



/"Hey Scarlett! Wait up!/" Jace's voice halted me in the college hallway.

I gave him a grin.

/"Hi Jace./" I greeted him shyly.

So far, Jace was the only friend I had right now. Danielle refused to even look at me and I had no idea where Megan was.

His green eyes crinkled at the corners as he gave me his heart-stopping, dimpled smile.

/"I haven't seen you around lately./" He commented.

I sighed, /"Yeah, I've been busy. I've got a ton of work piled up since I joined two months into the semester./"

I watched his eyes as they read my lips.

I noticed that he'd stopped wearing hearing-aids.

/"I could help you out if you want./" Jace's kind voice suggested.

/"I'd like that./" I could feel my smile widen.

/"Sorry to interrupt your little love session but you're blocking the way./" A cold voice growled from behind us.

I turned to find Hunter glaring in our direction.