
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter 57: Wrong

[Natural weaponry activated] [Arcane mana skin activated] [Harden body activated]

Alex panted heavily, feeling no confident that he could handle three A ranks even without those skills making him second-guess using them. 'Defeating three A ranks might be impossible for now, but surviving should be doable... Maybe.'

Now resembling a dragon, with dark scales covering his body and his eyes shifting slightly to a draconic hue, though lacking the expected golden glint, Alex looked formidable. His tail, claws, and scales lent him a majestic air, yet his power had diminished significantly.

He had descended to a power level akin to someone barely reaching B- rank, which meant he was in deep trouble. Alex realized this when one of the A ranks he had injured closed in on him, accompanied by fierce winds and a cacophony of danger signals. 'Well, this was a terrible idea,' he thought, just as he found himself hurtling downward.

Like a shooting star, Alex plummeted, a spear finding its mark in his stomach.


"That was too easy," the woman remarked as the other two joined her.

"Seems like using that attack weakened him. What a shame. I was hoping for a challenge," the young man said.

"Both of you, stay alert. Let's go," the old man commanded, swooping down toward Alex's landing spot.

From the sky, Alex plummeted like a falling star, trailing destruction in his wake. Buildings crumbled as he crashed through them, the ground quaking with each impact. Screams filled the air as people fled in terror, some unfortunate souls caught in the chaos and meeting their demise.

With a spear embedded in his gut, Alex's descent was a harrowing spectacle of devastation. Finally, he came to a stop amidst the wreckage, the aftermath of his fall painting a grim picture of destruction and despair.

On the ground, Alex coughed up a mouthful of blood, barely clinging to consciousness. "Damn it, if I had been a second slower, I'd be dead," he muttered. It was true; he had barely managed to move to minimize the damage, but something felt off.

His wound wasn't healing as it should have with his dragon bloodline. Glancing at the spear embedded in him, he realized it was cursed. 'Damn it, didn't notice it earlier in the heat of the battle.'

Summoning his last ounces of strength, Alex yanked out the cursed spear and cast it aside. Sheltering himself in a crater from his fall, he suddenly felt his connection with Ximena fade. 'What's happening?' Switching his vision, he saw her locked in combat with a black-armored man, her injuries severe.

Clad in dark armor radiating a purple glow, the figure exuded an aura of dread. His presence instilled fear in those around him, his form imposing and formidable. The purple essence swirling around him intensified his ominous appearance, making him a truly fearsome sight to behold.

'Who is he to harm her like this?' With dread creeping in, Alex knew Ximena might not survive much longer.

Sensing imminent danger from the A ranks looming above, Alex made a quick decision. His eyes blazed with determination as he vanished before their eyes, leaving the trio baffled.

"Damn it."

Far from the city, hidden in a secluded cavern, Alex materialized with Ximena. As he appeared, he coughed up blood profusely.

He had ventured into the manor to rescue Sasha, unaware of her true location. The ancient runes obscured his sight, hinting at the presence of an ancient artifact shielding the place. Alex couldn't fathom how mere runes could thwart his senses so effectively. "It must be an ancient artifact," he concluded.

Ximena, bleeding and weary, asked, "Why didn't you bring Sasha?"

"It seems ancient runes were reinforced by an artifact. I could peer inside but risk losing an eye or more," Alex explained, collapsing beside her.

His hand glowed with a green light as he attempted to dispel the curse. "Are you sure you're in any condition to do this?" Ximena questioned.

"What happens to me doesn't matter," Alex replied, his voice laden with pain and regret. 'If only I hadn't been so arrogant. If only...'

"This is my fault. I'm sorry," he whispered, consumed by guilt, while Ximena could only share in his anguish silently.

Back in the lawless city,

In the throne room, a young man with crimson-red eyes and black hair sat upon the grand throne. The room exuded an air of majesty, with ornate tapestries adorning the walls and torches casting flickering shadows. Four figures stood before him, their forms illuminated by the torchlight.

The young man's gaze was fixed on them, his expression calm yet commanding. The figures, three A ranks, and a black-armored knight, knelt before the throne, their heads bowed in deference. The atmosphere was tense, charged with anticipation as they awaited the young man's judgment.

four figures knelt before the throne—three A ranks, including the one Alex faced, and the black knight who confronted Ximena. The black knight spoke, "Forgive us, Lord. We underestimated him."

"No need to fret. This man is extraordinary; even I didn't anticipate his abilities," the young man on the throne remarked. "But they will return."

"How can you be so sure?" the old man among the A ranks inquired.

"It's simple. He's too proud, and from his actions... he cherishes what's his too dearly," the young lord chuckled, his gaze fixed on a nearby wall where a young woman lay, barely clinging to life.

The black knight interjected, "Perhaps sparing her would be wise."

"Why spare her? They don't know. We'll keep her alive, only to crush their hopes later," Lydia, one of the A ranks, suggested.

"HAHAHAHA, tempting as that sounds, I can't, Lydia. It seems the young man placed a spiritual mark on her. If she dies, he'll know," the lord revealed.

"But won't they seek revenge?" the old man queried.

"Indeed, but not today. That man is someone to fear. In the brief glimpse of his power, the thought of him growing stronger before returning for revenge chills me. It's better to eliminate him now," the lord concluded, sending shivers down the spines of all present, except the Dark Knight, who remained unfazed. 'Someone capable of nearly destroying an ancient artifact with a mere glance is not someone to have as an adversary.'