
The Pampered and Sick Beauty Husband - Aged Day and Night【Complete】

L_Magar_1733 · LGBT+
208 Chs

Chapter 14: Onions fried with fat intestines

Wu Xianglian stretched out her arms and pushed the basket into Ye Anyian's arms.

  Ye Annian frowned and took a few steps back: "I don't understand how much he charges for medical treatment, so I can't get in touch with him."

  "Nonsense!" Wu Xianglian immediately raised her voice, "Even if you don't understand, you don't need to spend ten taels of silver to see a doctor!"

  "I heard from Aunt Tianhua that he can only charge fifty taels of silver for a medical visit. How come it's only 10 taels of silver when we get here in Chenghe?!"

  "You didn't spend the money, why do you feel bad." Ye Anyian's voice was cold.

  In the Ye family before, this cheap grandma of his had not only assigned jobs to him and Fu Zai, but also scolded them as money-losing losers, and had never given him a good look.

  Now that the begging has come to him, do you think he will take care of it?

  "If you have nothing else to do, go back." With that, he was about to close the door.

  "Hey, don't close the door!"

  Wu Xianglian had quick eyes and quick hands. She held the basket and pushed it with her elbow, blocking the fence door and forcing half of her body in.

  "If you have anything to say, can you let the milk in first and wait for a while?"

  "Just say it here." Ye Anyian held the door and blocked the door, refusing to let her in.

  The fake smile on Wu Xianglian's face collapsed instantly: "Brother Nian, what do you mean?"

  "You just got engaged, are you going to fall out with me? Are your elbows going to turn out?!"

  "Otherwise," Ye Anyian looked at her coldly, "I'm going to turn you on your face?"


  Wu Xianglian was so angry: "This money-losing guy is a money-losing guy! I'm so nice to you for no reason!"

  "Then you'd better give it to someone else, I don't care."

  After saying that, he pushed Wu Xianglian outside and slammed the door.


  Wu Xianglian staggered as she was pushed, and cursed at the top of her voice: "You little bitch! Just wait and see! If Jiang Zhu doesn't want you tomorrow, don't even think about entering Lao Ye's house again!"

  Ye Annian had a dark face after hearing this, entered the main room, and closed the door.

  The courtyard finally became quiet, and both Fu Zai and Ding Qiu poked their heads out of the west room.

  "Brother, is she gone?"

  "Well," Ye Anyian said, "come out."

  He thought that the fence was still too unsafe. People could see into the courtyard from the outside. If a man as big and round as Wang Hu was, he could kick open the door and the wall would not be able to stop anything.

  In the future, when we have money, we still have to repair this courtyard wall.

  It was almost noon when Jiang Zhu came back.

  As soon as he entered the door, he asked: "Has anyone come to our house? I saw several broken eggs on the slope at the door."

Ye Anyian nodded: "Wu Xianglian came here and I drove her away."

  "What is she here for?" Jiang Zhu frowned.

  "She's here to ask for money, the ten taels of silver for the consultation." Ye Annian said, "Ignore her."

  "Hiss," Jiang Zhu took a breath, looking at the fence that was more than half a person's height, and fell into deep thought.

  "Any random person can come in, so we really need to find a way. This courtyard wall needs to be built up to make it safer."

  This is something that Ye Anian thought of.

  However, for a while, he still didn't have any extra money to build the wall.

  "I'll go pick up a guard dog and come back in a few days."

  "That's fine." Ye Anyian agreed.

  After all, building the wall is a long-term matter. If you can get a guard dog now, it can scare some people away.

  The two of them entered the main room together. Jiang Zhu took off the basket on his back. The medicine basket was filled with herbs.

  Ye Annian didn't know much about medicinal materials, so he just stood aside and watched Jiang Zhu pick the herbs out of the medicine basket and spread them on the floor.

  The basket suddenly became quite empty. He looked over and saw that most of the remaining baskets were filled with yellow wild loquats.

  "I happened to come across a few loquat trees that bore a lot of fruit, so I harvested some. How many bottles of loquat dew do you have left?"

  "There are still three bottles left." Ye Anyian said.

  Since taking Loquat Dew and Dingchuan Decoction, he only coughs occasionally. As long as he doesn't catch a cold or blow cold wind, it's no big deal.

