
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Overwhelming victory

In Dexter Barony...

The dark wing members along with the military members are present near the square.

There are nearly 400 members in the military while Dark wng members comprised of nearly 100.

While Dillion's side had 800 members which was much higher than the barony's side. But they were not afraid.

The mages and archers filled the walls of the fortifications in the barony while the soldiers were put on the standby in front of the fortifications.

Caster saw the formation and thought that the barony has given up on their territory and putting up futile resistance.

When he was immersed in his own thoughts Ronda appeared in front of the barony's soldiers and used her staff to cast a powerful spell.

Slowly every vine, plant, tree around 3 km area in the forest started moving against Caster and his knights.

Ronda had a very angry expression in her face and wanted to annihilate Dillion's army ruthlessly. The reason is Ian is her soulmate and she would die before harm even befalls him.

But she also knows that her mate is stronger than her and there is no way the viscount's army can defeat the barony.

"Mages.Attack." shouted Caster. The mages sent spells flying towards the army but the spells were obstructed by retaliation from barony's mages.

"Archers." came the voice.

It was none other than Colin who appeared in a blue armor with a blue spear. The archers started firing the arrows on to the viscount's soldiers.

The mages cast shields which stopped the arrows. But as soon as obstruction is done, five mages were impaled by earth spikes.

It was none other than Colin who did this. A huge branch of a tree came hitting the knights of the viscounty which led to them getting thrown away coughing blood.

The trees and plants attacked everyone of the viscounty's soldiers. "Soldiers attack." said Colin.

The soldiers ran like crazy towards the viscount's soldiers and started killing like crazy. Caster felt something is wrong because he never expected barony's soldiers to be this powerful.

Who would expect that the soldiers who ate Evelyn's special food an hour ago will get a +60% buff in their power for 4 hours so it was definitely unexpected.

To add over slowly Dark eagles, Rainbow wolves have appeared and started killing the soldiers. The numbers kept on increasing and there was no sign of monsters decreasing.

Caster saw his army down by 200 knights in just 30 minutes of the battle. He decided to go with the unscrupulous method so he took out a bottle of blue serum and drank it.

It was a mana and physique enhancing drug which is forbidden in the kingdom but it was being circulated in some noble's territories.

Caster's body grew and his mana enhanced so high that his sword started emitting powerful aura. He attacked the soldiers but they were able to defend due to the buff.

They were put on defense though. They kept defending until a gigantic sword appeared and impaled Caster's shoulder. A Behemoth appeared and tore away the hand of Caster. He screamed in pain when Evelyn appeared and crushed the skull of Caster killing him.

With Caster dead other knights lost their will to fight and gave up. Since these knights were innocent and were only following their lord, Colin decided to used them after he occupies Viscount's territory.

With the invasion over, Colin and Ian took the soldiers and travelled to the viscounty. He knows that people over there need to be persuaded to accept him as the ruler.

They reached the viscounty after fews days where Ophelia and her team welcomed him. She reported about the status of viscounty and treasury. As expected treasury is rich and viscounty is poor.

Colin roamed the streets for two days and saw poverty and the people looked at him with distrust. Ian also accompanied him and he knew it was inevitable as viscount has spread rumours that Colin is trying to take away their livelihoods and want make them slaves.

"Take half of the amount of treasury's money and supply rations to all the people. This may be a populist move but it is the only way for now. Make an announcement that jobs will be posted on job board for all the people of the viscounty irrespective of their status." ordered Colin to his subordinates.

"One more thing, eliminate all the slave dens and give the slaves work and wages." said Ian.

Ophelia and others who came there nodded. The next day rations were distributed and many diverse jobs in different departments were posted. Ophelia and her team raided ten slave dens and criminal gangs for another ten days.

The people in Viscounty slowly started trusting Colin even though they resented them at first for their attacks.

A construction team arrived and new buildings are being built for residents. Many residents of viscounty were given permissions to open legal businesses and the viscounty started gaining vigor.

It has been 25 days and the viscounty was merged with Dexter Barony. The other nobles were terrified at what happened to viscounty and they complained to the king.

The king sent a letter to give up on Viscounty but Colin sent a letter that he conquered the viscounty in a honorable battle.

The king had to refrain from more action because his name would get tarnished if he tried to forcefully attack Colin. Thus with the merging of barony and viscounty, it has become a County.

The nobles had to back away as Colin sent letters to them that if they dare make moves they will destroy their territories. They already received information that Colin's army is too powerful.

Thus using resources of merged Viscounty, Colin's territory became even more flourished. The family levelled up again by 3 more levels.

Thus began the path to make a kingdom by the Dexter family independent from the likes of the Jura kingdom where there won't be any discrimination and only hard working people.