
The Path of a Demon King: A Tale of Ambition and Revenge

In a grim and desolate world governed by ancient laws that have bound demons since the world's inception, a profound awakening stirs the previous demon King from his eternal slumber. Erupting from the depths of the underworld, his once-majestic physique is reduced to decay, his wings tattered and frayed. Fiery red eyes, burning with a threatening fury, survey the unfamiliar and disdainful new realm that unfurls before him. Yet, the demon King harbors no intentions of idle observation. His purpose is to conquer and subjugate, wielding his arcane mastery to absorb the powers of those who possess magic. His path blazes with destruction, leaving behind a trail of ruin and despair. With each victim ensnared, his powers surge to heights unimaginable, and his insatiable thirst for blood and dominion grows evermore ravenous. As the demon King's might intensifies, the boundaries between worlds begin to erode, and disgusting creatures slither through the cracks of reality. Drawn to the dark allure of the demon's malefic energy, they flock to his side, forming a ghastly legion. Their eyes glimmer with a sinister luminescence, and their claws drip with the promise of untold suffering and death. Shrouded in impenetrable darkness, the world trembles under the oppressive reign of terror. People huddle within their feeble sanctuaries, fervently praying for salvation from the demonic monarch and his unholy horde. Yet, escape proves impossible as the relentless onslaught ensues. The demon King and his minions relentlessly hunt down those who dare defy them, their powers swelling with each conquest, as the world plunges further into an abyss of everlasting dread.

Brianx_Ngo · ファンタジー
65 Chs

Chapter 52

"Here you go. I can only issue you a temporary card. Once you have completed your task, you can come back here with proof of completion, and the guild master can issue you the official card. By the way, you can now enter and exit the gate without having to show the temporary entry pass. This card will be sufficient proof that you are from the Adventurer's Guild," Sophia explained, handing them the passes.

Sophia then continued, "Also, since I am not able to verify your strength, do you still want to take up the task of subduing the manticore? It is a monster with many types of attacks, but a group of experienced adventurers would be able to take it down without sustaining much damage."

"Don't worry about them. They took out Zephyrus the Lich recently. I'm sure they can handle the manticore that has eluded us," a voice sounded out behind Astaroth and Lalitha. When they turned around, they saw Marcus standing at the entrance. He walked over to join them and said, "Hey, nice to see you both again."

Astaroth nodded and replied, "Good to see you too, Marcus. I see that you are alone today."

"Yeah, my men have gone their separate ways after the mission ended. For people like us, we cannot afford to spend time sitting around. The escort mission ended when the merchant paid us. I couldn't help but overhear that you are taking up the request to subdue the manticore. Do you mind if I join your party?" Marcus asked.

"What…? Zephyrus?? The guild master is searching for him now because there had been sighting of him recently and the reports of missing travelers were increasing. Is that why Master Glenda is taking so long because she couldn't find Zephyrus? Sophia exclaimed while placing her hand on her mouth looking shocked. She could not believe the man and the woman in front of her had killed the notorious Zephyrus. She knew that Marcus would not lie about such a thing.

"So what do you say, Astaroth? I may not be as strong as you but my experience as an adventurer is more," Marcus asked again, he could tell that the man in front of him is strong, it will be a plus point for himself if he can form a party with him.

"Hey, wait, Marcus. First, explain about Zephyrus," Sophia frowned and stamped her feet. She did not like that the three of them had been ignoring her. The fact that Zephyrus was dead was big news, and the three had treated it as if it were of no importance. Marcus sheepishly looked at Sophia and then explained to her what had happened and how Astaroth had killed Zephyrus.

"In that case, I need to quickly send a message to the guild master. She has been searching for the lich for a long time," Sophia hurriedly went to the back and took out a small piece of paper. She scribbled some words on it and then folded the paper into a tiny square. She brought it to the lamp and burned it. The paper and ink were made from special magical materials used for sending short messages. Sophia had been instructed by the guild master to only use it under special or urgent circumstances.

As the paper turned to ashes, Sophia turns to Marcus and grumbles, "Why didn't you tell me about this earlier, the killing of Zephyrus was such important news."

"Marcus shrugged. 'It wasn't me who killed the lich, and you knew I was escorting the merchant, Augustus Sinclair. I had to get paid before coming here. That stingy man would refuse payment to my boys if I weren't watching him,' he explained.

