
The Peasants System(Hiatus)

This book has been Dropped. I apologize for the inconvenience. I put a lot of effort into this story and had big plans for it but Its progress has been lackluster. I have been reviewing it as well as one of my more successful stories and have found some of the flaws that this story had. I'm working on a new story that will hopefully be a better read overall and will hopefully be released by the end of October 2022. --- Drew Pence had always had a rough life. From the moment his brother was born he was thrown to the side and was treated as a stepping stone for their 'Golden Son'. But even though his family had made his life a living hell he still believed they had his back. That if all else failed, they would be there for him. But he was wrong. He got stabbed and after waking in the hospital his family was nowhere to be found. They had ditched him. So he made a deal with a stranger. Go to a place where you can receive true freedom... and in return, all you owe him is a single favor. And that was how Drew found himself in the world of Lune, a land of Myth and Magic, Gods and Demons, and Peasants and Kings. Drew awakes with a hangover in a body older and stronger than he had ever known back and earth. Though he quickly finds that he lacks something everyone else has. Magic. But as time goes by, he finds that gaining magic is the least of his difficulties. Will he tough out this hostile world with his unique [Mana Reaper] skill? Or will he perish like all the others who were born a Peasant? Only time can tell what fate awaits Drew. --- Hey guys, if you reading this after reading one of my previous works I just wanted to give you an explanation of what caused me to move on. I had a lot of health issues that popped up suddenly and found that I didn't have the energy or focus to write much and after around 3-4 months I felt that I had lost connection with the book and found it harder to write. After some deliberation, I decided to move on and work on this story instead which has been brewing in my head for a few years now. I hope you enjoy it!

maddaug · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Eternal Meadow and Forced Training

"Potential," The voice croaked approvingly.

"Thanks, I guess," Drew said, slightly distracted by the system.

[Please choose your new upgrades!]

'Can't I wait?'

[Negative! Commencing System Upgrade!]

"Open," The man from the Black Strings said, gesturing towards the sealed wooden box on the table next to him.


"Umm... Give me a second!" Drew said, surprised at the sudden nature of the demands of the system.

"Hmm?" The man grunted, confused.


"Let me think for a moment please,"



And after the System finished its countdown Drew was pulled into the abyss once more.

'Fuck this place!' Drew screamed as his soul was dragged away.

[Is something wrong, Host?]

'You brought me back to this void again!' He yelled at the system.

Tight spaces were something Drew hated... but after his time in the void, the darkness was almost worse. Not being able to see anything or feel anything but eternal coldness... Traveling and looking for a way out only to be met with more void and coldness.

[Is the void not a suitable system space for the Host?]

'Of course not!'



The system went silent for a few moments and Drew felt the sudden loneliness creep within him once more and felt his mind about to crack.

"It left me alone again..." He whispered in agony.

But right before he lost hope, a light blossomed in the distance.

[Simulating [Meadow] System Space]

The green light blossomed into an endless plain of grass and light. The Sun was placed directly in the center of the sky, shining down upon the many flowers that bloomed into life.

Small cotton candy-like clouds gently swayed through the blue sky and a gentle wind caused the grass and flowers to sway, similarly to water flowing or paint moving on a canvas.

With this sudden creation of this dream-like world, Drew found his body was visible and his gear was here with him.

"You could have done this... The whole time?!" He yelled as he stared at the wonderland in front of him.


He felt like blowing up but a sudden influx of cold energy calmed him down and made him relax.

"Fine," He whispered.

"Show me the upgrades," He commanded bitterly.


[Two upgrade points are available]

[Current Available System Upgrades:]


[Map System Function:] Upgrades the System to be able to sense ambient mana in the user's surroundings, allowing the system to map out a general area, creating a map the user can use. Future upgrades are [Improved Map Function] and [Life Sense Function].


[Data Collection System Function:] Upgrades the Systems data collection methods to increase analysis capabilities. With this improved ability, the system can analyze things that are outside the user. This means that you can analyze items from afar, understand skills and inner workings easier, as well as be able to scan text to improve your Systems knowledge. Future upgrades are [Data Compilation] and [User Index].


[Skill Point System Function:] Allows the user to convert 25 Energy points into a single skill point that will allow the user to upgrade a skill by one level.


[Affinity Point System Function:] Allows the user to convert 50 Energy points into a single Affinity point that will allow the user to upgrade an affinity by one level.


[Improved Permanent Sacrifice Function:] This will increase the efficiency of the [Permanent Sacrifice Function] as well as allow the user to upgrade the skill [Mana Reaper] to level 5.


He stared at the new upgrades in front of him and took in their capabilities.


"The Map function seems invaluable to have. It can help me understand the local terrain as well as figure out the best path to take on a larger scale,"

"But Data Collection seems like an ultimate upgrade for the System,"

"If it's what I think it is... then it could help me extensively,"

"If it could instantly examine books and copy the information into its database then learning would be infinitely easier,"

"And being able to understand the workings of other people's skills is something even stronger,"

"I have two points..."

"System, Spend the first point on Data Collection System Function," He commanded, still upset at the system.


