


|3 years ago|

I jolted awake.

It took me a while to realize what had woken me.

It was happening again.

Mom and Dad were fighting. It was the third time this week.

I covered my ears with my hands as the shouts grew louder.

/"Would you just listen to me for once Julie?/" My father's voice bellowed.

/"I don't want to listen to your lies Richard!/" My mother screamed back.

That's it.

I jumped out of bed.

I needed to get out. I couldn't deal with this right now.

I quietly made my way out the back door.

I took in deep gulps of air.

I needed to run.

Without thinking I sprinted. I wasn't aware of my surroundings. It was like my legs had a mind of their own.

That's why I liked to run. Because it stopped me from thinking.

It stopped me from feeling.

My legs finally gave out from exhaustion and I collapsed to the ground. I felt the soft grass beneath me.