
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter 54: Cain

Two shadows streaked across the lands of the lawless city, moving at extreme speeds that few people could match or even perceive. They scaled the hill, which was encircled by towering walls that appeared impenetrable. However, the two figures pressed on, deftly eluding the defenses of the barrier and the patrolling guards.

Ahead of them stood a manor fit for kings and royalty, its grandeur matched only by the sprawling garden beside it, reminiscent of a miniature forest. This was their destination, and they dashed towards its heart, landing on a tree before a protective barrier enveloped them. It was then that Ximena spoke, "Vampires possess extraordinary hearing abilities, so this barrier is just a precaution."

Indeed, vampires boasted keen senses of hearing and smell, prompting the two to create a barrier blocking any scents before entering. Yet, something unexpected awaited them: all the guards were vampires themselves. This revelation hinted at the greater authority vampires held within the city. With a sigh, Ximena said, "I'll leave finding the kid to you."

"And what will you be doing?" Sasha inquired.

"Alex tasked me with searching for something inside the manor. If I encounter the kid, I'll take him," Ximena explained. "Just be sure not to get caught."

"Ha! Do you even know who you're talking to?" Sasha vanished, her voice echoing, "That should've been my line, Little Dragon."

A smirk played across Ximena's lips. "Getting arrogant, are we, little human?" Her smirk vanished as she dashed towards the manor, seizing an opportunity at the window. Slipping inside unnoticed, she found herself in a vast, opulent hall adorned with art. She surveyed her surroundings, stopping before a particular piece.

"I should find out who painted this and then create it but with me surrounded by Alex." Her words referred to a painting depicting a young man with black hair and crimson eyes, surrounded by nude women.

With a nod, she began to stroll around the art hall, analyzing the pieces with a smile. Suddenly, a voice sounded behind her, halting her before another painting. "What do you think?"

"I love it. It's creative, but lacks realism," she replied. The painting depicted the same young man slaying a dragon. Glancing back, she noticed a young man with a striking resemblance to the painting's subject, albeit with slightly longer hair tied back in a ponytail, and glowing crimson eyes.

He wore a noble, antiquated suit—white shirt, black pants—and held a wine glass filled with a red liquid, presumably blood. "I'll soon become realistic, my dear," he remarked.

"Is that so? Before you do, may I ask a question?" Ximena inquired.

"Go ahead," he replied.

"Who painted the nude portrait of you?" Ximena asked eagerly. "And where can I find them?"

The young man sighed. "Of all the things to ask, considering recent events..."

Ximena looked puzzled. "I already know what happened. This house is surrounded by runes; anyone who enters without permission is killed, but powerful intruders merely alert you. You came here, intending to defeat me with a single attack, but you hesitated... Why?"

The young man's shock was palpable. After a moment, he relented, "You... You're right. But you shouldn't have been able to resist my mind attack, except for that creature."

"Don't refer to my husband as a creature; let's call him unique. And don't underestimate a dragon, little Vampire. Now go and inform the main body that I'm coming, and he should prepare for his downfall." Ximena destroyed the clone, which dispersed into the wind.

Though Ximena detected and blocked the assailant's attempt, she couldn't discern their identity. However, Alex managed to inflict slight damage on the artifact they used with his Soul King skill, unintentionally revealing their location. He raised his hand in their direction, striking them with a soul spear.

The young man recoiled in fear as the memory resurfaced. Ximena sighed. "Alex can you hear me."

"Yes," the young man replied, his mouth full.

"Are you eating?" Ximena asked.

"Yes," he replied, swallowing before continuing, "Did something go wrong?"

"No, but Cain seems to have noticed. His entire house is adorned with ancient runes, powerful ones at that," Ximena explained.

"So, you want us to apprehend that person, correct?" he queried.

"Yes," Ximena confirmed. "If it could benefit us, then apprehend them. Be cautious, and keep an eye on Sasha."

"Those runes are interfering with my senses," Ximena exclaimed.

"Alright then..." Alex fell silent. "Sasha's mask has been destroyed."

"Do you want me to go there?" Ximena asked.

"No, I'm coming there," Alex replied, his voice tinged with anger.