
Secret and Injury

[ Ao's POV ]

I had to stay late with Aizawa sensei because he wanted to test the versatility of my quirk. All Might was also there to see it. They tested and confirmed and told me that they wasted time creating a new training plan for me. I was ok with it, some special training never hurts.

Aizawa sensei also said that he was a fan of my grandma 'As a hero' and wanted to test my true limits in a fight. I was a bit taken back to be honest since he had a very controlled fanboy face when talking about grandma.

I didn't get to talk to All Might again because I wanted to make sure that no one else was there to hear it.

Since I had to stay for some time, Shoto went home without me.

I thought of flying to go home since it was already too late but on my way I saw Ash-hair-kun and Green-boy in their love confession. So I eavesdropped on them cuz that's what you should do. And boy was I happy.

I found that Green-boy actually got his powers from someone else. I have a clear image of who and it and it didn't make sense since it's obvious you inherit from your family. But now that I think about it, these father and son look nothing like each other. Plus I never heard All Might having a son so I assumed him to be a Bastard like Jon Snow or something.

Anyways, should I blackmail them? How villain-like. I knew this was my lucky day.

So it seems either All Might is choosing a successor that is Green-boy or that black mass in his core is eating him from inside and Green-boy is just a vessel. Knowing the Hero in question, and Green-boy, it's 100% formal.

Should I cure him? Cuz my flames can cure it. It can heal anything. Well technically anything unless they are born with the said issue.

Though there are some limitations to it like I can't heal others at the same rate I can for myself plus under my grandma Hina's kind lesions I can close wounds, cure cancer or more like burn them but I'm not very good at them. I only stared that after Shoto got injured but not to the level where I can perfectly heal others without hurting them.

My best comes when I can heal internal and external wounds like bleeding, broken bones and punctured lungs. This is because the warm flames of my quirk can simply heal things like this

But if I have to burn or erase disease then that's a whole lot different. Even grandma can't do it so mine is only harder but doable.

And All Might's case is the latter. There is something that's eating his core from inside. So while I know I can do it, it'll take a hell lot of time. In my current estimation, about a month or more with 3 hours of regular checkup. Anymore than that can be taxing on me.

Bakugou looked like he was gonna explode. He said in anger, "What do you mean by borrow? I don't understand what you are trying to say. You, that ice and fire guy and that blue flames guy looking at them I thought 'I can't beat him!'. I couldn't even refute that ponytail girl. Listen up deku, this is my starting point, you hear me. I'm just getting started. I'll beat you all, especially that blind guy. I'll prove to you all that I'm above you all." He walked off while sniffing, grumbling and crying.

'Calling me blind was uncalled for and I'm not even blind.' I thought. 'Shoto, my lovely brother, you'll have a rival soon. Just be ready to not get left behind'. I thought with a grin on my face.

After he said all that with tears in his eyes, someone came towards him calling his name loudly.

'And here comes All Might. As clueless as ever huh. Seems like Bakugou got even more pissed. We can talk later anyways. I should go home.' I thought about it and went home.


[ Next day ]

So since I was feeling sleepy I flew my way to school like Ironman. I usually walk with Shoto as a good elder brother but today I ditched him. While on my way in I saw some reporters outside the UA gate but I just flew over them.

After Aizawa sensei gave Ash-hair-kun and Green-boy some due glares and words that were very much like a statement more than lecture he started our regular class. Of Course not before warning me not to use quirk without permission. Even if it was just to fly?

[ Next day ]

So since I was feeling sleepy I flew my way to school. I usually walk with Shoto as a light walk but today I ditched him. I saw some reporters on my way to class so I flew over them.

After Aizawa sensei gave Ash-hair-kun and Green-boy some due glares and words that were very much like a statement more than lecture he started our regular class.

Aisawa sensei then said with a serious face, "Now let's get down to homeroom business. Sorry about the late notice but today, I'll have you…"

'Why does the air feel denser?' I thought.

"...decide on a class representative."

'Ah, It got light'.

Everyone got excited. Even the composed Momo-chan brea- I mean chea- I mean breathing was getting irregular. Umm makes sense, if you want your own agency and lead heroes on missions/operations, you have to be a leader. What better opportunity will you get than this? Well I'm staying out of this one. I don't do well in teams after all.

Iida-kun started saying something that I didn't even bother listening to. I kind of dazed out. They went back and forth on it and they decided to hold an election.

This makes things easier for me. I already am gonna vote for our Momo-chan so it's okay.

I would on a normal day choose Shoto but my brother has no interest in things like this.


Huh?! HUH?! Green-haired boy and Momo-chan tied? Who? Who gave this guy their vote? The man is shaking and you want him to lead?

Aisawa: "I vote Yaoyorozu as class rep and Midoriya as deputy class rep. Any problem?"

But man Green-boy is still shaking, although a little less than before.


[ Lunch Rush's eatery ]

Me, Shoto, Momo-chan, Uraraka-chan, Iida-kun and Green-boy are sitting and making small conversation. It seems Momo-chan also prefers Lunch Rush's eatery over maid food. Poor girl.

Seems like Iida-kun is also from a hero family. That explains the engine legs. No wonder I thought some hero was like that too. His suit is also similar too. Ingenium huh. Cool name.

Suddenly, *Preeeeng*

'Security breach? In UA? There are these types of idiots too huh. Lets see'.

I spread my senses and found Aisawa sensei already at the gates. Wow, fast. It seems desperate All Might Fans. But… Nah, no way will they come to UA for trouble.

Everyone starts to panic like the floor is gonna collapse. Even my own classmates. Only Shoto was looking at me with a small frown. Oh, my brother is depending on me. I feel blessed. Humm, I should sound cool.

"Calm down. It's just the reporters outside. They must have breached for a scope on All Might. Which idiot would breach a Hero school anyway", I said in a cool manner. I'm sure I sounded cool. Heh.

They visibly calmed down and looked outside to see the situation. But man, people are crowding the hallway.

I thought for a moment and looked at Momo-chan, "Momo-chan, can you make a mic for me?"

"Sure." She made it quickly and gave it to me.

"Thanks Momo-chan. Now Uraraka-chan, please make Iida-kun light."

"Ok", she said with no questions asked.

"Iida-kun get ready for action ok?"

"Action?" He was confused.

"Here", I gave him the microphone Momo-chan made.

"What's that for?" He asked with confusion.

"To make the crowd calm down. Now fly." I smiled.

I pushed Iida-kun towards the exit. "Use it well, ok?"

He said what he should and the crowd calmed down. We went to class after that parade.


After we sat down for our next class, Green-boy wanted to pass his position to me. He said that I was cool and calm in a situation where he was going to run like everyone else.

While I like Momo-chan (not in that way, or THAT way, maybe the latter), I hate work so I stood up and said, "Iida-kun is perfect for the role and I don't like standing for too long so I vote for Iida-kun". Everyone agreed to go with it so.. Fyu.