
The Truth will never set you free

Raheem pulled the curtain that separated his tiny bedroom from his sister's.

"Rhianna, why were you moaning in your sleep last night, I was tempted to get up and check, but you have been so grumpy lately."

"Raheem, I was having the best dream ever, I dreamed that Mummy and Chris bought a house uptown and I had my own room."

Raheem hissed his teeth.

"I know those moans Rhianna. You were having one of those dreams that cause a wet sheet?" Raheem chuckled.

"See why I can't tell you anything anymore Raheem, I hate this house. I am a big woman sharing a room with an imbecile for a brother. I need my privacy. By the way, have you noticed how Mummy has been happy lately?" Rihanna asked.

"Yes, and Chris cut off the locks, he looks so different. Maybe Chris is giving her what she really needs."

Raheem thrusted his hips back and forth and laughing.

"Gross Raheem, you are so disgusting. Do you really think Mommy and Chris still have sex, aren't they too old?" Rihanna asked.

"If you are having wet dreams Rihanna and Mummy is not that much older than us, why shouldn't she? Besides she looks good for her age."

Rihanna frowned and sighed.

"I don't really get her these days. Mummy is always pampering Joshua and has very little time for me. Every time I open my mouth to her, she has something negative to say. She saps my energy Raheem."

Rihanna's eyes glossed over while she spoke.

"Do you remember what our life was like before Chris showed up, Raheem? Mummy used to spend time with us, carry us to school and attend all our activities at school, but since Chris, everything has gone downhill. Look how we moved into the ghetto!"

Raheem sighed.

"Grow up Rihanna, life is about change. We have the ability to study hard, get good jobs and leave this place. The choice is ours, never look back."

"Sounds like a plan Raheem," Rihanna replied.

"You do realize that we dare not tell anybody the truth of our plan. Chris has wrecked our lives and because Mummy has thrown in her lot with him, she deserves whatever she gets," Raheem said softly.

"Two more years to go Rihanna, but yes, I think Mummy is happier because I saw her talking to Mr Big the other day and smiling up with him. Maybe, it's the reason Chris cut off his locks," Raheem added.

"Do you think he knows the truth?" Rihanna asked.

"What truth?" Raheem asked.

"That I think our mother is just using Chris" Rihanna rolled her eyes while she answered. "She wants to go back to school, chatting up to an older man must be a steppingstone to something else, plus I don't think that If I were her, I would want to settle in life with a mechanic. My gut tells me that if Joshua never happened Mummy would have moved on in life, a long time ago."

"Rihanna, based on what I see happening in the news lately, Mummy telling Chris the truth would not be a very smart idea. I think he knows something is up and we are in for a surprise. A man does not just get up and change his faith like that. I feel something big is coming," Raheem chuckled.

"Hey, it just dawned on me. I think you should share a room with Joshua and I get his room. Why should a grown woman share a such a tiny space with her twin brother."

"Knowing you Rihanna, you are going to use our observations and pressure Mummy into giving you what you want."

"Ahh you are learning Raheem. Women have to use situational analysis to move ahead in life. I don't think I am any different from Mummy. Besides, I watched you the other night tugging below the sheets. You thought I was sleeping; you had that naughty magazine that you keep below your mattrass. I understand, you are a man and we all have needs according to Maslow. I don't want to witness that again," Rihanna said softly.

"You pervert, you could have cleared your throat and let me know you weren't sleeping. How do you know I keep it there in the first place?" Raheem almost shouted.

Rihanna covered her face with her hand.

"He who has the information is king Raheem. I am sure, I will be getting my own room soon or are you willing to do a few of my statistics assignments for me. I need an "A" to pass the course."

Rihanna spoke with a half-smile on her face.

"Blackmail does not suit you Rihanna, that is why you are so distracted and engrossed in running for a position on the students' council, Rihanna. I thought you said education comes first?" Raheem asked.

"I'm no idiot Raheem, I know a woman will never be paid the same as a man in this country, politics gives me an advantage. I won't use this body to get ahead in life. Brains, beauty and a wit Raheem, will get me ahead in the race. Just like Mummy is doing now."

