
The Pokemon Emissary Among Worlds

After dying, Okami Okaya was transmigrated into a new World, realizing that he had been chosen to become the emissary of Arceus to spread Pokemon among different worlds. Naruto summoning Ninetales? Ace flying on Charizard's back? Spiderman fighting alongside Ariados? Okami will teach them how to become a great Pokemon trainer. The cover is not mine. Downloaded at wallpapersafari. This is only fanfiction. Update Schedule: There will be one regular chapter per day.

sweet_and_sour143 · アニメ·コミックス
100 Chs

Shells Town (2)

Eric sneered when he saw the message, took out his flintlock, and pointed it against Okami.


Lieutenant Robert frowned when he saw the bullet being deflected by an invisible barrier. He just wanted to scare the pirate hunter but he did not expect him to have a shielding skill.

"I could not imagine a marine who supposedly is a symbol of justice can do something like this." Okami flexed his arms on his chest, his eyes fixated at the captain. "Did I do something wrong to merit such violent action, Lieutenant Robert?"

Robert snickered and clapped his hands. "Sorry, Okami. I was just testing you if you have the skill to protect the money in case someone attacks you with a gun. You have proven that you have the skill to do so, which gives you the right to partner with us in defeating the scums of this world."

Although Okami looked like he was doing nothing in front of Robert and Eric, unbeknownst to them, he absorbed Grimer, Butterfree, and Beedrill to turn 'Harden' move into Master level. To maximize his defense, he added Mr. Mime on the list to complete his five-pokemon limit and made Kadabra's Magic Guard ability as the core to protect himself from any poison or paralysis attacks. This was his Defense combo.

Even though he wanted to punch the faces of these marines but he did not want to create any trouble not because he was a push-over but because he was not yet stable enough. That was why he prioritized defense over offense this time.

A bright light covered his body and his brown skin became darker due to the strengthening power of 'Harden' move.

Lieutenant Robert raised his eyebrows and asked with a mocking tone, "Are you sure you want to fight us inside my territory, pirate hunter?"

Okami smiled sheepishly, "Nah! I am just protecting myself from possible dangers. I could not afford to let my handsome face be disfigured by your bullets."

Eric was about to shoot again when Robert raised his hand. "Stop. We don't want to mar our reputation before our partner in serving justice."

Okami advanced toward the table, grabbed the bag filled with bounty, and turned around. When he reached the door, he looked behind and said, "I hope that we can cooperate with a sincere heart. It's a small world. Who knows what will happen in the future?"

Lieutenant Robert sneered. "I don't like the way you speak. Are you threatening us?"

Okami changed his mind and decided to confront them. He turned around and activated his Zoan form, the Altered Vulpix. His eyes reddened while his ears grew larger and pointed. A long, furry red tail appeared on his back while his claws became longer and sharper. His skin was covered with red fur and became two feet taller than his original height. All of these happened within a few seconds.

He did not know that once he was in this Zoan animal form, his aura was like that of the Kyubi, except its power was one-eighth of its original strength.

Lieutenant Robert shivered in trepidation when he felt the intense bloodlust from Okami's body. His breathing became ragged as he collapsed on the floor. Mustering his strength, he looked sideways and saw Eric was lying on the floor, unconscious and frothing on his mouth. "What...what are you doing?!"

Okami released the skill and transformed back into his normal body. He smiled indifferently and bowed down as a sign of his thanks. "For our happy cooperation."

Robert sighed in relief when the pressure was gone. He stood up right away and straightened his cloak. "Don't you know that I can arrest you for harming a high-ranking marine? I can easily - "

He stopped talking when he realized that Okami was already behind him. The sword he saw back then was already on his neck, its sharpness almost touching his skin. He gulped loudly when he felt the room became colder due to the increasing bloodlust because Okami activated his Zoan form once again.

"I am crazy and you know that you are crazy as well. Do you want a crazy friend or a crazy foe? Choose."

"A...crazy friend, of course," Robert stuttered, his eyes still peeled on the sword.

"A wise choice." Okami slowly placed the sword on the scabbard and walked slowly until he was standing before him face to face. His body changed back into his normal body and summoned a Fire Stone from the Pokemon App. "As a gift of our friendship, here is a rare gemstone for you."

Robert accepted the stone, not daring to look at his eyes.

"We're friends, right?"

Robert bobbed his head again like that of a chick, clearly scared and panicked.

"Good. Thank you, Lieutenant Robert. Have a good day." Okami left the office and headed straight outside the building.


The wind breeze was getting stronger and the weather started to turn awry but Okami was not anxious as he rode Pidgeot back to the Foosha village. He was confident that he could return even without checking the Pokemap because he knew how sharp Pidgeot's eyes were. This flying pokemon was always known for his ability to detect his home location regardless of where he was.

It was useless for him to ponder if he did the right thing or not when he was inside the Marine Base back then. What mattered to him right now was the Beli he earned through pirate hunting. He did not know how much money was needed to hire a good shipwright and build a sturdy ship. If possible, he wanted to visit Water 7, a city known for its excellent shipwrights, the best of whom was the Galley-La company led by Iceburg in the future.

After flying for half an hour, he arrived at the port. Pidgeot landed with grace and disappeared once Okami disembarked on her body.

"Birdie Boy, where have you been?"

Okami followed the voice's direction and saw a porter lifting a sack of grains on the nearby boat. "Hey, Hedi! Just wandering in the sky because it's damn too boring and the sea is angry."

