
That person

Everyone was looking at the corridor, which made me curious to know what was happening until I saw that person walking.

The person that I was telling you about, the person who hated me for no reason, Eliza

I don't know why, but she despises me.

She walks smiling like an angel, but truly, she's a devil.

She looks at everyone, wait, the chair, the only chair is in front of me! No! Get this girl out of here!

She waved at everyone and smiled while walking in front, she's looking for a vacant seat, but every seat was taken, and please don't see this seat here

She looked in my direction and she saw me! We both looked at each other, and she looked at me with despise again. I then looked away quickly.

I heard some footsteps and I thought it was the student beside me but she sat in front of me and ignored me. She then turns around to me

"Nice to meet you again," she said to me with sarcasm, and she looked at me like she's looking down on me. I ignored her

"*suprised* I see, I wasn't expecting much, but at least the answer would've been fine," she looks in front. Yeah, right! I don't care! You can answer yourself for all I care!

*school bell rings*

Even though the bell rang, the teacher was quite late. Some students don't even know how to obey rules. They are still talking to each other and not in their seats! *sighs* I hope these students are good and respectful then again, I'm only wishing for a blue moon to come if I was hoping for students like that.

We then heard footsteps, and the students ran to their chairs and sits like they were well-behaved.

"Okay, good morning!" we then all stood up to greet the teacher back.

"I am Mr. Greyson and I are your advisor and your english teacher. " he then writes his full name on the board

"I would like to bear Mr. Greyson! Not, Mr. Luke, okay?"

"Yes sir," we all said

"Okay, I see that we have some tranferees. We first start our introductions so that we may know you and you will know us. Starting from you!" he then pointed out the first student to his right.

I didn't listen to their introduction, I will still forget their names no matter how much they tell me about it, so it's pointless to listen.

After a while it was her time for the introduction and you can see that they are all charmed by her.

By the time it was my turn, I didn't do great but at least I did enough. The teacher heard me but the other students don't but that's enough for me.

The next one was beside me and it go on until it reached the end.

"I see, there are many faces here, but hmm" sir Greyson then looks at me with wonder

"It seems like I am familiarized with some people" I don't know if it's the direction or is he looking at me?

"Uh sir, I have some few questions" Eliza raised her hand as she said that.

"Okay, uhh let's here it!" Sir Greyson responded to her and she stood up.Sir Greyson then loses his eyes on me. What was that?

"Well, I was thinking about uhh from I have heard there was this welcome party?" she sounds so nervous but she looked confident earlier.

"Ah, that's too early, Eliza! It will be a week from today for that party! Let's talk about the details tomorrow, we still have the election of the officers tomorrow by the way!" sir Greyson then walks to his table.

"But, sir, it will only be a day if we settle an election. We should at least have a get to know first sir." one guy said, he looked tall and kinda buffed. Must be a basketball player.

"So? You have to do it tomorrow but I guess I can give you a few days? Let's say, hmm, monday?" we all agreed to sir

Sir then talks about what we will need for his class and what are his rules and regulations. He also talked about how his grading works.

The next classes were the same, except some teachers only made the new students introduce themselves. Time went by and it is now our lunch

My lunch was pretty normal, not many but at least I will be full or I will have food in my stomach. Everyone left except the guy beside me

He looked like he wants to talk but I don't usually talk first so I waited for him. Time went by and he didn't talk to me. Maybe he gave up? He even opened up his phone and started scrolling through social media.

I then went to the bathroom leaving him there and he just looked at me like he missed a chance. I guess he really wants to talk to me.

When I went to the bathroom, it was actually my first time seeing the bathroom of this school. It seems decent, not the smell though.

I barely made it out alive from that bathroom. When I was gonna wash my hands from the sink someone came in. He took a pee just like me but while I'm washing my hands

"Hi! Nathan right?" he suddenly talks to me and offered me a hand-shake

"Wash your hands first, and yes, I am Nathan. You are?" I wasn't trying to be rude but you got to wash your hands before we do that. Besides, I made sure my face and the emotion that I showed is just me being cautious

"Seems cautious like a man" he then chuckled while he's washing his hands

"like a human, not just a man" I said to him and it made him laugh.

"Okay, there, Mateo! Nice to meet you" he then offered me his hands but now it's wet

"Wait" while he's still holding up his hand and he looks at me confused

"Dry your hands, then we continue" I said and he looked at me weirdly but then he made the most disturbing move ever, he dried his hands to his pants. Bro, it will be wet.

"Okay, that's okay I guess" he just laughed at me

"You seem very interesting, let's start this again, Mateo, nice to meet you" I then shaked his hands

*school bell rang*

"Uh-oh" I didn't realize how long I took

"Let's go! Hold on!" he then pulls my hand and he ran fast. Much faster than me.

We ran through the hallways and as we entered the room. I felt something heavy pushed me and it made me fall.

What's- Why is it so heavy?