
The world is gone

January 12, 2120,

It's been 100 years since the meteor destroyed everyone or at least that what the ones above thought. I guess I should introduce myself hi, my name is Rylee stargazer, you see my job is to look at the stars and watch for anything that might come. I love my job but it's soooo boring nothing ever comes.

I close my journal looking back up at the sky, I saw a strange glowing ball coming straight towards my tower. Normally the bell would ring if it was dangerous so I wasn't worried. It got closer and closer until it crashed. "Maybe no one else saw it? I'd better check it out". I left my tower the thing landed about 100 yards away easy to get to. When I got to I saw it was a ship and someone or something was inside.

The ship was silver and gold like the stars. It had a glass plate on the front covered in dirt and grim. You couldn't see if there was anyone inside but I didn't care because if there was I was going to help them. The ship was small enough to go undetected by other stargazers but big enough to hold about eight people I think either way I was getting in.

I tried to open it with anything I had on me but no luck. "Please open let me help this person" I asked the ship and to my surprise it opened like it was waiting for me to call out to it.

I climbed the stairs and entered the ship hoping to find whom ever was piloting it. Suddenly the door shut and I was trap the ship started to take off taking me away from my home and everything I've know little did I know I'd have the adventure of a life time.

I looked around and saw what looked like a girl and boy frozen. I touched the frozen girl first all of a sudden she just woke up and began to unfreeze. She had long blue hair and markings of another planet that I didn't understand. She had a red and yellow dress on that reminded me of the sun. I've named her Daylight.

The boy had short black hair and wore black and grey clothes like the moon. He was shorter then the girl and looked about a year younger. I named him celestial cause he looks like the moon.

I didn't know who these people were but I felt I could trust them.