
The Player's Proposal

Percy Jackson is the player of Goode High. He has purely sexual relationships with girls and dumps them before they can get too close. He's considered a heart-breaker, and he's fine with that. After all, this title is better than everyone finding out his secrets. Annabeth Chase is a fighter. Even while dealing with personal stressors of her own, she is strong and always stands up for her friends. Her passion and pride lead to a confrontation with Percy Jackson. During their heated argument, Percy jokingly offers a proposal. However, Annabeth always despised Percy, so she jumps at the chance to serve some payback. The proposal is simple: Percy cannot have sex for three months (other conditions applied).

Sonu2314 · 書籍·文学
46 Chs

The Dinner

Annabeth POV

The last couple of weeks were filled with amazing memories and experiences. My dad was spending a lot more time at home, which allowed us to reconnect. Our entire family was closer than ever, much to my delight.

Then, there were my friends. I loved spending time with them in school and out of school. We went to different attractions around the city and casual strolls in the park.

Most importantly, I had Percy. Time helped him with recovering from the trauma of Gabe's abuse and his mother's death. A part of him would never be cured, but he was getting better every day. And, we were getting closer to each other every day.

Every experience with him is an amazing one. Even when we are fighting, I still cherish the interaction.

I was slowly but surely falling for him.

"Why did you bring me to grocery shopping with you?" I asked. "I could be finishing my homework right now."

"You're always working, Wise Girl. I wanted to spend time with you," Percy answered.

He was pushing the cart through the breakfast aisle. The cart was filling up fast since he was shopping for the entire Grace household.

It was nice that he was sharing the responsibilities of the home. Percy didn't like charity, so he was being a good roommate. Plus, he was making good money from his job at The Jewel.

"But, this is a waste of time," I whined purposefully.

He held his chest in fake heartache. "That's so offensive, Wise Girl. I jump at every chance I get to be with you even if it's just at a grocery store"

I laughed while moving closer to him.

"Your heart is on this side, Seaweed Brain," I told him as I moved his hand along his chest. Percy grabbed my hand and held it in his own, swooping in close.

"I think," he whispered, "my heart's here."

And, he moved my hand to my chest, putting his own hand on top of mine. His sea-green eyes sparkled while gazing at me. I felt heat rising to my cheeks, and for a moment, I got lost in his beautiful eyes.

I love when he does things like this because it makes me feel like the most important person in the world. He was much better at the romantic stuff than I was.

"You're right," I said softly. "Your heart does belong to me, and don't you ever forget it."

Percy laughed as I finally pulled away. We were still in a random aisle of the grocery store. I stepped in front of him and pushed the cart forward.

His hands lingered on my butt for a few seconds before finding their place on my waist. I could feel his breath against my neck as we walked towards the checkout. I felt the warmth from his hand permeate through my body.

I smiled when he kissed my neck from behind.

As I mentioned already, we were getting closer to each other in every way. Every shared moment was significant. We were so happy and comfortable together.


We were loading the groceries into Percy's car when his eyes turned dark. His actions froze as he stared at something behind me.

"Wise Girl, get in the car," he whispered harshly.

"What's wrong?' I asked. I was about to turn around when Percy grabbed my arm. He pulled me towards the passenger seat and pushed me into the car.

"What's going on?" I exclaimed.

Percy didn't answer me; instead, he closed the door behind. Then, he locked the car from the outside before turning to face a man. I analyzed the middle-aged man with intrigue. He gave off a dangerous vibe with his beady eyes and drunken face.

I could already guess who it was. Smelly Gabe.

I gripped the door handle tightly, but the car was locked. Of course, I could unlock the car and go outside, but Percy wanted me to stay in the car. However, he didn't say anything about rolling down the window a smidge.

"Not too shabby, boy," Gabe spat.

They were standing a few feet away from each other. Percy was glaring at Gabe, and he looked ready to fight as well.

"What do you want?" Percy asked firmly.

"You seriously thought that I'd leave you alone. I spent many years sustaining you and your mother. I'm not letting you off the hook that easily," Gabe shouted into Percy's face. I don't know how Percy managed to not flinch.

Actually, I did. Percy was accustomed to this to the point where Gabe's abuse didn't affect him anymore. It was such a sad, stupid situation.

"Well, I'm done with you," Percy affirmed. "I warned you already."

Suddenly, Gabe's body turned towards me. My eyes widened as his steely gaze glossed over me from outside the car.

"TURN AWAY FROM HER," Percy shouted.

He shoved Gabe a few steps back. I wanted to pounce out of the car and come to Percy's defense. However, that would only make things worse. If Gabe is as dangerous as Percy says, then it would be best to stay in the car.

Gabe laughed cruelly. "You're lucky we're in public. That shove would've earned you two black eyes. Maybe later, I can-"

"SHUT UP," Percy shouted again. "Get it through your stupid, smelly head that I'm moving on. I want nothing to do with you."

"I'm not letting you leave, boy."

"I don't care what you think. I'm done with you."

Percy pushed away from Gabe and quickly finished loading the car with the remaining groceries. When Percy's back was to him, Gabe tried to make a move.

"PERCY," I exclaimed.

My boyfriend whirled around and pushed the cart into Gabe. It smashed into his drunk belly harshly, and Percy ran into the driver's seat. The engine roared to life, and Percy started driving immediately.

