
The Potter-Slytherin Curse

Harry apparates Dudley near the Leaky Cauldron, and therefore doesn't get sent a warning. Also, he doesn't go to Grimmauld Place. He also doesn't end up in front of the Wizengamot either for casting a Patronus Charm to save his and Dudley's life. However, he does find another mystery. Grey Harry.

Linda_Vidler · 書籍·文学
22 Chs

Undercover Lessons Begun

"We have been noticed as being actively in opposition; now the opposition will be worse."

That was the thought that had been circling Harry's head for the last couple of hours, if not days. Harry's lesson was today, and truthfully he was excited to be working with Hermione again. He and Hermione had been crouched together with so many other pairs in the library and other places going over the chapter that they were going to teach. It was one thing to be sneaking around behind the High Inquisitor's back, but doing it while being overtly against her in another area brought a whole other set of risk to the game. It was scary and exhilarating, a game of chess off the board. That thought became the opening line to his class.

The teachers, prefects, and Head Boy and Head Girl were the only ones that knew for sure where the classroom was. Therefore, each year was given a corridor to wait in. From there, they were led, one hand on the shoulder of another, into the room that had been successfully warded off. He wasn't honestly too worried that someone would tell on them, but in case, there was a charmed sign-in sheet for the first year not to spread this to Umbridge or her Inquisitorial Squad, which honestly only took minimal points when she was around to the decrees, and the rest of the time acted like prefects.

"Since it is obvious to a great deal of the leaders of the school body that she is against the students in this school, you are automatically against her. She views each of us that way, as you all saw what she did about the Quidditch team.

"However, we need to get our OWLs. We know OWLs have a practical section, so therefore this class is going to to teach us the practical side.

"Now, I need you to listen to Hermione, and she will explain the sign-in sheet."

"Thanks, Harry. I am going to have you all line up and sign in before we do anything else. The reason being we need to make sure you won't snitch to Umbridge, so there is a spell on it that makes it that you will get 'snitch' written in pimples across your forehead."

"There's also the reason being that your credibility might not be what you want it to be."

"Do we have to sign?"

"You're here, so you have to sign. Otherwise, we can put a confundus charm on you and send you out the door. You won't find the room after so there's no trouble that way.

The line formed. First, it was the Gryffindor teachers, then the Gryffindors and the Hufflepuff teachers, and then everybody else fell into line afterwards. Eventually everyone else lined up, and started signing the paper. When they did, they saw that Harry Potter and Hermione Granger were already on the top. The two at the front of the room waited until they had all sat back down before continuing.

"So, getting on into our lesson, we're going to start with the Expelliarmus charm. I know that many people think this charm is under rated, but it is very useful."

Zacharias Smith was scornful, saying, "Oh, please, why this one? Those of us who were paying attention learned it back in second year. It's not like it's useful in a real fight anyway."

"Smith, while you and a few more aggressive people may have paid attention then, it is still useful now. I have used it while fighting Voldemort."

Hermione took over from there.

"Since it is well worth your time and energy to know, we need to all know it. After all, once their wand is gone, there is an advantage over your opponent usually."

"What are the exceptions?"

"The initial exception is panic causing you to freeze. The second exception would be afterwards if they are faster and know how to fight using other weapons, including bare hands."

After this, Harry split them up into pairs and started them practicing after a short demonstration. There were some good surprises, like Neville, who with Harry's encouragement managed to get the spell right, and continued doing so to his and everyone else's surprise. There were also bad surprises, like Cho Chang accidentally catching her friend's clothes on fire, which was quickly put out. After the hour in the room was up, he got everyone to put their stuff away, and started handing out the books as they left.

Harry got Hermione's attention once all the students had left.

"Hey, wait up. I need to talk to you privately, and I may as well do it here as anywhere else."

"Sure, Harry, what's up?"

"Well, two things. One, Dudley and I have a research project we might want your help on. Could you do that?"

"Harry! I would love to. Let me look at my schedule, and let me see what I have going on. It's a good thing I'm not teaching and playing Quidditch. Dudley, and I, and sometimes Ron, would be able to look stuff up while you are in practice. Now, you said two things, and that was just one. What is it?"

"It's Draco. He's trying to prove to me that I can trust him, more than just this school truce, though he is using the school truce to find ways to prove it to me."

"Of course, he wouldn't have a chance otherwise. Are you sure that he isn't trying to get you to You-Know-Who? I mean, his father's a Death Eater."

"I know, and he knows I know. We are keeping other things secret for each other as a test of trust. Nothing bad, promise. However, since he has passed my tests of trust so far, he is asking to be allowed to go on a date with you."

"Harry! Are you for real? I mean, I am not pureblood, and he has called me that nasty word so many times..."

"I know. I probably won't leave you guys alone completely. I'll tell Ginny or Ron, maybe both if Ginny can keep Ron's temper down, and have them keep an eye on you. Maybe the three of us and Neville and Luna will be in the same restaurant and we'll have a table in eye sight or something like that."

"Harry, when was this supposed to happen?"

"Next Hogsmeade weekend."

"Well, he knows to respect my fists since the other year. I've been practicing."

"So, it's a go-ahead?"


Harry and Hermione left after checking that the coast was clear on the Marauder's Map.