
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter 7: The black sword

Chapter 7: The black sword

[Veil activated.]

The orc's attacks were blocked by an invisible layer and at that moment an opening appeared, and Ava took the opportunity to strike at the neck killing it instantly. Wearing some leather armor, Alex looked unfazed, with a calm expression but his inner thoughts lied to him, "Fuck that was fucken close." he shouted to himself with Mike killing the other two orcs behind.

He breathed heavily uncontrollably tiredness surfacing and noticing this Alex said, "Let's take a break."

"Master." Ava's voice came with her eyes staring at the dead 4 orcs on the ground. Alex just shrugged telling her to do what she wanted. Mike and Alex went to rest on a nearby tree," Why did you agree to come with us." he asked.

Those thoughts have been stabbing him from the moment Mike agreed to come with him to the dark forest. Logically that was just foolish going with someone who isn't on the same level as himself, Mike stroked his head drinking the bottle of water Alex passed "Because... I just want to satisfy my curiosity."

He smiled and stared into the sky "The other girls have truly disbelieved that you're from the past after seeing you having no Mana talent." his gaze stayed there for some seconds locked on Alex's stare.

"What are you looking for." he inquired Alex noticed him considering returning. He was still needed if he encounters a stronger opponent for his presence is necessary for his survival. His next words are essential to his decision.

"Just looking for my weapon," he answers briefly.

A frightening silence came with Ava who was eating the monster cores of the orcs they killed. He breaks the silence with a sigh and says, "Then that leaves two mountains."

Alex was surprised at the moment because Mike's decision was really stupid. Who would completely trust, someone they have just met, who should be from the past? A normal individual wouldn't even trust those words like the girls, but they did hold some hope before they saw his mana talent.

They have been searching mountain after mountain to figure out nothing leaving two mountains left in the dark forest. But it didn't take long after arriving at the last of the two they found out it wasn't the one they weren't looking leaving themselves to go to the inner forest of the Dark Forest. Were monsters ranging from C rank to B rank are and where Alex felt that strange calling the first time he arrived there?

Frequently encountering beasts, of different races they soon arrived at the location. The previous feeling of something calling him just intensified; the thing he thought insignificant started worrying him. They encountered some C- rank beasts on the way which weren't strong, so they kept going with Alex doing all the fighting.


Mike was just an E - rank a rank unable to match the power of a C rank beast. But they reached the mountain without facing much.

Seeing a symbol, he couldn't forget he smiled, ridding on Ava his anticipation grew every moment he got close to the mountain with a feeling of a calling, and it seemed he needed to consider whether even to enter the mountain or not.

They stopped and after a moment he had decided and said, "Wait here." Both were confused staring at nothing except for the large mountain with its peak invisible from this range. Jumping off Ava he walked toward the mountain and touched the wall.

What surprised and shocked the two behind, he stopped with a smile and said, "Wait for me okay." this was essential for his survival so there was no way he would return after reaching this far.

"Wait where are you going," Mike shouted confusedly. Alex didn't answer and walked through the wall.

A passageway showed itself in Alex's view with complex ruins that started shining the moment Alex started walking. Blue Flames lit up from the walls and the ancientness of the passage was truly shown like ancient Egypt, cherishing the moment he continued moving forward.

Even with his soul's senses, he couldn't see what was ahead, at that very moment an aura announced itself as he continued to walk forward to find an altar with a black katana in the center. Without any hesitation, he walked forward excitement visible in his eyes as a smile formed. His worries of almost being killed and many people eyeing him will all disappear the moment he touches that sword.

The most OP and most powerful weapon he ever created in the game that's its full capabilities can only be used by him. His excitement couldn't be explained, he touched the sword, but a powerful burst of power came from it. He was stunned before he knew it the dark aura coming from the sword swelled him in. In the next moment, he could only see endless darkness.

"This shouldn't have happened." he thought panicking.


Ava and Mike who were waiting for Alex to come back were stroked by an aura that made both kneel and cough a mouthful of blood unable to move or breathe. Ava tried to breathe but ended up just coughing another mouthful of blood and falling to the ground. "Hel-----p." Mike said in a low tone begging that someone could come and help him but in the end, nothing came.


A being of immense unknown proportion stared coldly at Alex before him. The ground trembled like an earthquake was happening, rocks floated, and cracks started appearing but the ruins around the room lightened up like they were suppressing the power of the being before it. "Pathetic." the demonic voice was heard its red eyes glowed with brilliant rays of light.

In the dark space

Alex saw the being before him screaming dangerously and death "Answer me, what makes you worthy."

Alex's breath was taken away, as blood started coming from his mouth, nose, and eyes the pain was unimaginable and he almost lost consciousness. The moment he started lowering his head and body he felt a sense of death becoming even more intense. He knew the moment he touches the floor he would be dead 'fUCK, Fuck, stand stand.' He shouted to himself.

"NO, NO, Noooooo," he shouted and tried to stand up.

"Your Pathetic." a sword appeared in its hand.

"I won't die, I won't die, not now. I Must live," he shouted to himself without any signs of stopping.

Alex didn't want to die and his will to continue with his new life connected with his soul. His golden soul releases a divine glow that bursts with power.

His visage was covered in a silver light as he stood up with a roar "ARRRRARARARARA."

"That soul." the being before him smiled and even laughed "Hahahahaha So use me well master I have been waiting for too long."

The darkness disappeared and Alex's vision returned to normal finding himself holding onto the katana before him which was black with a sky dragon symbol on it releasing a terrifying pressure. "Huff…. Now."