
The Potter-Slytherin Curse

Harry apparates Dudley near the Leaky Cauldron, and therefore doesn't get sent a warning. Also, he doesn't go to Grimmauld Place. He also doesn't end up in front of the Wizengamot either for casting a Patronus Charm to save his and Dudley's life. However, he does find another mystery. Grey Harry.

Linda_Vidler · 書籍·文学
22 Chs

Talking to Snape

"Professor, we think we found something really important."

Of all the people that Severus Snape ever thought he would find outside his office, he never thought it would be this group. It was a couple months past winter holidays, and the students were enjoying not teaching on top of their other homework. Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, and their Gryffindor and Slytherin confederates, stood outside his door. The Granger girl held roll of parchment, as was normal if someone in the group was holding parchment.

"Come in," he replied, holding the office door open.

They trooped in and arranged themselves in front of his desk, while he went and sat in his chair.

"So what has the Golden Trio and Confederates coming to me instead of any one else?"

"Please sir, except the time that you took me to see the Headmaster, he's been avoiding me like the plague. Madam McGonigal had already said she doesn't believe something was going on with Umbridge to Gryffindor or first year. However, since you apologized, we're giving you a chance."

Severus Snape looked them over and nodded. They were clearly talking about the various times that they had had to do something to defend themselves. Clearly the whole student body alliance had been masterminded by these students, when they defended themselves against Umbridge.

"I thank you for this chance. So what is the issue that you are having to defend yourself from this time?"

Harry took a breath.

"I'm probably going to be dead in four years. So will Voldy."

Professor Snape pursed his lips.

"I take the roll of parchment in Miss Granger's hands to be verification of what you have found so far to bring this claim to mind?"

"Yes, sir," said Hermione. She laid out the parchment full of references and quotes, as Dudley took out the picture from the Potter family tree that showed the immediate relations. They watched their professor read their evidence before sitting down once again and facing the group.

"I thank you for letting me see this. I agree that this is something that should be acted on, but as the Potter books said, there is a passage of years before this will be the end for both you, Potter, and the Dark Lord. May I suggest that you do not act on it this year during school, but that we try to do something about it this summer."

He looked sternly at Harry Potter, who was about to interrupt.

"As this curse came to be at the end of last June, a couple more months where you can focus on your studies and learn all you can will help you more right now than jumping off into the deep end."

Dudley's eyes widened. "You said 'we', sir, does that mean that you are willing to help us?"

Snape's lips twitched.

"Not to disparage you, but how can we trust you? You're already going through two sides as far as we know."

Hermione's Gryffindor side showed sometimes in random ways.

"That is indeed a hard to answer question. Are you all loyal to each other?"

Dudley stated, "I am loyal to Harry."

Hermione said, "Harry and Ron, though we had a rough spot last year, are good. We've been fighting against Voldemort since our first year, basically."

Ron nodded, and said, "Yeah, I know I messed up big time last year, and not as bad this year, but that is over jealousy. That's not over which side should win, because for that I'm for Harry."

Snape interrupted and told Ron, "That is where you are wrong. If your jealousy gets in the way between you and your friends when the going gets tough, then you are no longer for your leader but for yourself, and in that mindset is when people can sway you to do things you do not want originally. It is the same thing."

"Yes, sir," was a quiet answer from Ron.

Everyone looked at Draco, who gulped. He not only had his classmates around him, but a known Death Eater in front of him, though he was unsure who the man's true loyalties really were. Any Death Eater was deadly and dangerous.

"I am for Harry, not for Voldy."



Hermione nudged him in the side and smiled.

"Sir, where do you stand?"

All of the students had their attention on him when that question was asked, and Snape looked blankly at them. They should always keep an eye on him, and have someone aware of their surroundings. He didn't know how many times keeping a weather eye on everything going on around him had kept him safe. Inexperienced children is what they were, no matter how much they already had experienced, compared to his many years. Well, it was a good thing none of them were known as spies on either side.

"Do you truly wish to know the answer to that question?"


"I stand against the Dark Lord, the same as you are, though I do bear his mark."

Harry nodded.

"It's not like it will matter unless we find someway to permanently kill the guy before the time limit is up."

"As in it wouldn't matter if this got to the Dark Lord."

"It might actually matter because he might fight harder than he is currently because he will know he has a time frame," stated Ron. "Everyone does that once their game has been put on a time limit. Some people go into a complete panic, but not everybody."

"It's an idea, despite how crude it is. Are you willing to come find me in a few weeks? I might organize a group detention. Speaking of which, you all know if I was going to go against you there is a good chance of you dying?"

Harry shrugged.

"We'd do our best, but I've run that chance all my life."

"Unfortunately correct. Now please get out of my office."

They left hurriedly.


