


I could feel the blood draining from my face.

I felt like my heart had stopped beating.

My eyes flickered to the gun Nichole was pointing in my direction.

/"What are you doing Nichole?/" I forced my voice to sound even.

/"What does it look like I'm doing? I'm pointing a gun at you./" She sneered.

I held up a hand towards her. /"Just calm down. You don't want to do anything you'll regret later./" I told her calmly.

She chuckled coldly. /"You think I'll regret killing you?/" Her eyes narrowed. /"I've wanted to kill you since the first time I saw you with Hunter three years ago./"

She shook her head sadistically. /"It's your own fault really. You just don't get it do you?/" She took a step towards me. /"Hunter is mine./" She snarled.

The crazed look in her eyes made me take a step back.