
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter 52: Martial King

In the depths of the Lawless City, where shadows mingled with whispers of treachery and danger lurking around every corner, Alex embarked on a daring quest to find the elusive Martial King. The city's reputation for lawlessness was well-earned, its streets overflowing with unsavory characters and secret dealings that sent shivers down even the bravest souls' spines.

As he navigated the maze-like alleys, Alex remained vigilant, every step a strategic move in the deadly game of survival that defined life in the Lawless City. His destination? A rundown tavern rumored to be a favored haunt of the Martial King—a place where secrets flowed as freely as ale.

Pushing the creaky door open, Alex was met with the dim glow of flickering torches and the boisterous laughter of patrons immersed in drink and revelry. Making his way to the bar, he regarded the weary bartender with a hint of suspicion.

"Hello there," Alex greeted, a playful thought crossing his mind that perhaps reality was just a game, as he observed the bartender who simply nodded in response.

"What can I help you with?"

"I'm in search of information about the Martial King," Alex declared firmly, his gaze penetrating the dimly lit atmosphere of the tavern.

The bartender's eyes widened slightly, a nervous twitch betraying his attempt to feign indifference. "I... I don't know what you're talking about," he stammered, hands trembling as he poured a drink for a nearby patron. Alex sensed something amiss, considering in the lore, the Martial King was revered by all. "Though, maybe it's his strength that earns him favor," Alex mused under his breath.

Undeterred, Alex persisted. Sensing the tension, he continued his inquiries, drawing the attention of the tavern's other patrons—a diverse mix of rogues and ruffians who regarded him with a blend of curiosity and suspicion.

"He's known for his towering stature, Dark blue hair, a rugged beard, and eyes as sharp as an eagle's. Are you absolutely certain he hasn't frequented this establishment?"

Though Alex couldn't detect any powerful presence within the city besides a few known figures, the absence of the Martial King's essence puzzled him. If the King spent much time at this bar, surely someone would have mentioned something, indicating how long it would take him to arrive.

Before long, Alex's presence attracted unwelcome attention, and rumors of his quest spread swiftly through the tavern. Soon, shadowy figures emerged from the darkness, their faces concealed by cloaks and hoods, their intentions clear as they closed in on him with lethal intent.

[The Monarch's curse has been activated]

With practiced ease, Alex summoned his Katana and unleashed his power to its fullest extent, preparing to confront his assailants. The assassins attacked swiftly, their movements precise as they sought to overpower him with sheer numbers.

But Alex was no ordinary traveler. With his power reaching its peak, he fought with skill and ferocity that caught his enemies off guard. Each strike was swift and deadly, his blade slicing through the air with precision as he moved with the grace of a seasoned warrior.

In the end, it was the assassins who lay defeated, their forms strewn across the tavern floor. With determination, Alex interrogated his fallen foes, his voice cold and menacing as he demanded answers.

"Why did you attack me?" he inquired calmly, his eyes gleaming with intent as he pressed his blade against the nearest assassin's throat.

The assassin hesitated, fear evident in their eyes as they realized resistance was futile. "We... We were ordered to eliminate anyone inquiring about that man," they confessed, their voice barely above a whisper.

"Is that so?" Alex's pressure caused everyone in the tavern to cough blood and kneel, some even succumbing to death. 'The taste of power,' Alex chuckled inwardly.

"Who is your master?" he demanded. 'I need a cool exit line,' he thought, as the assassin's voice trembled.

"It's... It's the Raven group," the assassin answered before Alex swiftly dispatched them. With grim satisfaction, Alex gleaned what information he could from the defeated assassins, their words providing a crucial lead in his search for the Martial King. He rose, dispersing the King's aura on the defeated, leaving their heads on the floor.

"Good day, everyone," he nodded, barely acknowledging the gasping patrons. 'That was smooth,' Alex thought confidently. As he ventured deeper into the Lawless City, he braced himself for the perils ahead. None could challenge the Martial King without considerable power, but Alex was determined to uncover the truth at any cost.