
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter 16: Rage (2)


Chapter 16: Rage (2)


Throughout life, people feel different emotions that break them or ruin them. Some choose to be heartless, and others hold the hope that things will change but at this moment the feeling Alex feels is anger and regret. His heart hurt, and his mind was focused is finding a single person whom he knew he was fond of.

That little girl reminded him of his own daughter and with her past he hurt himself more for even leaving her side. The deeper the regret became the more bloody thirst he became, roaming around the city in every direction. His soul senses searching every little place to find her. 

He ignored anything else only their blood and head would satisfy him if anything happened to that little girl. "Wait for me Amber." he thought jumping from building to building. 

In a world where those with power rule Alex's decision to get out of this city was becoming more solid every moment. A warehouse in the far southwest of the city inside the building in an open space was a door that led to another along with some people surrounding a table.

"Where is that fat fuck." one of the people there holding cards asked with an annoyed expression.

"Who knows but how much do you think will get paid." He inquired, putting a card on the table, and said "Yes you lose." he jumped with a smile.

"Fuck." he shouted with someone opening the door, "Maybe a few thousand and the money from that rich guy she was with will be rich," he answered.

"What are you two talking about." the new person sat down and said, "Anyway little Brat is now asleep."

"What did you do."

"She couldn't stop crying so I used a little bit of force," he smirked pulling out his muscles.

"Are you proud of bitting a little girl." the other man laughed getting annoyed.

From the depths of darkness inside their shadow were dangerous eyes that would make any of them cry in fear. The pair of emerald eyes stared at the four in an argument with fear rising in her heart "You are the ones that angered master." instead of waiting for her master like she was told, she jumped out.

In mid of their conversation, the man who bit Amber felt bitterness to run but at the second moment, he was impelled to his seat as his fate was sealed. Certainly, he knew his life would end at that moment, as he was governing emotions of deep regret and confusion.

Waiting for his impending doom his friends jumped back with eyes of fear which was confirmation he needed to be convinced. Embodying the very definition of a demonic beast Ava stood there with blood covering her whole body and a head in her mouth.

Rationality is always forgotten when fear rises in people's hearts. There were two left a demi-human and a human both being too much more sensitive to the bloodlust.

[LV40] Ava

[LV23] human

[LV30] Demi human

The great differences in their power and instead of trying to warn his friend he instant starts running. But his inevitable doom was already coming near, with the human startled and afraid he slowly reacted. The retaliation began and many scenarios popped into his mind of how he could defend the strength and power of the crawls that came but found nothing.

His head fell with blood rain like a waterfall, The onslaught of killing continued Ava dushing toward the demi-human who senses her coming. A Burst of flames appeared on the dog demi human reinforcing his power and altering his appearance a little. His ears were light of fire along with his arms and legs.

Not afford to make a mistake he punched forward after consecrating his power in his hands.


A small explosion happened pushing both sides creating some distance to analyze the situation. 'The beast lacks in mana control, and even its element so this won't be so difficult but it has a huge advantage with someone weaker than it.' He thought getting his balance.

Desperately thinking of a way to defeat the beast before it the demi-human dushed forward without hesitation taking the fight to her. Ava confused by his sudden action stopped for a second and he seized that opportunity. Flames spread around the room and balls of flames were struck at Ava.

Some striked caused minor injuries and others dodged as she dushed around dodging others. But to his dismay the demi human appeared just in front of her along with her big size it was much harder for her to dodge the incoming attacks.

She couldn't afford any more damage but she was too late to react as the flaming fist met its mark. Punching at the places already injured those minor injuries became major.

Coughing out a little blood her shadow moved at lightning speed to slow down the demi-human which she stroked causing a deep wound.

The demi-human flew to the end of the building and even broke through with that strike barely missing his neck and heart. Coughing out blood and the bleeding on his chest the pain was too much to bear. He went out of commission as she said "That for making master mad." she said and started walking forward to finish things off.

But before even reaching close to the man she was opposed by a dangerous bloodlust. A descending pressure she couldn't resist pushed her down as she stared to her right. An imposing figure stood with his hands in his pockets and said "What's going on here."