Hedi set the sack on the lever and brushed his hands clean. "Well, you can just join us and have fun lifting up these goods. I promise you, it's rewarding and you can earn Beli at the same time."

"No, thank you. See you next time, Hedi. Got to do something important."


Okami strolled along the road as he enjoyed the scenery of the clean village, which was different from the congested Shells Town. Since this was the first place he had visited in the world of One Piece, he intended to transform this place into his headquarter.

But he knew this was a world filled with violence. Strength was the one who dictates who lives or who dies. If he wanted to make a statement, he could only choose to become stronger to make it possible. There were many factions that could hinder him. The pirates were one thing. Even the marines could also give him a hard time. But what could deter his growth seriously was the World Government and the Yonko since they were considered the great powers of this world. If he was not careful, he would find himself dead even without knowing how he died.

"I need to create a plan for the next six months and set goals so I can check if I am accomplishing something or not."

Okami saw the familiar Partys Bar and smiled.


After eating dinner inside the Partys Bar, Okami went inside his room and started filling out his planner.

"Hmm...I should wake up at 5 AM to exercise. I've seen a spot where there are lots of strong animals, I could train there as well. I think the whole morning should be enough..."

"Got to maximize the PP earnings...should start to befriend everyone to unlock pokemon...gotta be more friendly..."

"I need to start convincing people to become Pokemon Trainers..."

"Create the ones that are already available...hmm, this town should have its own Pokemon Center and Pokemart. At least they can develop on their own even without my presence..."

"Got to apply what I've learned from the Naruto world..."

"Where should I place the Pokemon Safari? I'm still undecided..."

"Hmm, Gym Leaders...I forgot what it requires..."

"Got to make pokemon more visible to the public..."

After a few hours of planning, he then finalized his schedule and posted it on the wall.


Daily Schedule


5 AM to 7 AM: Physical Exercise at the Gray Terminal

7 AM to 7:30 AM: Breakfast

7:30 AM to 8 AM: Rest Time

8 AM to 10 AM: Training

10 AM to 12 NN: Fight Animals at the Minkyu Forest beside Mt. Colubo

12 NN to 12:30 PM: Lunch

12:30 PM to 1:00 PM: Rest Time

1:00 PM to 3:00 PM: Social Life

3:00 PM to 4:00 PM: Business Time, including pirate hunting

4:00 PM to 6:00 PM: Training

6:00 PM to 6:30 PM: Dinner

6:30 PM to 7 PM: Rest Time

7 PM to 9 PM: Spare Time

9 PM: Sleeping Time


Rest Day: Sunday

Battle Day: Saturday


Weekly Schedules:

1) Duplicate Pokemon

2) Release Pokemon in the wilderness

3) Turn people into Pokemon Trainers



1) Build a Pokemon Center.

2) Build a Pokemart.

3) Hire a Pokemon Center Receptionist.

4) Hire a Pokemart Cashier.

5) Create a School for Pokemon Trainers.

6) Assign a Gym Leader.


Okami felt proud of himself for creating such a plan. "I'll start tomorrow, then"


People were still sleeping on their beds but Okami was already prepped up to start his daily routine. He did not want to alert Makino and the rest of the workers so he decided to teleport right at the edge of the Gray Terminal. He used the 'Flash' skill to illuminate the area because there was no light source.

Okami frowned when he smelled the stench from the massive junkyard. Even then, he scurried around to search for anything that he could use for his weight-lifting exercise. Luckily, he found a very big boulder at the nearby area and tried lifting it up, only to barely raised it by a few centimeters. "Too heavy!"

He dropped the boulder and searched for another one. It took him a few minutes to find the weights that satisfied him. To warm-up, he jogged back and forth the Terminal and stretched his body until he felt that it was enough. He then started his weight-lifting to increase his strength.

Half-naked, his body was covered with sweat but this motivated him to exert more effort, checking on his XTransceiver from time to time to track the time. Thanks to his massive stamina, he could execute his plan and persist through it. When he knew that an hour had passed, he then started running nonstop to increase his endurance and speed.

It was 6:50 AM when he stopped working out and teleported right back to his room. He then rested for a few minutes before taking a bath and changed his clothes. After he was done, he left his room and headed to the bar's dining area. He saw Makino busy with her chores and greeted her. "Hello, Makino. Good morning."

Makino smiled when she realized that it was Okami. "Hi, Okami. You look freshened up. Got a date for today?"

Okami chuckled. "I'm still too young to have a girlfriend."

"Haha! I always forgot that you're still ten years old because you're too tall for your age," Makino remarked, her hands busy wiping the countertop. "Have you eaten breakfast?"

"Not yet. Please give me ten slabs of meat and five servings of rice, I'm famished."

Makino raised her brows, "That's more than what Luffy can handle. Are you sure you can finish it all?"

"Don't underestimate my belly, heh!"

"Well, it's your money." Makino went to the kitchen and relayed his orders to the chef. After some time, the chef's assistant peeked outside and shouted that the food was ready.

Makino served the meal on the table. At once, Okami gobbled up the food like he was just drinking water. After a few minutes of eating, the plates were thoroughly empty.

Makino could not believe what she was seeing and giggled. "Wow! If all of our customers are just like you, then I am going to be rich in the future."

Okami burped loudly. "That was good! Compliments to the chef."

"I'll inform him, then."

Okami remembered one of his goals and called her attention. "Hey, Makino. I was wondering if you want to become a Pokemon Trainer."

The chapter for today. XD

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