
The Path of the Investigator/Devastator

Samarth is a sincere police officer in the department. After arresting a politician and throwing him in prison. He comes to his parents house in the weekend to spend time with them along with his big brother. The politician comes out on bail and kills him along with his family. His soul along with his family's souls transmigrate to another world which is dark and needs cleansing. He along with his family take a dark path to cleanse the world of scum.

ashwiniprasad · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Class competitions (1)

After 4 days...

The moronic 4 getting pummeled and sent to hospital bed has been the talk for last 4 days. The news did not reach their father's because academy kept it under wraps because after finding out that transport stone was tampered and the bottle of paralysis drug the academy rules demand that they expel those 4.

Since Gabriel chose not to prolong the issue, the academy decided to cover it up as if it never happened. Lucien has recovered along with the other 3 companions. In the hospital room he felt angry towards Carl who revealed his true intentions. Even Clara and Barina were disgusted by the actions of Carl.

Carl knew that he messed up badly and the other 3 would avoid him at all costs. In fact he is completely alone now. Instead of reflecting on his own fault he thought "It is all Gabriel's fault. He is the one responsible for my current situation.

I will make sure his loved ones pay with blood."

Gabriel kept silent for these 4 days without any action as not to draw attention after the whole debacle. Penelope could now control 1/4th of the Cadmeon energy and is able to bring out her divine weapon which is a great axe.

It is completely dark in color indicating Dark Cadmeon energy. Preston has finally got control of his dark mana. Now he is trying to cast some basic low level spells. Lucy who has started talking is with her sister and Preston.

Seeing her sister do those things even she wanted to do it. Penelope told her that only after reaching an age of 10 years will the training start for her.

A letter arrived to Gabriel which detailed that Colin has sent 4 million gold to the academy to keep those chaebol heirs away from him. Gabriel knows that it is effective but not completely as Rina's father would have already heard about it.

The next day...

As Gabriel expected Erwin sent the knights to the academy in the name of investigating a murder and they would have to interrogate all the people.

Erwin arrived to see Gabriel and get him detained. Balthazar knew that they would play such type of games so he warned them not to overdo it because he will not keep it lying down.

Erwin was appalled and scared by Balthazar. Gabriel was brought to questioning by the knights.

Erwin who saw Gabriel entering the interrogation room glared at him and he wanted to rip apart Gabriel for hurting his daughter.

Gabriel saw the hostility from Erwin and didn't even care because the battle between noble faction and Imperial faction has nothing to do with Dexter's who are neutral and only interested in well being of their own people.

Since Erwin is against all nobles and his daughter's situation is due to a noble, he wanted Gabriel to pay. Even though it was silly on his part to involve himself in the fights between students, he knew that if he keeps quiet then people might think he is being soft towards noble kids who harmed his little girl.

To be frank Gabriel did not want any of this non sense and kept to himself. The knight interrogator questioned "Do you know anything about the murder committed in "Caine" family mansion?"

"No" said Gabriel and the crystal ball beside the knight glowed blue indicating the truth.

The knight looked at Erwin and Erwin gave a nod. They thought that Gabriel didn't notice their gestures.

Gabriel had a hunch that the knight is going to tamper the crystal ball in some way. He caught a glimpse of the knight bending a little and sensed the presence of aura.

Gabriel grinned wildly at the knight and placed his hand on the bottom of the table and send Primal energy which dissipated the mana.

The knight could not sense the Primal energy and started questioning. Balthazar who is looking at the scene was amused.

"Why did you come to this academy instead of Knight academy?" asked the knight.

"I have awakened my powers after my admission so I had to come here." replied and the ball showed blue light.

The knight was surprised as it was supposed to glow red. "I think you came here to murder "Magnum Caine"" said the knight.

"I don't even know who Magnum Caine is." replied and the ball glowed blue.

The knight knew something happened and induced his aura again but it got dissipated by Primal energy again.

The interrogation continued and since the ball glowed blue everytime, Gabriel had to be sent bac because Balthazar was staring daggers at them.

Erwin who could not do anything against Gabriel left with disappointment in his face. "You know I asked to keep away from those rich guys, right?" said Balthazar.

