
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
208 Chs

Chapter 173 Meeting Liu Zhuo again

Ye Annian glanced in the direction of his finger, slightly surprised.

  It turned out to be the old man Chen who often went out with Jiang Zhu.

  "It's someone I know," he said to Zhang Lu, "Wait a moment, I'll go down and take a look."

  Zhang Lu pulled the carriage aside and waited for Ye Anyian.

  Ye Anyian got out of the car, and old man Chen stepped forward and grabbed him: "Brother Nian, I haven't seen Mr. Jiang for a long time. Where has he gone? Old man, I'm going to die of suffocation alone. "

  "He has something to do and has to go out. He will not be back until some time later." Ye Anyian patted him and held his hand.

  "Alas," Old Man Chen sighed, took his hand and drew pictures on his palm with his fingers, "Then are you going to find him?"

  Ye Annian was stunned for a moment, but nodded: "Yes."

  Old Chen frowned immediately: "Why are you looking for him? I tell you, just wait at home. If you wait a little longer, he will come back."

  Ye Annian thought he was just comforting himself, so he chuckled: "It's not just to find him. The children have all gone to the academy, and it's boring for me to stay by myself. I went out for a walk by the way."

  Old Man Chen didn't believe him, so he pulled him and turned into the alley: "Come here, come here. Old man, I have to tell your fortune today."

  Ye Annian knew that he knew some magic and divination, and when he saw his persistence, he couldn't refuse, so he turned around and winked at Zhang Lu to reassure him, and then followed Old Man Chen away.

  Old man Chen pulled Ye Annian to sit down at his stall and asked him to stretch out his left hand. He first read his palm, then took out a few coins and played with them on the small table.

  "Mr. Chen, how are the hexagrams?"

  After a moment, Ye Anyian asked.

  Old Man Chen rubbed his chin and frowned at the hexagrams on the table: "Brother Nian, if you ask me, you'd better not go."

  "Go, I will definitely go." Ye Anyian looked at him firmly, "Mr. Chen, please don't try to persuade me."

  "Sigh," Old Man Chen sighed, "this hexagram is both bad and good, so I'm afraid your journey will not go smoothly."

  Ye Annian said: "It's okay, I'm not afraid of the bumps on the road, as long as I can find him."

  "Then when you leave the town, don't take the official road or the wild road. Go through the village or town. If someone asks you to change the route on the road, don't listen to him. Just keep going to where you want to go. That's it. "

  Old man Chen held his hand and kept telling him, "Brother Nian, please remember this."

  "Yes," Ye Anyian nodded, "Don't worry, I've written it down."

  "Oh, go ahead, go ahead." Old Man Chen waved his hand, looking distressed.

  "When we come back, we will play chess with you." Ye Anian said.

  "Okay." Old Man Chen finally smiled a little, "Old man, I'm waiting for you."

  After returning to the car, Zhang Lu asked him worriedly what was going on. Ye Annian did not say anything about Old Man Chen's hexagram, but only said: "The old man saw that I was leaving for a while and was a little reluctant to leave. Come and say goodbye."

  "Oh," Zhang Lu waved the riding whip in his hand without doubting his presence, "Then boss, let's go."

  "Yeah." Ye Anyian nodded.

  With the sound of the whip, the carriage started moving again. This time, no one came to stop it.

  Sitting in the car, Ye Annian breathed a long sigh of relief. He took out a box of rouge and gouache from the baggage he brought with him, and looked at a small bronze mirror to cover up the pregnancy mole at the end of his eye.

  Zhang Lu's pregnancy mole is not on his face. It can be covered up by wearing clothes, so it's no big deal.

  In fact, both Wen Heng and Mr. Wen planned to recruit a few servants to follow them. After all, Ye Anyian and Zhang Lu were both brothers, so it was really uneasy to go on the road like this.

  But Ye Anyian thought about it and refused.

  Firstly, there were a bunch of people following him, and the crowds of people shouting and swarming made him too conspicuous. Secondly, he was also a little impatient and wanted to travel lightly and get to Kyoto as soon as possible.

  Neither he nor Zhang Lu wore very good clothes, and the carriages were relatively simple. At first glance, they looked like ordinary people from poor families.

  As for his outstandingly natural face, he also darkened it with gouache, and put a fake beard on his mouth. It looked like he had grown more than ten years in a flash, and became an absolutely safe appearance.

  Ye Annian kept Old Man Chen's words in mind, and the two of them pretended to be small traders who were out doing business. They did not go through official roads or wild roads, so they passed through villages and towns one by one, all the way north.

  Fortunately, Zhang Lu often went out with Mr. Wen before, and he never got lost or went wrong even if he didn't take the official route.

  The two of them traveled during the day and stayed at an inn in a small town or a farmhouse in the village to rest for four or five days in a row.

However, due to the fatigue of traveling and riding on the road, Ye Anyian lost his appetite and did not rest well, so he suddenly lost weight.

  Zi Mo has been following secretly, so naturally he is very anxious.

  His master asked him to protect Shaojun secretly, but he didn't expect that Shaojun would not follow common sense and wait at home, and he would actually run out with a brother.

  Anxiously, he sent several letters to Jiang Zhu in Kyoto, but several days passed and they were almost a third of the way, and he didn't receive any reply.

