
The Pen Pal Paradox

Someone has been giving anonymous letters to Kifayat Anjum since her school days. It's not going on for one or two days but for years. No matter how she tried she couldn't find the writer of those letters. At first Anjum thought it should be a someone teasing her but day by day she realizes it's not just teasing her but also making her fall. She is really curious who is this pen pal?

Kafa_Kader · 若者
51 Chs

Advantage of being good student

Although it's day time, the classroom is still dark. A group of girls were sitting together forming a circle. It looked like they are discussing something very serious.The atmosphere was a little depressing.

"Did you see him?" Saba asked.

Cyra shook her head in denial. " I think it was when we were in PT class. He put it in her drawer."

"Even if you didn't see, someone must have seen it at that time. Why don't we ask everyone in the classroom?" Lia asked hopefully.

"It is useless. The previous day we did what you said.But no one saw him." Saba declined Lia's proposal.

"But why are we making a fuss? It's not the first time for her to get love letter~" Lia was confused.

"Because you were absent for more than 1 week. You don't know the whole story." Saba took the letter in front of Lia. "Does this letter look like other ordinary love letter?"

Lia looked at the letter carefully. Except this love letter has nothing about love or confession, everything looks quite normal to her. "It doesn't look like a love letter though. More like someone asking about her well being."

"That's the suspicious point. if someone wants to ask about how's she doing. Why would he or she secretly put letter in her drawer? Saba asked what she was curious about.

Lia said while contemplating, "Is someone pulling a prank?"

"Cyra added that, "it is not a matter of one or two days. But a full one year!!!"

"What?!! For real!! Someone has been playing this prank for one year?~" Lia was so surprised that her mouth become O shaped.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"We also found out recently. We also asked everyone in the class. It's all in vain. No body knows anything."

"Then what's the plan now?!"

"Well...." Everyone looked at the person whom they were talking about for so long.

The room was dark, only a little light was coming in through the window and in the empty classroom, the little girl sat on the light blue folding chair, bowed her head and frowned slightly.

Even in dark her beautiful and delicate face can be said to shining, the whole person looked quiet, peaceful, indifferent mix with gentleness.

Kifayat said slowly, "Let's check the CCTV footage."

"It's a waste of time , Kifayat. The camera has been broken for many days."

"I know. We are not going to check the classroom camera. There is another camera in front of class 10 C."

"But I didn't see any camera there."

"Of course you wouldn't know. The teacher secretly installed it to catch the students who skips class. Our classroom can be seen with that camera too."

"Really! The teachers are so sly. No wonder the dean can catch those students so fast now. But how do you know?"

Saba flicked on Cyra's forehead, " Did you forget our Kifayat is student council president now. It's easy for her to know about this type of things."

Cyra was embarrassed to forget such important matter. So in order to distract them, she held her head, "Ouch!! That hurts."

Lia said in a mocking tone, "okay, okay, stop pretending. No one is going to see your performance."

Then said to Kifayat that even if she is Student council president now, she can't go to the monitoring room as she pleased.

"I know that but...." They suddenly became alert. "Someone is coming."

After a while their class teacher opened the door and immediately started yelling, "Why are there still students in classroom at this time?" As she was about to scold more, she was stunned.

The dark classroom from a little while is now spacious and well-lit, with large windows that let in natural light. The walls of the classroom are decorated with posters and charts that display the learning objectives, the agenda, the rules, and the students' work. The desks are arranged in rows facing the front, where the teacher's desk, the whiteboard, and the projector are located.

The temperature is comfortable and the noise level is low, except for the occasional sound of the clock ticking. Four girls were sitting on the desk and reading books. From their posture, teacher thought that they were self studying.

Their teacher was pleased. "Oh Kifayat, you guys are here."

The four of them stood up and greeted the teacher.

"Teacher we are sorry. Actually we had a very important matter to discuss. So we didn't join the gym class today. As a student council president, it was my negligence in dury. I sincerely apologized on their behalf."

Mrs. Shen was very happy. Which teacher wouldn't like hardworking student like them. If Kifayat or the others could hear what teacher thought then they would definitely feel sorry for her.

"No, Kifayat you don't have to apologize. I understand that you guys must be anxious about the exam. But still it's necessary to keep your body fit. So you should balance these two."

"Yes, teacher. I would keep that in mind. "Teacher I have a request." Kifayat paused a little before speaking. It looked like she is facing some problem.

"Sure, What can I help you with?" Mrs Shen gladly agreed. She looked like she would even pick the moon if Kifayat asked her too.

"Actually teacher a classmate seems to lose a very important thing in class. I want to help him find it. Can you please help me check the monitoring room? If it's not convenient for teacher I can also check it alone."

"Hahaha. Why are you hesitating for such a small matter. Of course you can go. Call me if you need anything in future."

"Thank you teacher." And sorry too.

Kifayat said in her heart.

After the teacher left, Kifayat looked at her three friends who are in a awe.


Saba couldn't help but clapped. "Hat's off to you. Mrs Shen is the scariest teacher in our whole school. But you could fool her so casily."

Lia sighed, " If I was not with you the whole time, I would have believed it too.

Besides how did you manage to keep that straight face while lying?"

"When did I lie to the teacher?" Kifayat said in a nonchalant manner.

''Just now you said we were discussing important matters....." Lia remembered they were really discussing something important but it's not what the teacher thought that was important.

"Then you said someone lost something, and you will help them find it. But the letter was not lost someone delibaretly gave this to you. So it can be considered as a lie." Lia refuted Kifayat thought she has won.

"Indeed, the letter was not lost but I didn't mean to say the letter was lost."

"Then what else was lost?" Saba asked curiously.


"Huh?!" The three of them were dumbfounded.

Pfft~Kifayat laughed and said, "Someone lost his heart to me. I will help them find it while finding the owner of the letter."

"Okay you beat me!" All the four of them laughed. "Anyway it's because it's you teacher believed it so easily. Even if I said it teacher would ask me several questions."

"Well you can say it's the advantage of being a top student. If you want the teacher to believe you, you guys can try to beat me in the ranking."

Three of them were a little pissed of. "Although we can't beat your ranking. We can beat you somewhere else."


"Soldier, arrest her." After giving the command, Lia immediately run after Kifayat. Cyra and Saba was helped her to catch Kifayat. Though Kifayat tried to escape she was not as fast as Lia or others. She soon got caught and begged for mercy.

Then the four of them happily went to canteen hand in hand forgetting their previous worries.