
The Pen Pal Paradox

Someone has been giving anonymous letters to Kifayat Anjum since her school days. It's not going on for one or two days but for years. No matter how she tried she couldn't find the writer of those letters. At first Anjum thought it should be a someone teasing her but day by day she realizes it's not just teasing her but also making her fall. She is really curious who is this pen pal?

Kafa_Kader · 若者
51 Chs

A chance encounter

Days turned into weeks, and Arbaz made little progress in getting closer to the girl. Her routine was simple: school, home, and back again. Despite his best efforts, he hardly ever saw her, let alone spoke to her. When he did get a chance, his nerves betrayed him.

One afternoon, Arbaz saw her waiting at a roadside. His best friend, Samir, nudged him. "Go on, say something."

Arbaz approached her nervously. "Hello... I, I..."He could not even look into the eyes of the girl.

She looked at him, puzzled. "Do you want to say something?"

"That... I was lost, looking for directions."

Before she could ask which direction he needed, Arbaz turned and hurriedly left. She thought, "Strange, he was looking for directions but left without asking. Was he embarrassed or what?"

Her friend Lia arrived just then and noticed her looking somewhere. "What happened?" she asked.

"Nothing, I just saw a strange man."

"Strange? Did he say something to you?"

"No, I guess he forgot his way and got flustered."

Lia laughed. "The man was more stupid than me then. Hahaha!" Suddenly stopped laughing, and made up a story in her mind, "Could it be he was actually in love with you. Forgot his way looking at you?"

Kifayat flicked on Lia's forehead lightly. "Stop reading those romance novel all time. Always saying random things. Kifayat started walking towards the store.

Lia held her forehead, and followed her behind, "At least tell me, how did he look?"

Thinking of Arbaz, she said, " He was quite good-looking."

Meanwhile, Samir, who had watched the whole scene, shook his head helplessly. How could he ever have thought that the boy who was always so confident in everything couldn't even utter a word in front of the girl he liked?

A few days later, Arbaz saw Kifayat again at the school library. She was deeply engrossed in a book, not noticing him as he walked up and sat near her. His friend nudged him, urging him to talk to her, but Arbaz made an excuse, saying, "She's studying so seriously, it's not good to disturb her." After fidgeting for a while, he finally gathered the courage to speak. Just as he got up, Kifayat returned the book at the counter and left. Frustrated, his friend teased him for being so cowardly. "You are hopeless, Arbaz."

Soon, their admission exams were held. Arbaz, always a talented and hardworking student, got admitted to A University along with his best friend Samir and many classmates who achieved their dream universities. Their school invited them to a program to encourage their juniors. Arbaz decided this time, he would definitely talk to Kifayat. He was leaving for university soon, and he might not get another chance.

On the day of the program, Arbaz dressed up, nervous about how to approach Kifayat and make a good impression. The program started, and the host announced Arbaz's name to go up on stage and talk about his experiences. Arbaz was always a very confident and bright boy. When he was in school he was famous both for his looks and brilliance, many people liked him.

Amidst the thunderous applause Arbaz went up to the stage.

Good morning everyone! It's good to see you again. How are you all doing?

"Good!!!!" The audience screamed.

That's nice to hear. Then how many of you know me here? Please raise your hands. Most of the audience raised their hands.

Looks like a lot. So for the sake of everyone I will introduce myself again. My name is Arbaz who was once one of the student here just like you. I graduated this year and now currently studying at A University. A few days ago, my teacher called me asking me to come here to say something to motivate you. But honestly guys, I don't know if my speech can really bring any motivation to you guys. So if you are not motivated to study after my speech, then don't blame me. Blame yourself for being lazy.


While coming here one of my friend was a little nervous and so I told him a joke to make him less nervous. I will share it with you guys too. Do you know why did the scarecrow become a successful neurosurgeon?

The audience started whispering. Then Arbaz's friend from the audience replied, "Because he was outstanding in his field, but he also had the brains to go with it!"

Hahaha, that's right. Everyone laughed. Arbaz always had the ability to hook the audience in his speech.

Now, on a more serious note, I stand before you not just as a senior who made it into a great university, but as someone who was once in your shoes, looking up to those who had paved their paths before me.

Getting into a top university isn't just about having the grades; it's about the late nights, the relentless pursuit of knowledge, and the courage to dream big. It's about the support from teachers who believe in you and friends who cheer you on.

Remember, every great achievement begins with the decision to tr...

Arbaz suddenly got struck in his speech.