Gabe tried chasing our car, but it was fruitless. No one could reach a speeding car, especially not a drunken old man.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked between breaths.

"Of course, I'm okay. You made sure that I was okay," I replied. Percy was so sweet for still thinking about my safety despite everything.

"The better question is if you're okay?"

"I'm fine, Wise Girl," Percy said softly.

He was not fine though. His knuckles were white as he tightly clutched the steering wheel. Percy's muscles were tense, and he was slightly shaking.

I reached forward and rubbed his forearm. His frozen body relaxed upon my touch. I requested that he pull over, and he listened. We sat on the side of the road for several minutes. I watched Percy closely to make sure that he was okay.

After catching his breath, he relaxed and started driving again.

"You shouldn't have to deal with this Percy. You already gave him a second chance when you left without doing anything to Gabe."

"What can I do, Wise Girl? Smelly Gabe will never stop."

We stopped at a red light. I reached forward and turned his face towards mine. I wanted him to know that I was being serious right now.

"You can make him stop. We can get professional help to lock him away. A monster like him shouldn't be on the streets, tormenting you. Furthermore, Gabe hurt you, and you have many ways to prove that."

"I'm scared that he'll hurt me again or harm the people that I love," Percy whispered. His eyes shook as he leaned towards me. His head rested against my shoulder for a few seconds until the stoplight turned green again.

"That's exactly why you have to lock him away. You can't live in fear for the rest of your life," I said firmly.

"I know, Wise Girl. I agree."


"So, Percy, did you know that I also worked as a waiter at your age?" my dad asked. I smile as he tried to make conversation with my boyfriend.

Helen and the boys got along great with Percy. Helen had met him a few times while the boys played with Percy before as well. Percy came over often to see Mrs. O'Leary, and he'd take the boys to the park during their walks.

Mrs. O'Leary was currently nuzzled against Percy's legs under the table.

We were sitting at the dining table during the main course. Dad insisted that I invite Percy for an official "meet the family" dinner.

"That's awesome, Sir. What kind of restaurant was it?"

"Kids, please don't make fun, but I actually worked at a country ranch restaurant. I was forced to do a country accent as well," my dad laughed.

"I think that we have to hear that," I exclaimed.

Everyone cheered as my dad started reciting poetry with country slang. It was really funny, and I'll always hold it against him.

"So, Percy, have you introduced Annabeth to your family?" my dad asked politely.

My smile faded as I gazed at Percy. I should've told my dad that Percy didn't have any living family members. I had forgotten though.

Percy's face dulled while gazing at my father.

"Um, both of my parents have passed away. Annabeth and my friends are the only family that I have," Percy answered sadly. He kept his smile though.

"Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that."

"It's all right, Sir. It was a fair question. I can say that my mom would've loved Annabeth. I have no doubt about that," Percy smiled while gently squeezing my hand under the table.

My hold on his hand tightened. I didn't want to let go.

However, Percy would definitely lose brownie points from my dad if he found out that we were holding hands during dinner (right in front of him).

The dinner continued with pleasant conversation. I could tell that my dad liked Percy a lot. Helen and the boys loved him already. I was glad to know that my dad also admired and appreciated Percy as my boyfriend.

After all, that was the whole point of this dinner.

Percy was playing with Mrs. O'Leary and the boys after dinner. The puppy was drooling all over Percy's face. I didn't blame her at all.

Percy looked that good today. His hair was combed, and he looked so fresh. His tan skin practically glowed under the yellow lighting of my house. His body was also strong and healthy-looking in jeans and a green button-down.

It should be a crime for someone to be so attractive.

Percy and the boys were in the middle of a Mythomagic game. I sat next to my boyfriend and snuggled into his embrace.

"I made an appointment with Officer Ares tomorrow," Percy whispered. I pressed my lips against his cheek in support.

"He helped Calypso with her dad too, right?"

"Yeah. I also testified with Ares both times that Atlas got arrested. I felt that he's a strong police officer. He won't be intimidated by Gabe, and he's familiar with me," Percy explained.

"I'm just glad that we're doing something against that jerk."

"Me too."

Percy was about to play a Neptune mythomagic card. However, I stopped him and dropped a Minerva card instead. I smirked as Percy gaped at me.

"Hey, Neptune would've done more damage," Percy protested.

"Yeah, but Minerva is the smarter choice. Deal with it, Seaweed Brain." Percy wiggled his nose into my neck while I giggled.

We worked together to defeat Matthew and Bobby. No surprise there. The boys retired to their room for bedtime. My dad and Helen also conversed with Percy for a brief period before going upstairs.

Percy and I were still sitting on the couch.

I was leaning against him. His hands were playing with loose strands of my blonde hair. It felt so nice to be in his arms.

We were watching TV, but my thoughts were distracting me.

With a sudden burst of courage and passion, I gently moved my hand onto his lap. His grip tightened around me while I turned to face him. My body moved on its own accord, and I snuggled on his lap.

I gazed into his sea-green eyes. We were so close. I could feel the most intimate parts of him putting pressure on my thighs.

His warm hands were in my blonde hair as I made out with him.

"We can't," Percy whispered briskly. "Not here."

"Then, let's go back to your place, Seaweed Brain," I answered. Our hands intertwined as we walked into the cool night.

I trusted Percy completely. I knew that he was ready for me just like I was ready for him, and I knew that he loved me more than anyone else.

I want to do this with Percy. Tonight.

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