

"The story of story will never be story, it will always start a new phase of your life. When you think that every thing is solved and you can have a good life now then it will again make a new twist. So in your life never think that you will have a good life if you wait, because it will never come. So just enjoy your every moment and live happily."

Now Chris is confusion that can he do to let her calm. His mind were going blind as he can't think of any idea the suddenly something popped in his mind he went at her and hug her. Like he wants to confront her that she can say anything and let her mind free from every thing. He did not move a bit and she started to punch him in the back and shouting at him saying that "LEAVE ME YOU BASTARD, DON'T TOUCH ME" in her every word she was crying badly and trembling in his hug. This made Chris feeling guilty, and in his guilt was become more and more high as he want to leave from there and wants to cry hard. He never wanted to harm her.