Later that same day

The automatic glass door a of the Balmore Hotel slid open as Chris looked at his reflection. I look 'Snappy' he thought, and it brought back memories of the days he was an intern in the corporate world, slim fitted suits with shoes that had mirror like shine.

Chris winced as he remembered telling Tanya that he was going to meet a potential business partner that could move the business to another level, when she asked him why was he dressing in his best shirt?

Chris sighed, it wasn't a real lie but he omitted to tell her who he was going to meet. The thought of meeting Devlin after all this time perplexed and puzzled him. A ghost from the past had just appeared out of nowhere, but he rationalized that there is no ill wind in life. Devlin Munroe had left an indelible mark on his life and he was determined that his life had to change.

"God, let this be a turning point and if Devlin feels guilty, I can use it to pitch my business proposition," Chris muttered as he stepped into the resplendent lobby.

The rush of cool air removed the beads of sweat from his forehead. Chris's eyes surveyed the scenery, marble tiles contrasted the high white ceilings with ornate tapestry.

"I wish my house looked like this," he whispered.

He felt a little intimidated by the surroundings. He felt the glance of the security guard, but that soon left him as he walked towards the bar confidently, sat down on the cushioned stainless-steel stool and raised his index finger to the bartender.

"Whiskey please," Chris said while feeling for his phone that was tucked away in his pocket.

His newest acquisition since cutting off his hair was his Iphone 12.

"Look the part, be the part," Chris whispered softly.

Nervously he scrolled and looked for the last number that had called him, then he dialed and waited for the number for the line to be answered.

His heart palpitated and he tried taking deep breaths to calm himself. Rehearsing in his mind what he would say the moment she answered the phone.

His eyes roamed, looking at the intimate set up of the lobby, with chairs that looked soft and inviting. The bartender brought him the glass that he had ordered.

"Hi, you have reached Devlin, I am unable to come to the phone just now. Please leave a message and I will call you back."

Chris frowned and looked at the phone. He sipped the sugary, brown colored liquid and pursed his lips. He looked around to see if anyone had noticed his reaction. He swallowed and felt the burn heating his body and then to his loins.

"Wow!" Chris exclaimed.

His manhood stiffened instantly.

"It packs a punch, doesn't it?" asked a voice from behind him.

Chris swiveled on the chair instantly recognizing the voice, but he gasped as his eyes struggled at first to recognize the woman that had tormented, pleasured him in his dreams over the years.

"Devlin Munroe?" Chris asked hesitantly while sliding off the stool.

"I go by Brown now." Devlin replied.

She held out her hand for him to shake, but instead Chris hugged her for a second and it was as if a decade had not passed.

"Have a seat," Chris gestured as soon as he released her. His eyes roaming and he was amazed how radiant her skin was. Devlin should have been fifteen years younger, but she almost looked in her thirties.

"Wow!" Chris said.

He blushed instantly when he realized that his thoughts became words that had left his lips.

"Apologies," Chris stuttered.

"No need to apologise Chris," Devlin replied.

He knew instantly that Devlin was his kindred spirit, trapped by time and held hostage by society's rules. Devlin Brown felt the tingle radiating down her spine. Chris had found a way of stroking more than her libido since they met and even though they only exchanged a few words so far, Chris could feel the pleasure of the tension building between them.

"How have you been?" Chris asked.

"I am now a professor of ethnic studies at Standburd University. I came down to speak at a conference tomorrow but despite the responsibilities I thought I should reach out to you. What have you been up to Chris?" Devlin asked.

Chris took a long drink, trying to gather his thoughts.

"I'm married with three children," Chris blurted out.

Devlin shuffled herself on the stool.

"Oh, that's nice," Devlin replied.

Chris's look could have cut her in half.

"I hope you are happy, Chris," Devlin replied sheepishly.

"Would you like a drink, Devlin?" Chris asked while raising his index finger.

"It's early, but I will have a glass of wine," Devlin replied.

Her fingers touched Chris's arm slightly.

Devlin's story

Just looking at him was intoxicating enough Devlin thought, but she tried to contain her longed for more than thoughts, she longed for something else. Sweet, delicious dreams had been tormenting her at night, but it was Chris's face that was the shocker last night.

