

Leonardo lives an isolated life and works as a video editor, but everything changes when he meets an old friend and goes for a run along the beach every day and meets new people.

Jonas_Baldsom_0539 · 都市
27 Chs


Fernanda and Jonathan had already left, Leonardo was putting away what was left of the food and getting ready to wash the dishes, his mother showed that she was very tired, but stayed for a while, talking to Leonardo, while he prepared everything. 

"Jonathan changed a lot, he seemed colder than usual." 

"I think it was fatherhood, and this thing about taking care of your health is very far from the Jonathan I knew, but they say that children change people." 

"I don't know if that's the case, he's certainly very attached to Giovanna, but he seemed distant from Fernanda, I think there's something going on between the two." 

"She seems to be quite different from Jonathan in some ways, maybe that's it, he might not be comfortable with some things, whereas for her, it's normal." 

"It could be that, it could just be our imagination, too." 

After he finished putting away all the food, Leonardo ate what was left of his slice of cake, then took another slice, a huge one, and became thoughtful and a little melancholy, he should have talked more, interacted more between them, he became very distant , and he needed to change that in himself. While he was eating that generous slice of pie, his mother entered the kitchen, stood at the door, and then asked when Leonardo was going to bring someone for her to meet. 

This question almost made Leonardo choke, and he said that one day, maybe. He continued to eat the piece of pie, and his mother continued, I have a friend who works at the mall, I think she would suit you well, maybe you should come visit me sometimes at work, and see what you think of this person , she's the same age as you, and works in a technology store or something. 

Leonardo didn't think much about it, he just refused his mother's offer, he said he would be fine, he could manage, while he finished that piece of almond pie. 

. . . 

Leonardo was already in his room, he had finished washing all the dishes, and he was thinking about what his mother had said, sometimes she would be like that, but she would soon forget about it. And he soon started talking to Jane again, as Marcelle remained offline. 

"So, do you have the script for the next video ready?" 

"No really, I'm in doubt between two emails I received, both seem controversial and promising topics, but I'm not sure which one to choose.""And what are these emails about?" 

"One is a question about what is the ideal time to ask someone to be your girlfriend, and the other is just a young woman who is interested in her co-worker, but he is already committed, both topics are good, I even know what to say about it. of each one, but I don't know which one to post about." 

"Why don't you make an extra video this week? Record two videos soon." 

"It's not that simple, organizing the videos and doing the projects is more difficult than it seems, even though I'm talking about a subject that I already know well, I still need to organize everything, and not miss any part" 

"Yes, I remember the last script I helped you do, it seemed really complicated, but this time, I think I can help you a little more, and do these two scripts with you, I've been reviewing a lot of videos from your channel, and I think this time I can be more useful." 

"Have you been reviewing some videos? Wow, what a surprise, I thought I couldn't look at my face anymore, after so much time editing my videos, I thought I might not be able to stand my image anymore." 

"Not really, but I think this is very common among editors, but you are very different off camera, and I can now see your videos with a new perspective." 

"A new look? And what would that look like?" 

"Um... I would say that you transmit a lot of the same energy that you do during the videos, but you also have your more human, more serious side, and that you have also been through a lot." 

"Yes, I avoid showing this side of myself in videos, I prevent others from seeing this side of me, or they will think that I am not capable of giving opinions about other people's relationships, but with you, I managed to be myself, without needing to hide, without having to show another face, and that pleased me a lot." 

"I was also happy to be able to see this other side of you, and I think you should show more of it on camera, so people can get to know you even more, and even more deeply." 

"I'll think about it, but if you're actually going to help me design both videos, I might even be able to record both, but you'll have to help me." 

"It's okay, don't worry, I'll help you with everything, don't worry so much about these things." 

"So, which video will we start with? Which one do you want to talk about first?" 

"I think the one about asking someone to be your girlfriend seems easier." 

"Yes, much more. Thinking about asking someone to be your girlfriend?" 

"Not really, not now. Even though everything is going well." 

"And even? Any news?" 

"Some, but we'll talk about it later." 

"After? I need to know about everything now." 

Leonardo told a little about his day, and especially the meeting between him and Marcelle, he talked about the questions she asked in the car, but he left out some details, he didn't talk about all the actions, he just said that things seemed It was going well for both of them, and he had a feeling that everything would work out, even though they had little time together. 

He talked about dinner, and how he felt this need to be with someone romantically resurface inside him, he almost didn't care about these things, now it seemed to be something even more important, even more necessary for him. 

Jane was a person who was also running away from more serious commitments, and even said that this was normal, but she seemed surprised when Leonardo said that he was thinking about achieving a more serious union, and perhaps, with Marcelle. 

The hours passed, and Leonardo was debating ideas with Jane about the videos, this time he managed to be much more useful, he was able to share everything he felt better, and he showed a lot of interest in hearing everything Jane was saying, he seemed to learn from her, and paid even more attention for that same reason. 

It was already around three in the morning, and they had already planned the two videos that Jane would record, but she said that she had lost sleep, and wanted to talk a little more, this time about things without much to do with work, or commitments. She simply wanted to stay up again, until very early, and watch the sun rise, but apparently, she wouldn't be able to do it this time, Leonardo was already choosing the words to talk to Jane. 

Very drowsy, and with less acuity, Leonardo began to talk more about his feelings, and as he was thinking deeply about Marcelle, he began to unburden himself about different things, saying and not even thinking about what he was saying, until finally, he began to say talk about more spicy things, everything he had done, and what he still felt like doing. 

Jane paid attention to everything, and remained silent, not yet tense, but sometimes she laughed loudly, thankfully she lived alone, she could talk loudly, she carried her cell phone around the house, she could communicate with Leonardo about anything. 

Finally Leonardo gave in to sleep, decided to end the call with Jane, and told her to try to watch the sun rise, it would be good for her, and soon Leonardo fell asleep. 

. . . 

The morning started strangely, having stayed up late caused a sudden change in Leonardo's internal clock, he didn't even hear the alarm clock go off, he just got up, looked at the time, and stayed in front of the mirror for a while, trying to contemplate what was left behind, before he went to sleep. 

Now, when he faced the mirror, he heard different words, the mirror showed him where he needed to improve, and make a better impact on the people around him, he needed to become better and better, to be with Marcelle, before she began to notice his flaws from him. 

He continued to look at his own reflection in the mirror, he was only wearing boxer shorts, and he was making faces and trying to move the muscles in his face, to remove that sleepy mask that his body seemed to wear. 

He thought about his own improvement, and his own flaws, but not much, he didn't know where to start, and he sighed, and sighed again, and looked at his own face again, while the mirror became more and more silent, so that Leonardo could take time to think it over himself. 

It was already late afternoon, he still didn't feel hungry, and the sky was as clear as Leonardo's mirror. He put on sunglasses, a green polo shirt and black shorts, and decided to leave the house for a bit, in a few hours he would go for a run, but he needed to spend more time on the street, especially during the day, and observe people better. 

When hunger came, he went to that cafeteria, he needed to talk to someone, but he didn't even think about what Marcelle said, about the attendant being in love with him, he just needed to talk to someone different, about the things he liked. 

The weather was hot, it was a walk of about fifteen minutes, and Leonardo was already sweating a little, he ordered an açaí and spent a while looking at the beach while the attendant finished preparing other orders, and as soon as she finished, she immediately went talk to Leonardo. 

He talked about music, and about Jane's videos, about what he was producing, and about how his life had changed since he stopped going to that area. 

Now he was able to loosen up, be more himself, and spoke openly about anything, at least with that attendant, