
The Powerful Man

First read the book then judge the novel

Kain_Arisugawa · ファンタジー
55 Chs

An Unexpected Encounter

Chapter 33: An Unexpected Encounter

As the sun rose over the Kingdom of Orinthia, a sense of anticipation filled the air. The events of the previous day had instilled a mixture of confusion and curiosity in the hearts of its people. News had spread like wildfire about the broken ring being posted online and the arrival of the 8000 guards, causing both intrigue and concern to grip the inhabitants of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, within the walls of the grand palace, Queen Catherine found herself pondering the strange turn of events that had unfolded. She could not comprehend how her husband, King Frederick, whom she had believed to be deceased, could possibly be alive. Memories of their last encounter flooded her thoughts, the anguish and heartbreak she had endured believing she was forever alone. And now, she was confronted with the undeniable evidence - her husband's broken ring, the symbol of their love, shattered but intact.

With her mind consumed by questions, Queen Catherine decided to venture out beyond the palace walls, seeking answers from the people who had arrived in such haste. She embarked on a journey through the crowded streets, the sheer magnitude of the guards' presence making it difficult to navigate. Curious faces stared back at her, whispers fanning the flames of curiosity and speculation. It was clear that the people were just as bewildered as the queen herself.

As she traversed the kingdom, Queen Catherine's path led her to a small, humble inn nestled in the heart of the town square. There, she spotted a group of guards gathered around, sharing tales and laughter. The queen cautiously approached the group, her heart pounding, unsure of what to expect.

"Excuse me," she began, her voice trembling with a mix of fear and hope. "I couldn't help but overhear your conversations. You speak of my husband, King Frederick. Is it true? Is he truly alive?"

The guards fell silent, their gazes shifting towards one another. The eldest among them, a seasoned soldier named Captain Roland, stepped forward. He looked the queen in the eye, his face etched with a lifetime of loyalty and duty.

"Yes, Your Majesty," Captain Roland answered solemnly. "King Frederick indeed lives. We received a message from him, instructing us to return to the kingdom immediately."

The queen's heart skipped a beat, a mixture of emotions rushing through her. Relief washed over her, yet she couldn't ignore the fear that tugged at her heart. What had transpired during the years of his supposed demise? Why had he chosen to remain hidden?

"Please, Captain Roland, bring me to him," Queen Catherine pleaded, her voice filled with a desperate yearning.

The captain nodded, recognizing the deep longing in the queen's eyes. He gestured for her to follow, and together they made their way through the bustling streets towards the outskirts of the kingdom.

Arriving at an unassuming cottage hidden within a secluded grove, the queen's heart raced with anticipation. The guards formed a protective circle around her as they entered the cottage. And there, amidst the flickering candlelight, stood King Frederick, battle-scarred and weathered, but undeniably alive.

Tears welled up in Queen Catherine's eyes as she rushed towards her beloved husband. The room was filled with a profound silence, a testament to the powerful emotions that surged between them. In that moment, past grievances and pain seemed to fade into insignificance.

"My love, I thought I had lost you forever," Queen Catherine whispered in a choked voice, her trembling hands reaching out to touch his face.

King Frederick held her tightly, his voice filled with both remorse and determination. "Catherine, my absence was a necessary sacrifice, born out of a greater purpose. There is much to explain, but now is not the time. Our kingdom faces a grave danger, a threat that can only be overcome if we unite."

The queen nodded, her eyes glimmering with newfound resolve. She understood that they stood at a crucial juncture, their love and their kingdom intertwined in a delicate balance. With her husband by her side once again, she knew that together they would face any challenge that lay ahead.

As the couple embraced, the guards stood watch, a symbol of loyalty and protection. A kingdom united, fueled by the rekindled love between its rulers, was ready to face the unknown together. The events of the broken ring had brought them to this moment, where destiny and determination intertwined, preparing them for the trials that awaited them in the chapters yet to be written.