
The path of the Soul

A man teleported into a game of his own creation, without the ability to cultivate mana. A world filled with wonder and many more He found himself trying to go against beings he couldn't comprehend leading him to sit on the throne.

Alex_kingstone · ファンタジー
63 Chs

Chapter 10: The Guild Leader


Chapter 10: The Guild Leader


Alex didn't think this through seeing 15 slaves before him. Five females and Five males with Five kids. He consents was the lack of experience and didn't truly consider this far. Contemplating his next action one of the slaves felt a strange feeling coming from the figure wearing a spirit mask.

Conjuring the carge the red-haired young man said "Sir, thank you but may I ask what you worried about." this insignificant action to Alex caused the others to stare at the young man with amazement.

"Am considering a place that would be much safer for you guys to stay at," he explained and the frightened expression on the people before him vanished. In their point of view, Alex's reaction to low life is strange.

'The sun will rise soon so it's better to move now before that leader comes back.' he thought.

Hours later 

A man with black hair walked on the steel wearing a black suit, a devilishly handsome face, and crimson red eyes which glowed with a brilliant light. A startled expression showed the moment he reached an ordinary shop. "The smell of blood.... huh." he wondered if his guess was accurate or not so he just entered the building.

Immediately he frowns seeing the two bodies on the ground and a man standing there "Seems like business isn't going well, Zen." the bloodlust oozing out of the man is immensely enough to kill anyone with a weak mind. 

'What just happened was akin to a slap on his face so his expression must be ugly.' the man thought with a smirk and asked, "What happened."

That single question wasn't answered and only a devastating silence exists at the moment. After some seconds, he said, "Hunt them down and name your price."

"Hiring a B rank is costly you know," he exclaimed with a smile.

"The boss ordered something else as well." A shocked expression is shown. After some time, the man sighed and signaled him to further explain, he just threw a paper and said "Bring him, and about the price of the person who did this." he snorted and said, "Just get his face and I will do the rest."

"Frankly I would have refused but If it's the boss then why not. But for your face it will cost a lot," he said leaving the building.

"It doesn't matter." his deep voice rang out.

In the city

Hung inn

Alex sat there staring at the one empty street filled with few people, his thoughts roaming somewhere. A wolf slept beside him and a little fox girl not far, from his position the atmosphere being immensely calm. The little girl woke up which removed Alex from his deep thoughts.

With lazy eyes, she stared at the handsome figure with starry sky-blue ocean-like eyes that cultivated her near and she said, "Beautiful eyes."

He just smiled and asked, "What's your name."

With an excited expression, she said, "Amber nice to me you." Alex was stunned and shocked by her reaction and wanted to ask but just passed it as her being a child.

"Amber am Alex, how are you feeling," he said kindly. Soon she started to explain how she got into that situation about her and her sister who was stolen by them and found her dead. Her crying annoyed the man so they decided to release their anger on her reaching the point where she almost died.

Even when she explained she only showed a happy smile being around 9-10 years old, with orange hair, and fox ears but still the sadness in her eyes clearly showed as tiers tried to escape, and she soon started crying.

Alex left the inn leaving Amber sleeping alongside Ava. A vague complex expression implanted on his face, Wearing a plain black shirt and Black pants alongside nice shoes he walked in some direction deep in thought.

"Alex, what's up." A familiar voice came from behind breaking his train of thought.

"OO yey sorry but I couldn't come yesterday," he exclaimed seeing Mike.

"No problem, what are you up to." he inquired. 

"Am going to meet Malcolm. I want him to check something from me anyway what are you up to," he said the discussion between the two kept going even after reaching their destination as Mike tried to Articulate his point.

Mike further explained, entering the bustling guild with adventures left and right. 

With a smile, Alex kept walking forward and Mike asked, " Spite that why don't you have any talent for mana when you are extremely Strong."

His question was the implication of lying but in the end, he can't say he created himself like this, so he just kept walking to the counter without answering Mike's question.

"Pleaseeeeee, it's killing me.", he asked again which Alex responded by talking to the beautiful elf before him.

"How are you, Lisa." She greatly smiled her atmosphere changed the moment she laid eyes on Alex.

"Am fine and what can I assist you with today." she inquired.

"Am looking for the guild leader, do mind showing me the way." he showed a coin with a dragon symbol which she took and responded. 

"Not at all just follow me." 

In the upstairs without many loud noises

"He is in the midst of a meeting with other adventures you can wait here," she said and before she left, Alex inquired.

"Lisa I would like to take you to dinner are you free."

She smiled and nodded "I will tell you after you're done." 

After she left Mike said, "She likes you did you see her jumping in excitement." he said laughing a little, and asked, "What do you want to meet the guild leader for anyway."

Alex didn't say anything and just pulled his shirt up and blue veins coming from the center of a deep cut he got.

"Fuck." Mike exclaimed Alex letting his shirt down and inquired "Are you okay."

"It seems not to affect me much, but the poison is powerful," he explained briefly, and at that instant adventures releasing powerful auras left the room. 

[Lv74] [Lv80]

Came from the door and didn't even glance at them as they continued on their way out.

'Power.', Alex smiled, and his goal was set in stone even more.

"Come in." a deep voice shouted, and Alex and Mike entered the room.


'But none can beat him.' he laughed even more and said, "Guild master."