Severus Snape sat deep in thought. Here he was being asked to help what could potentially be a third side. He was being asked to advise Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy together against the Dark Lord. He had advised, and he was being taken up on that advice. He wasn't stupid. None of the four Slytherins or the two Gryffindors (now) would trust him completely after what he had been like. Only the first and second years had apparently completely forgiven him. The rest were shy to trust him, and to be honest, a few were getting particularly nasty about it because they didn't believe it was real. Hmmph. If he wasn't real, then what would the point of apologizing be except to teach the youngsters under his watch that he didn't mean what he said. If he didn't mean what he said, then there went his chance at controlling the classroom and getting an ounce of respect as a Head of house. No, his words, no matter how exaggeratedly hurtful, always had a basis in truth. It's how he had been surviving after all for many years. If they didn't believe what he was saying about potions, than maybe they would break his record of no deaths in his teaching career. It would get rid of the idiots. No, it was no use getting Albus worked up over killing his students, or in this imagined case, letting them kill themselves. One, it would send the public into a bigger hue and cry over his being hired. Two, it ruined his perfect record. Three, it was against what he believed the rest of the Order believed about the deserving little dunderheads. Four, he really didn't want there to be any inquiry over his teaching, as he was on shaky enough ground already. Five, they might accidentally take more with them, and he wasn't willing to risk that. He knew his moral compass was skewed from his time with the Death Eaters, and it sometimes showed up when he thought.

He was startled from his thoughts with the knocking on his door, and the Headmaster walking in. He stood up from his chair.

"Headmaster, what can I help you with?"

"Severus, I would enjoy a cup of tea, if you don't mind?"

"No, let me pour it."

"I would appreciate it."

Severus Snape carefully poured a cup of tea for both the Headmaster and himself. Upon handing the cup to Albus Dumbledore, he sat back slightly in his chair.

"Severus, I am concerned over the visions the boy has been having."

"Visions, not dreams?"

"He is no true seer, yet he sees things that no one else should. Due to his constantly dreaming of the Ministry of Magic, I would consider the Ministry someplace we'll have to keep a closer eye on. It may be that the link between them is giving him an insight of Tom's focus currently. However, I fear Tom getting into the boy's head."

A pause.

"I feel that the way for the boy to be closed off to this intrusion, hard on him though it be, is to teach him Occlumency."

"That is the magic to counter Legilimency."

"I know you, Severus, are a master at Occlumency and have to be to be in Tom's presence constantly."

"Headmaster, are you asking me to teach him Occlumency?"

"Why do you ask me that, my boy?"

"For you would normally have two reasons to talk like this. Either you are just coming at me to chatter, or you are asking me to teach the boy Occlumency. Given your presence in my rooms, I imagine it is the latter. Given your fear of the Dark Lord spying into your mind, why are you asking your spy to teach him? Do you imagine that this second time being called a spy in his presence will be forgotten and that my life will not be forfeit?"

"I imagine, my boy, that it is better for me to keep you from heading to Tom's presence then it is to Obliviate him from knowledge of mine."

"What of my knowledge?"

"You are important, but your role can change. My role is not so easily recovered."


"I will provide you as much support as I can."

"Fine. I will do so."

"Good. Thank you."

With that, the Headmaster left.


"Hey," Dudley greeted his brother as they met inside the common room.

"Hi," answered Harry. "How were classes today?"

"I think they're good. I had defense today."

"How was the teacher?"

"He was great. It started with a quiz to see where we were at, and you know how I am at pop quizzes. Anyway, after that, he started where the others had left off, so it was good."

"He didn't seem evil or off in some way?"

"He wasn't creepy or gross in the way the High Inquisitor was."

"That's a relief."

"To be honest, even the students that still bug us were grossed out by her."

They walked together into their dorm room. Once they had busied themselves getting ready for bed, Dudley talked yet again.



"Do you ever miss the Muggle world?"

"I miss electricity sometimes. Why?"

"I miss television. I know you hardly got to watch it, but I am used to watching tv at the end of the day. Animated pictures take the edge off, but I can't sit down in front of the picture and expect to be entertained for the next hour and a half."

"I think I heard somewhere that the old name for movies is moving pictures. I wonder if you took a bunch of pictures and made them wizarding pictures if there was a way for the front one to continue from where it left off to where the end of the last one in the stack was. I mean, for the magic to cycle through the pictures without having to flip them?"

"I don't know. I'd have to ask Collin and Dennis. They'd probably know more."


They were quiet for a few minutes.

"Hey, Blaise."

"Hi, Dudley. What's up?"

"Nothing much."

"I heard you guys had the new defense teacher today?"


"Is he anything like the last one?"

"Not so far. I don't know him, so he might be better at hiding it or something."


The rest of the evening was just pleasant chatter in the dorm.


It was brought to my attention that there is a HUGE plot hole with the whole Draco/Hermione romance. As in, it is mentioned once or twice where it goes with the main plot, but not mentioned again. So, I will be adding things, slowly, as getting Draco from being a meany to wanting to actually date her is a process. If anyone could help with that, that would be great.

Linda_Vidlercreators' thoughts