Devlin sighed quietly, control, yourself woman, he is a married man now. She whispered to herself.

Devlin received her wine sipped it and listened to Chris talk about his wife and family. She could see the pain in his eyes, he wasn't as happy as he tried to make his life out to be. However, what she really wanted to tell him was just not coming out.

"Chris, I'm sorry for what happened between us and how things ended up. You just disappeared on me and If I didn't try and hunt you down, that would have been that" Devlin blurted out.

Chris gasped.

"Straight to the point huh, I was wondering when the real Devlin Munroe was going to show up," Chris said with a smile. "What was I supposed to do Devlin? I watched as your supposed ex-husband made love to you at his big fancy house. I heard you moaning and groaning and calling his name, just like you did mine. What else was I supposed to do stay and become your gigolo?" Chris seethed.

"I'm sorry Chris, this is not how I expected this conversation to go or even end. Things were confusing back then. Reggie practically raped me that day and I don't know what you heard or really saw, but I was begging him to stop. Things got complicated and we tried to patch things together after you disappeared. The police questioned Reggie after blood stains were found in your car on the compound. Things never lasted long and we eventually went out separate ways. I started over overseas, leaving everything behind and I built a new life Chris," Devlin pleaded.

"Good for you, everything went downhill for me, I felt as if God was punishing me for sleeping with a not so married woman. My only son is autistic and I shaved my locs, hoping for a fresh start. I know my wife loves me but I am paying the consequences of my choices with you Devlin in that copy room at your office," Chris's words dripped with bitterness.

Devlin swallowed the last of her red wine.

"Well, maybe, I have some good news for you Chris. I came here with a positive mindset. My son is a blessing from God, he is ten years old.

She watched as the clouds of despondency lift from Chris's face.

"Well, Chris it was nice seeing you again, I will be in touch."

Devlin could not bring herself to telling him the truth as she led him by the hand towards the elevator.

Later that night in her hotel room

Beads of cold sweat ran between her handsome cleavage as she writhed in the bed feeling the crescendo of a wagging, marauding tongue that had been lashing between her cobwebbed thighs. Inciting whispering screams from her lips. Her back arched atop the satin sheets of the Balmore Hotel. Devlin awoke from her sleep just as she was about to explode for the fourth time in a night, but this time the handsome face of the host of the conference, made her gasp just as the shockwave or tremors started to subside.

Earlier Chris's masculine arm hairs had made the downy hairs on her forearm stand on end as he brushed past her to catch the bar, Devlin wasn't sure if he had noticed her but, his steely brown eyes seemed to have penetrated her soul just for an instant. His accent, so rustic and earthy made her toes curl in her red heels. For the first time in ten years Devlin felt her loin stir in ways that only one other man had done.

Feeling slightly confused and wrong-footed Devlin had tried to focus on her presentation, but it was as if Chris was her long lost soul mate, but just did not realize the power he had over her body....

Devlin knew she had soaked the sheets and didn't bother to check this time.

Like two rudderless ships, Devlin and Chris had been floating adrift, buried by their work commitments and the disasters in their past that they took very little notice of each other and how the earth moved whenever they came within touching distance of each other.

Devlin showered, washing away, while basking in the warmth of the rain head shower. Intimate places on her still pulsed and twitched as she looked up at the glass ceiling of the shower and it was hard not to admire the physique of the nerd from Corn Piece Gap in Jamaica that was a rising star in the academic world. However, the small, raised bumps around her nipples longed to be caressed and that was because Devlin decided that her career was more important than heart break, but her mind and other places where being stirred by the secret images of Chris.

"Chris, Chris if you only knew how you just made me clutch the sheets in my dream."

Devlin chuckled as she dried the water from her body with the lilly white towel. Minutes later she was under the satin sheets, naked and relishing the feel of the material on the soft skin. Devlin glanced at her phone and hissed her teeth. It was 3:15 a.m. and she was the first presenter at 8 a.m. Gravel seemed to have fallen in her eyes. Sleep was now her enemy as she tossed and turned, the middle-aged body aching for more than just a dream.