  Bai Hezhai still has many shops and contact points in various parts of Dongling Kingdom, but he didn't receive any reply along the way, and he felt vaguely uneasy.

  Considering how much the master attaches great importance to Shaojun, if he knew about this, I'm afraid he would rush over all night and there would be no way he wouldn't even get a reply.

  But right now, he is too busy to do anything, so he can only follow him like this.

  They were walking like this day by day, getting closer and closer to Kyoto. Zimo felt a little relieved, thinking that as long as they arrived in Kyoto, everything would be fine.

  However, when their carriage finally drove into Danzhou, something happened.

  Danzhou is a state capital adjacent to Kyoto, and it is also the only place to go to Kyoto. As long as you pass Danzhou, you will reach Kyoto.

  It was already evening when Ye Anian and his carriage entered the Danzhou territory. When they entered Danzhou City, they first found a small inn to rest.

  Zhang Lu ordered two bowls of beef noodles, ate one bowl himself, and brought the other bowl to Ye Anyian to the guest room on the second floor.

  The noodle soup was quite fragrant, but Ye Anyian didn't have much appetite, but thinking that he had to go on the road tomorrow, he still forced himself to eat half a bowl.

  After dinner, he ordered hot water to wash up and rest early.

  I don't know if it's because he's been on the road lately, but he always feels more tired than usual and a little sleepy.

  He used to be a light sleeper and would wake up at the slightest noise, but now whether he is staying at a farmer's house or sleeping in an inn, he almost sleeps on the pillow. He always feels very tired, and as soon as he falls asleep, he can't hear any sound. arrive.

  Fortunately, these physical discomforts did not affect his journey. He just thought that he was too tired from the journey and didn't think too much about it.

  Early the next morning, I checked out of the room with Zhang Lu and prepared to leave for Kyoto.

  As soon as he went out, he was stopped by a servant-looking man wearing a rough cloth.

  "Master, please stay. My master has invited me."

  Ye Anian was stunned for a moment and replied: "I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding, little brother. I probably don't know your master."

  The man didn't say anything, just bowed his hands and retreated.

  Ye Annian was wondering when he heard a loud voice calling him: "Brother Nian, you are fine."

  He froze suddenly and looked in the direction of the voice.

  He saw a man wearing a green brocade robe standing not far from him, looking at him with a smile.

  "Liu Zhuo." Ye Anian frowned and read out the name.

  Liu Zhuo heard the sound and strode towards him: "I didn't expect that after so many years, you still remember me."

  Ye Anyian glanced at him lightly and said nothing.

  Liu Zhuo laughed, and raised his hand to touch the fake beard on his face: "You look pretty funny."

  "If you have anything to say, just say it. Don't delay my journey." Ye Annian took a step back in disgust and distanced himself from him.

Liu Zhuo didn't mind either, he still had a smile on his face: "We are old friends after all. When we meet outside, we always have to have a cup of tea together."

  "Looking at your face, I can't eat it." Ye Anyian glanced at him coldly.

  Liu Zhuo was startled, then laughed: "Hahaha, you still dislike me? I don't even look at what you look like now."

  "I don't have tea with people I hate," Ye Anyian didn't want to talk to him anymore, so he called Zhang Lu and turned around to leave, "We have to go on our way, let's go first."

  "Wait!" Liu Zhuo said quickly.

  Ye Annian didn't listen to what he said. He walked a few steps to his carriage and was about to get in.

  "You came out to find Jiang Zhu, right? I know where he is."

  Ye Anyian stopped getting into the car and looked at him coldly: "You know?"

  Liu Zhuo nodded: "I can tell you where he is now, but the premise is that you have to have a cup of tea with me first."

  "Okay." After hesitating for a moment, Ye Anyian agreed.

  Now that he has arrived in Kyoto, he has no direction to look for. He just wants to have a cup of tea with Liu Zhuo. It would not be a loss if he can get more information about Jiang Zhu from him.

  The two then entered a nearby teahouse.

  After sitting down, Liu Zhuo asked for two cups of fragrant chrysanthemum tea and some refreshments.

  "Brother Nian, do you still remember the big bowl of tea we drank together in Tianshui Town?"

  What he said really evoked Ye Anyian's past memories.

  At that time, Ye Ansong was in jail and Fang Jinyuan was dismissed. Liu Zhuo came to him and showed his kindness to him, trying to win over him, but he refused.

  The two of them once made a bet at a roadside tea stall.

  Liu Zhuo bet that he and Jiang Zhu would eventually part ways, and he would have to live alone with his younger brother.

  He bet that Liu Zhuo Gong was scheming and playing with people's hearts, and that he would not end well in the end.

  The two have a three-year contract, and now it is exactly the third year.

  Seeing Ye Anyian lost in memories, Liu Zhuo laughed.

  "Brother Nian, do you remember what I said at the beginning? It seems that you are going to lose."

  "As soon as Jiang Zhu left, did he ever tell you where he went? Now you don't even know where to look for someone."

  "So what," Ye Annian looked indifferent, "We can't decide whether to win or lose before the end."

  "Okay," Liu Zhuo picked up the tea cup and took a sip, "Since you still don't give up, I'll let you see who he is."

  "We will take a different route from here to Yue Liang City. It will only take four or five days. You come with me and I will tell you everything about him."