
The pirate king

In the year 20XX. A golden man appeared in the sky and said that earth has reach the requirements to evolve and fruits of all kind will appear around the world and they give superpower to to the eater, those powers can rumble the heaven and earth. There will be new monster on land, under water and in sky in the day over 10% of all creatures on the face of earth almost go extinct so all human banned together and change the tide of the war. The golden man also said at the end of the miracle line you will get the power to split the earth in two. From that day every person wanted to become a pirate.

1GYALLIS_Murder · ファンタジー
17 Chs

capter 2: Setting sail

Noah spent the rest of the day gathering supplies and recruiting a crew for his adventure. He had always been fascinated by the sea, but he had never actually been on a ship before. Luckily, one of his friends knew a sailor who was looking for work and was willing to teach them the ropes.

As they loaded the ship with provisions, Noah couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement mixed with anxiety. He was venturing into the unknown, and he had no idea what kind of dangers awaited him. But he pushed those thoughts aside and focused on the thrill of the adventure. He was going to be a pirate, and nothing could stop him.

Once they had everything they needed, they set sail towards the horizon, leaving the city behind. The sea was calm, and the sky was clear, with only a few fluffy clouds dotting theblue expanse. Noah felt the wind in his hair and the salty spray on his face, and he felt alive.

But their peaceful journey didn't last long. Soon, they encountered their first obstacle in the form of a massive sea creature. It was a giant squid, with long tentacles that reached out to ensnare the ship. Noah's crew panicked, but he stood firm. He had read about sea monsters before, and he knew that they could be defeated with cunning and bravery.

"Man the harpoons!" he shouted, grabbing a spear from the pile of weapons on deck. "We can take it down if we work together!"

With his leadership, the crew rallied and fought back against the squid. They dodged its tentacles and struck it with their weapons,and soon the beast retreated back into the depths of the sea. Noah felt a surge of pride as he watched his crewmates celebrate their victory. They had worked together as a team, and they had emerged victorious. +

But their journey was far from over. As they continued towards their destination, they encountered more and more obstacles. They battled fierce storms, avoided treacherous rocks, and even fended off a band of pirates who tried to steal their supplies. Noah realized that being a pirate was much more challenging than he had ever imagined, but he was determined to keep going.

As they sailed towards the horizon, Noah looked out at the endless sea and felt a sense of wonder. He had never felt so alive, so free. He was on an adventure, and he didn't know where it would take him. But heknew that he was ready for anything.

The second chapter ends with the crew sailing off into the distance, eager to see what other adventures awaited them, No one in Lio fruit as consume a miraculous fruit yet.