
The Pages Rewritten

60-year old historian, Jung Gwinam. On the day of her retirement ceremony, she got into an accident while attempting to save her daughter, just to later wake up as the main character of a fantasy novel written by her daughter?! Of all things, she had to be reborn as an orphan peasant. But who cares? This is the start of Jung Gwinam's second life

Syoukyu · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Chapter 2: The Forgotten Prophecy

As Gwinam delved deeper into her new world, she stumbled upon whispers of a forgotten prophecy. The prophecy spoke of a chosen one who would bring balance to the realm and vanquish the encroaching darkness. Intrigued by this revelation, Gwinam embarked on a quest to uncover the truth behind the prophecy and her place within it.

Guided by ancient texts and the fragments of legends, Gwinam sought out the wise sages and seers who resided in remote corners of the land. With each encounter, she gained valuable insights into the nature of the prophecy, learning about the trials and tribulations that awaited the chosen one.

Along her journey, Gwinam faced numerous obstacles and encountered the machinations of shadowy forces determined to prevent the fulfillment of the prophecy. She found herself entangled in political intrigues, battling malevolent creatures, and unraveling the secrets of long-lost artifacts.

As she unraveled the threads of the prophecy, Gwinam discovered that she held a pivotal role in its outcome. Her previous life as a historian had equipped her with the knowledge needed to interpret cryptic clues and decipher ancient scripts. Drawing upon her intellect and resourcefulness, she pieced together the puzzle, inching closer to her ultimate destiny.

With each revelation, Gwinam's resolve grew stronger, and she realized that fulfilling the prophecy would require not only her own strength but also the support and cooperation of those she had come to call friends. Together, they formed an unlikely alliance, united by a shared purpose and an unwavering belief in Gwinam's abilities.

As Gwinam's power and understanding increased, so did the intensity of her adversaries. Dark forces, threatened by the prophecy, sought to extinguish her light. She faced formidable foes, tested her limits, and tapped into the depths of her newfound powers.

Yet, amidst the chaos and danger, Gwinam never lost sight of her initial motivation—the love for her daughter. It was her daughter's creation, the world she now inhabited, and the prophecy itself that drove her forward. She knew that if she could fulfill her role as the chosen one, it would not only safeguard the realm but also honor her daughter's imaginative spirit.