A guy who gets to reincarnate in MHA with Phoenix as his quirk. I just wrote this for my own pleasure so if there is any plot holes or something that ticks you off then leave a comment. Also I tried my best with correcting English so don't mind if it's bad.
{{A/N: Read author's note at bottom for the subject of Ao being "gay".}}
"It's fine now because I am here." Came a shout from the gate.
"About time. *Exhale* I'm tired." Not really but I said it anyway. I sat down on the floor near sensei to look after Nomu. I then looked towards All Might.
He didn't look very happy about it. No-one would be after knowing that his students got in a life and death situation because the villains came to kill you. And to add cherry to the top, he was not there when they needed him the most.
All Might came towards me in a split second. I raised my fist and said, "Tag. Look after that big guy. He has a similar strength quirk like yours."
This day couldn't get more crappy. I also found out I have a danger detection sense or something. Maybe if Momo-chan or Uraraka-chan gave me a full body hug, it might just make my day better.
[ In a bar ] [ 3rd person's POV ]
"Aargh. It hurts". Tomura shouted as he broke the ice around him with his quirk.
"What happened, Kurogiri?" A deep and sinister voice came from the monitor in that bar.
"Sensei, we failed in our mission. We lost even before All Might came." Kurogiri said with some difficulty.
"Hoo! Explain." Losing to All Might was expected but to lose before the hero even came was out of his calculations.
"Hai. One of the students, Todoroki Ao, has a quirk that can even burn or freeze my wrap gate." Kurogiri explained all the events that happened in USJ and about the threat called Todoroki Ao.
Shigaraki Tomura was in so much pain that he had already passed out.
A voice from the screen said, "It's fine. Take care of Tomira. The trip wasn't all that bad either. We now know of a potential threat to the League of Villain. And don't worry about that boy. He was always under my radar."
The screen went off and the room fell silent.
[ After some time ] [ Ao's POV ]
Shoto and rest came running towards us. I walked up feeling all good and smug only to see my brother's stoic face.
"Shoto-chan, were you worried about your brother?" I tried to tease him but the more I spoke the more cold his face got.
Suddenly, "Young Ao, You did a great job" All Might practically shouted while running towards us.
"You are being too loud All Might." I heard dad's voice coming towards us behind Shoto and other students.
"Ah sorry, Endeavor. I was just trying to congratulate Young Ao for doing a great job." All Might said with a smaller voice.
"Of course he did. Whose son do you think he is?" The number 1 hero and number 2 hero started bickering at each other.
I am surprised he is here. But I can guess why, since I told him about the new routine for my training by sensei. Yesterday he said he wanted to talk to them too so it makes sense he was with All Might.
Taking the chance I teased dad, "Ohh, Shoto-chan look, our cold father's heart finally melted. He complimented his son at last. Maybe we are going to see some weird phenomena tonight"
Dad totally ignored my teasing like always and asked, "How did they get away while you were against them?"
I said faking my annoyance, "Oh come on, is that what you ask first? Where is my 'Are you ok my lovely, strong, dear son?'."
All Might tried not to laugh while Shoto gave a smirk.
A vein popped on his forehead, "I know if you were hurt you can heal instantly and I know with your quirk and experience, they should be badly injured to even think about leaving."
"I am a human too." I retaliated.
"Yes, a human trained by a monste--" He paused, seeing my playful smile.
"Monster huh. She will love her son's 'complement'". Now even All Might started sweating. He knew at this moment he fucked up.
"I-I mean.."
"Anyways, the blue big guy had super speed. Though my Logia form cannot take any kind of damage, it can still hurt others close to me if I let my guards down, so I either burned it to the point that it couldn't move or keep it in checkmate position with its leader. After that I was multitasking with looking after everyone, healing sensei and keeping them at bay but they slipped away." I gave my answer in a serious and short but detailed manner.
Now that I think about it, I should have just froze it neck down.
All Might was impressed while Shoto looked like he was taking notes(?).
Dad just signed and said, "Well good job. Looks like you had things under control. Maa will be proud of you." Yah he calls her Maa. Quite cute right?
All Might gave a thumbs up to me. Seriously I thought I was going to get scolded for engaging in this fight but I am even getting complimented by dad. Feels nice.
He than had a ugly gin on his face, "She still won't be happy of you letting those two go though."
Now I started sweating. "It seems we reached a draw."
"Understood" Is all he said and we shook hands.
Basically I don't bring up him calling grandma a monster and he won't say that I let two people go. Even when I could keep them if I was more careful.
Doesn't sound unfair for me? Not really, she is a monster when she isn't the kind loving grandma and I did kind of mess up by not being careful enough.
What can I say, I am OP in a way. Just that I don't use my whole power on others to keep things interesting.
Everyone from our class came towards us. Momo-chan even brought me some energy drinks and some food.
Bakugou was pissed about the fact that he was fighting some 3rd rate Villains while I, who he wanted to surpass, brought down a Villain designed to kill the number 1 hero and also saved our teacher.
And Green-boy was also looking down towards the floor and clenching his fist. He and Bakugou were the two that protested to run after all.
Does he think just because he is a successor, he has to save everyone? Can't anyone else also become the next number 1? What is their definition of hero anyways? It's tiring to deal with these two.
I know that Shoto also feels bad for running away but he knows me well enough to follow orders. I never do things that I'm bad at or play games that I'll lose.
After some time the principal also came to visit. He is a mix of bear, mouse, dog that has a scary scar on one of his eyes. "How are you doing Todoroki-kun?" he asked.
"Just call me Ao, sir. And I'm doing good. Just a little tired because of my dad's rant and everyone's oozing energy." I said as a joke that he understood.
Principal Nezu is a good guy too. He gave us a day off to cool.
Like that the day ended and I got a warm hug from my mom and nee-chan. Shoto, dad and nii-chan can just stayed away from me in for this. Initially nii-san also wanted to hug me but I refused saying no homo. But I hugged him seconds later as he didn't get my joke. Like father, like son really. I'm the only one with proper humor in this family.
Just so you remember, Ao's personality is similar to Gojo Satoru. So if he came out gay or weird, it wasn't intentional. And also for people who thought he was gay for his brother, know that he only teases Shoto to get reactions. He finds Shoto's reactions funny and cute like how I might find it from my younger siblings. (Yes even when they are 15 by now).
I planned to stop it and grow from it after Sports Festival.
Also if you still find it gay then your definition of either gay or bro-con is odd and not like mine.
So all in all, Ao doesn't 'love' his brother in that way and all those 'cute' and similar comments are just him teasing to get some sort of reaction, specially after Shoto became emo.
I'll post this somewhere else too.