cheating. Thanks to her photographic memory, she practically had the content of the novel at the back of his head. Armed with the knowledge, she grasped a newfound determination. She must change the cannon fodder's fate and live a fulfilled life! That naturally included making money and finding a worthy father for her unborn baby! Naturally, she wanted to do all of these without the slightest coercion! S-9898 : [Cough, cough. 1 Life Point has been taken from you for lying.] Midori : *curses at the system* You thief! Return my Life Point! Ex First Husband : Midori-san, I never agreed to the divorce. Midori : Is that my problem? Future Second Husband 1 : Wench, you are lucky to be betrothed to me. You better marry me now before I change my mind. Midori : I changed my mind. Bye. Future Second Husband 1 : Noooooooo~ Midori-chan, don't leave me behind! Future Second Husband 2 : In that case, will you consider me? Midori : Gladly! What is your name, Sir??? Future Second Husband 2 : *gives his name* Midori : *sucks in a deep breath* The protagonist!!! Meanwhile, what about Midori's four elder brothers? Was anyone good enough for their baby sister? *Cannon fodder = A minor character in a novel who usually ends up dead in a tragic manner.

Lu_Shui · 歴史
233 Chs

Chapter 23 : Midori's Resolution

Amidst the bustling corridors of the prestigious St. Anne's Academy, Midori moved with an ethereal grace that captivated the attention of passing students. Her serene smile, directed at no one in particular, exuded an air of tranquility that contrasted with the lively chatter that filled the halls. With a sense of purpose, she navigated towards the headmistress' office, her steps light and silent.

Arriving before a door adorned with a gleaming metallic plaque, Midori paused for a moment, her gaze drawn to the inscription -- "Headmistress - Takiko Kinoshita".

Midori cleared her throat before she knocked at the door.

"Headmistress Kinoshita, I am Midori Takigawa. We have an appointment at nine."

The door opened and Takiko Kinoshita herself greeted Midori with a smile.

"Midori-san. I have been expecting you. Please come in."

The last time Midori had laid eyes on the Kinoshitas was during the ill-fated initial meeting to discuss the proposed arranged marriage between her and Akiyama. From that moment, the Kinoshitas had maintained a deafening silence, their absence leaving a void of communication and casting a shadow of uncertainty over the future of the proposed union.

"I believe you've come here to discuss the continuation of the engagement," Takiko said with a calm demeanor, gesturing towards one of the plush sofas that adorned the center of her office.

Midori smiled.

"Not at all, Madam Kinoshita."


A flicker of curiosity crossed the headmistress's face as she gazed upon the young woman seated impeccably before her.

"Truthfully, I have always felt inferior due to my poor circumstances. I did not have the confidence to win Akiyama-san's heart. Adding to it the spectacle at the tea house..." Midori pressed a hand against her cheek, her face etched with concern, "... I can understand if the Kinoshitas do not want to accept me as a daughter-in-law."

Takiko smiled in return.

"Although it is not your fault at all? I heard that Shuugo-san already submitted a police report on your behalf."

"Onii-chan is too kind, but in the end, I am responsible for the situation I am in. Madam Kinoshita, I deeply apologize for wasting your time at the tea house."

Midori offered a respectful bow, and earned another in return.

"You are a magnificent young lady, never feel pity for yourself. If you do not come here to talk about the arranged match, then I am rather curious -- pray tell, how can I be of use to you?"

With her hands demurely folded on her lap, Midori summoned every ounce of courage she possessed and addressed Madam Kinoshita.

"Madam," she declared, her voice unwavering despite the trembling within, "I would like to request a comprehensive re-education in the fundamental skills befitting a young lady."

Takiko's gaze lingered on Midori's youthful face, her expression a blend of concern and understanding. "Midori-san," she began, her voice laced with a gentle reprimand, "at twenty-one, it seems incongruous to place you among the younger students who are merely embarking on their educational journey."

"I am a quick learner," Midori replied, her tone laced with a mix of determination and self-assurance. "I will master these skills swiftly, leaving no trace of my presence in the younger class."

Takiko's shoulders slumped as she released a sigh of resignation. Her gaze softened as she looked at Midori, her voice laced with concern.

"If you possess such aptitude," she inquired, "then why do you seek to relearn these fundamental skills? These are the building blocks of a proper Japanese lady's upbringing, instilled from a young age. You should not be in a position to reacquire them."

"Madam Kinoshita," Midori began, her voice trembling with emotion, "the past three years have been a blur of self-doubt and regret. I can barely bear the weight of the desolation I felt when I left the Takigawa household of my own volition..."

Tears welled up in her eyes, threatening to spill over. "I yearn to rediscover my true self," she continued, her voice choked with emotion. "I aspire to embody the grace and poise of a refined Japanese lady. I long to reclaim my lost pride. And I believe that only by retracing the steps I once took can I achieve this transformation."

Takiko's jaw slackened in astonishment, her eyes widening in surprise.

As the esteemed headmistress of St. Anne's Academy, she had dedicated her life to nurturing young Japanese women, empowering them with knowledge and resilience to navigate the tumultuous currents of life.

Midori's heartfelt plea, echoing the yearning for self-discovery and transformation, resonated deeply within Takiko's compassionate heart. How could she refuse such a genuine desire for growth and self-improvement?

A pang of regret pierced Takiko's heart as she nonetheless had to inform Midori of her ineligibility for enrollment at St. Anne's Academy. "Your eloquence and sincerity have moved me, Midori-san," she confessed, her voice laced with a hint of sadness. "Under normal circumstances, I would have welcomed you with open arms, but our esteemed institution is bound by certain regulations. Each family is granted only one coveted spot, and regrettably, the Takigawa family's position has been bestowed upon their future daughter-in-law, Fumiko Ito-san..."

As Midori gathered her thoughts to respond, the door swung open, revealing a bespectacled young man who exuded an aura of authority. Despite the glasses and the formal attire that momentarily obscured his identity, Midori quickly recognized Akiyama Kinoshita.

With a resolute glint in his eyes, he addressed his mother, his voice resonating with conviction, "Mother, if the Takigawa family has the privilege of securing a place for their future daughter-in-law, why should we not extend the same courtesy? Allow Midori to enter the academy under the patronage of the Kinoshita family!"


Author's note :

S-9898's System Report (1)

Ohayou, S-9898 desu~

Midori-san's journey in this new novel she created herself is getting more and more exciting.

S-9898 is committed to ensuring that all Reader-samas are thoroughly entertained as they delve into the twists and turns of Midori-san's remarkable journey.

Please continue to shower Midori-san with your unwavering support and encouragement!