[[Data Compilation] and [User Index] have been made available]

[Would the user like to view them?]



[Data Compilation Function:] Allows the system to combine relative information and has the possibility to create skills or spells if the information is enough. Increases the System's ability to calculate and analyze large amounts of information in a shorter amount of time. Future Upgrades are [Mass Analyze].


[User Index:] Allows the User to access the System's User Index. This allows the user to have the ability to get basic information on a creature, item, or magical effect. This information is typically not something the System can conclude naturally. Future Upgrades are [Improved Index].


He scanned the list and found that User Index seemed like the weaker of the two options, though it wasn't a bad upgrade.

"Data Compilation is incredibly useful... It would let the system make skills based on theories or information that Data Collection collected about other people's skills,"


"Gaining energy seems to be rather hard," Drew thought as he realized that magic items were valuable and his skills were even more so.

"I only got these upgrades due to the System's 'Generosity',"

"So for my last upgrade, I choose to Improve Sacrifice," He said after some thought.


[Any last requests before System Overhaul commences?]


"How long will it take?" He asked, depression taking hold of his mind.

'At least I won't have to spend it in that void...'

[The only skill that changes the System's main structure is [Data Collection], and with some calculating...]

[It will take 2 years of system space-time to finish reconstructing the System's infrastructure]

"Not as bad as last time..."

He thought for a moment, trying to think of anything that could help him spend 2 years in isolation, but nothing came to mind.

[Commence System Overhaul?]

"Wait a moment," He said in a hurry.

"Is there any way I can use my physical body that I have now to train? Or maybe even summon Flux into here?"


[Training here will not improve your physical body in reality but may improve your proficiency with your skills]

[As for summoning Flux...]


[Due to the connection between your soul and Flux's you should be able to summon him into System Space. Though most of his power will be diminished due to lack of ambient magic and loss of connection to his summoning catalyst]

Drew let out a sigh of relief as he realized he wouldn't be so alone this time.

"Then get to upgrading,"


After its last notification, the System went silent, and Drew was left in this eternal meadow that stretched out infinitely.

He took a deep breath in as he stared at his surroundings.

After trying to adjust his mental state for a few minutes, a sudden cold feeling ripped through the center of his chest.

"What the Fu-!" Drew screamed as his body became a dark blue color.

The energy in the surroundings was being ripped into his body by an unknown force and the meadow surrounding him was starting to turn grey.

"What is this?!" He thought in panic.

But a few seconds later a realization dawned on him.

"Deactivate Mana Reaper!" He shouted, and as he did so the suction force ended and his body went back to normal.

Drew nearly collapsed in shock as he bent over and put his hands on his knees, trying to catch his breath.

"I guess that is the strength of a level 5 skill..."

"I wish I could see my skills while in here," He said angrily.



Scythe Mastery: Lv: 4

Mana Reaper: Lv: 5

Blessing of Bram: Lv: ???

Acceleration: Lv: 1

Stealth: Lv: 1

Time Magic Mastery: Lv: 1

Focus: Lv: 3

Remembrance: Lv: 1

Dark Hand: Lv: 1

Mana Burn: Lv: 1



Dispel(Trancendent Magic Type): Lv: 1


The system interface appeared within Drew's view soundlessly, unlike how it usually dings in response to his commands.

'Are you kidding me?' Drew asked the silent system.

'If it was the darkness that made me unable to see the interface...' He thought angrily before scanning the list.

'But why are there new skills?'

Drew scanned the list and noticed that Mana Reaper had indeed increased to level 5, but instead of that being the only change, there was also a new skill and a... new spell.

"A Spell?" He muttered.

"I only have time magic and I don't even know how to use a trace of it,"

"What exactly did Leveling up Mana Reaper do?" He asked himself while opening its description.


[Mana Reaper: Lv: 5]: This skill allows you to steal mana from its targets and the surrounding area. Varying degrees of strength at different levels. Advanced magic resistance is gained. You gain a small amount of permanent mana when you slay a being with abundant amounts of mana while this skill is activated. Tier 3 Level Reward: Skill Unlock: Mana Burn. Tier 5 Level Reward: Spell Unlock: Dispel. Non-Transferable


A lot had changed from the previously small skill and the changes were not something to scoff at.

"I can steal mana from my surroundings instead of just my target... That explains the earlier drain of energy,"

"Its strength also seems to have increased considerably, seeing as it almost destroyed this part of the meadow. But what exactly does stealing mana from my surroundings mean?"

"Would it make it harder for people to cast spells?" He pondered.

"And the Magic Resistance went from being at the basic level to advanced, which should be much stronger and will probably be harder to hide,"

"And there is also a new scaling ability that it brings to the table. Killing mages will now permanently increase my capabilities so it will be a bit harder to resist using the skill,"

"But getting a skill and a spell is what surprises me the most," He said as he stared at the two new items on his status.

"Mana Burn... and Dispel,"

"Mana Burn is just a skill... so I can understand getting that, but Dispel doesn't seem like a Time spell so how can I cast it without an affinity?" He said while rereading it again.

"Transcendent Type Magic?"

"What the hell is this bullshit?!"