  "Well, that's just right. I can make some more for you."

  He originally used the loquat dew to sell, but now, he must use it first after Ye Anyian, and only sell the remaining ones.

  The main room was covered with medicinal materials. Jiang Zhu started picking and sorting them. Ye Anian asked him to teach him how to identify them.

  But for all the green on the ground, even if he didn't understand medicinal materials, he knew that the snow lotus and blood reishi must not have been collected.

  If it's hard to find it on the mountain, then he can only spend money to buy it. It seems that he still has to make money by making wood carvings.

  Jiang Zhu didn't know Ye Anyian's little thoughts. After the two selected the medicinal materials and taught Ye Anyian how to dry them, he went to make lunch.

  The pig intestines I bought at the market were washed with salt water yesterday and boiled for a while. Then I stir-fried them with the green onions.

  There are also half-cooked pig lungs cooked yesterday. You can stew them with figs in soup later. It also has the effect of relieving coughs and asthma.

In the vegetable patch behind the house, in addition to several commonly eaten vegetables, he also planted several medicinal trees such as wolfberry and fig.

  After calling Ding Qiu and Fu Zai to pick figs and green onions in the field behind the house, Jiang Zhu rolled up his sleeves and got busy.

  Not long after, the delicious fragrance wafted out of the small courtyard again.

  There is an occasional breeze in the summer afternoon, which can relieve the heat.

  Jiang Zhu did not let Ye Anyian set the table, but brought the food, and the family of four went to eat on the stone table under the big tree in the courtyard.

  Stewed pork intestines with green onions, stewed pork lung soup with figs, stewed beans with broth, and the staple food is corn tortillas.

  There is a pointed plate of fried sausage with green onion. The sausage sections are cut evenly and neatly. The outer skin is fried to a caramel color, covered with full of sauce, and topped with chopped green onion. Not only does it look good, but you can also tell by the smell. Not bad.

  Ye Annian took a bite of the corn pancake, which had a rich corn aroma and a slightly sweet taste. Combined with the fried and fragrant sausage, he took one bite and his mouth was filled with oil.

  The outer skin of the sausage has been fried until it is crispy, and the inside has a fat and fragrant texture. It is salty and delicious, and is especially suitable for rice.

  When you get tired of it, take a sip of pig lung soup, which is flavored with figs. The pig lung soup is fresh, sweet, refreshing and appetizing.

  Jiang Zhu posted a bamboo sieve full of corn tortillas. In the end, not a single one was left, and the whole pot of pig lung soup was also drank.

  Fu Zai hugged his small bowl and almost licked the bottom of the bowl.

  When he was at Lao Ye's house, eating was the most painful time for him every day.

  Because no matter what delicious food was cooked at home, it would not be his share, and he would always be able to eat dry buns.

  But now, eating is his happiest time.

  Not only can you eat well, but you can also eat well.

  Dr. Jiang's cooking is really delicious!

  My brother is lucky, he can also benefit from it!

  Here, the four people who had eaten and drank enough were not in a hurry to clear away the dishes, and just slumped on the stools to enjoy the coolness and rest.

  Wu Xianglian on the other side was so angry that she almost jumped.

  She was pushed out by Ye Annian and almost fell down, but before she could take a few steps, she stepped on a stone and slipped.

  Not only did the fall hurt her butt, the five eggs in the basket were all broken, which made her so distressed that she couldn't get up for a long time.

  Holding back his anger, he returned to Ye's house. As soon as he entered, Ye Chenghe came up to him with a wine jar in his arms.

  "Mom, how are you?"

  Ye Chenghe's face was unshaven, and he didn't clean himself up in a few days. When he opened his mouth, he smelled of wine, which made Wu Xianglian almost vomit.


  Wu Xianglian was so angry that she raised her hand and slapped Ye Chenghe.

  "Look at how bad you are!"

  "Why is this disease so expensive? You have to spend ten taels of silver to treat it?!"

She got angry at Ye Chenghe and slammed the door back into her room.

  Ye Chenghe was woken up by her slap, and he also became angry as he covered his burning face.

  "Why are you scolding me? Didn't you go there yourself?"

  "The biased eyes are on the cow's butt. It's only ten taels of silver. If I don't believe it, I won't be able to make it back!"