"Vice Principle, you know that I kept my distance away but they were the ones that came at me and I only defended myself without killing them." replied Gabriel walking with Vice principal.

"I know but still--"

"You already know I killed people based on my energy that day. If I wanted them dead, they wouldn't even be here. I can accept the fact that many guys here hate nobles and its understandable. But that doesn't mean I'll take it lying down when someone tries to beat me and humiliate me.

It is my duty to protect my honor and the self respect of those around me. With self respect gone, there is nothing but shame and scorn waiting for me down the road." explained Gabriel.

Balthazar could not say anything after hearing those words. He came to realize that what Gabriel has done is defend himself and his own honor which is completely natural on his part when faced with a threat.

"You know that you went too far by making their faces bloody." said Balthazar. Gabriel sighed and said "They need to know that their actions have consequences that would affect them in more ways than they can imagine."

"Of course I accept that I went a little overboard by bloodying them that much." said Gabriel. The words gave impression to Balthazar that Gabriel punished them since academy won't punish them and went a little ahead with that.

"Let's leave that topic aside. I heard that you won't be participating in the competitions. Is that true?" asked Balthazar.

"Yeah." replied Gabriel.

"Can I know the reason?" asked Balthazar as it is still a mystery to him the reason for his behavior.

"I am not interested in the competitions held every two months which will only give us class points and nothing more." replied Gabriel.

"What else do you need?" asked Balthazar probing more.

"Real life battle/ investigative experiences and money." half lied Gabriel.

To be fair he doesn't need investigative and battle experiences. He needs money for his stay during two years.

"I see. That's understandable. You can learn a lot with missions on field." replied Balthazar.

Gabriel kept quiet and let the misunderstanding continue. They went separate ways after some time.

After 3 days...

The competitions between classes have begun. There are mainly two things:

1) Squadron wars

2) Monster Subjugation

Heavenly Blades were lucky that all 4 of the morons were discharged 2 days ago and were ready to participate. The anger in the class against Celestial shadows was pretty intense.

The celestial shadows were far ahead of all the other sections by 1500 points. They are too far behind because of Gabriel.

They came to know that Gabriel was not participating. Half of the class felt relieved while other half felt angry because they wanted to defeat Gabriel desperately.

These 3 days Gabriel tried again to find the location of the records room but there was no progress. His investigation was so covert that no one had any suspicion on him except the assassins and the cult who were waiting for the right time to kill Gabriel.

The huge ground which is looked like a tournament building has been filled with students. The classes are suspended for 2 days for all the seniors to see the first class competitions.

Evan Quill and Elizabeth Valdez also attended the competition. Elizabeth did not blame Gabriel for what he did to Rina unlike her father. She knew that Rina was at fault but also felt that Gabriel was too harsh.

Evan looked at her thinking and said "You and I would have done the same thing in those situations. I know it's hard to digest when damage is inflicted on those dear to you but please stop thinking about it for now."

Evan gave a reality check to her. Elizabeth came out of her thoughts and concentrated on the ground. She looked at the tournament and could not catch a glimpse of Gabriel and his servants.

"Looks like not only he is not participate but he is absent to to even look at the competitions." said Elizabeth.

"It's not completely unexpected. There are many guys who are hostile towards him so it is only right that he keeps himself away." said Evan.

"Why? It looks like he is afraid like a child." said Elizabeth.

"If he was afraid of those 4 guys and your sister he wouldn't have dared to put up any resistance and would have get himself humiliated.

Ever since he came to the academy, he kept to himself and only did a investigative mission. He is not trying to keep a low profile and is not trying to be popular. He is just doing what he wants to do and keep the attention of others to himself mediocre." said Evan.

Elizabeth widened her eyes on the analysis Evan has given to her. She knew how intelligent he was and had good eye too judge people that is why he became a student council president.

Dragons section, Hellhound Section, Heavenly blades, Celestial shadows, White phoenix section and Steel Hawk Section are the sections in the academy.

The announcer came and announced the first battle between Dragons and Steel Hawks in Squadron wars and thus the fights began.