Sophia frowned at Lalitha and Astaroth. 'You didn't mention anything either... sigh... fine. I guess you'll be fine taking up the request to subdue the manticore.'

'Hey, wait! I'm still waiting for a reply. Let me join the party for this request. Astaroth, you can have the reward. I just want to be a part of hunting a manticore,' Marcus pleaded with Astaroth once again.

Astaroth considered Marcus' request, his eyes glimmering with a hint of amusement. 'Very well,' he said, a mischievous smile creeping across his face. "You can join us, Marcus. But be warned, the manticore is a formidable creature. Add him to the request Sophia, we will leave immediately. Since you have informed the guild master, I guess she should be back sooner than expected."

"Great, thanks for accepting me Astaroth. I can leave immediately too, but let me pick up my gears and I will meet you at the gates in an hour." Marcus thanks Astaroth and leaves the guild immediately. "We are leaving too, Sophia, see you soon." Astaroth and Lalitha left the guild, as they do not have to pack anything, they took their time to have a meal and went to the city gate to wait for Marcus.

Marcus did not let them wait for too long, he arrived within an hour with a bag over his shoulder, upon seeing the duo he grinned, "Hey, I have gotten my stuff, let's go."

The team exited Sanctavia and headed to the forest where they had first met, this time without having to escort anyone. Marcus led Astaroth and Lalitha through a shorter path. The shortcut took them half a day to reach the forest. Along the way, they encountered some goblins and wolves, which were easily disposed of by the three of them. Marcus was also well-versed in swordsmanship, and by the time they reached the forest, Astaroth had honed the skills that Marcus possessed.

"We have reached the forest. The last time we met here, I had just managed to escape the attack of the manticore by throwing some of its favorite meal to distract it," Marcus explained. "So, what we can do now is attract its attention by placing its favorite meal around the area to lure it in."

"How did you come to know about its favorite meal? This information is not widely known," Lalitha asked.

Marcus smiled mysteriously. "I have my sources," he replied. "Let's just say that I have spent a great deal of time studying the creatures of these woods and their peculiarities."

Astaroth and Lalitha exchanged glances, both intrigued by Marcus' knowledge and eager to proceed with the plan. They ventured deeper into the forest, then Marcus took out a pouch from his bag that he had been carrying, he carefully scattered the manticore's favorite meal, a mixture of rare herbs and enchanted berries, throughout the area.

He then gave two more pouches to Astaroth and Lalitha and told them to do the same as him to scatter the berries in the destinated area. As they finished setting the trap, the atmosphere around them began to change. The forest seemed to come alive with ethereal energy, and a soft breeze carried whispers that only the three adventurers could hear. The enchantment had been activated, drawing the attention of the manticore.

"Alright, now we wait for the manticore to appear. It may take a while, so why don't we take turns resting?" Marcus carefully laid the last herb and berry mix around a tree. He then stood up and walked a short distance away, finding a spot to sit. Astaroth and Lalitha joined him, their eyes scanning the surroundings.

"How long do you think we'll have to wait?" Astaroth asked, frustration evident in his voice. He had been using his heightened senses to detect any nearby creatures, but so far, nothing had come within their vicinity.

"If the manticore is in the area, it would have smelled the enchanted berries and should arrive soon. Otherwise, it will depend on the wind to carry the scent to it. I believe it may take one to two days at most," Marcus responded with confidence. The knowledge of the enchanted berry mix had been passed down by his famous adventurer grandfather, and Marcus had reluctantly accepted its efficacy.

Suddenly, a thunderous roar echoed through the trees, shaking the ground beneath their feet. The monstrous creature emerged from the shadows, its wings spread wide, and its lion-like body poised for attack. Its eyes glowed with a menacing intensity as it started to sniff the air, soon catching the scent of the enchanted berry mix scattered around a tree. It looked around for any signs of humans or threats before cautiously approaching the berries. Its behavior was cautious as if sensing the magical properties of the fruit.

Soon it starts to eat the berries on the ground, Marcus slowly raises his hand and stood up and Astaroth and Lalitha follow suit. They slowly approach the manticore who is now focused on its meal. Suddenly as if sensing a change in the atmosphere, the manticore lift its head and turns towards the direction of the trio and saw them approaching.

With a mighty leap, the manticore lunged at them, but Marcus skillfully deflected its attack, his blade meeting the creature's razor-sharp claws. Astaroth and Lalitha swiftly joined the battle, their powers and weapons adding to the fray.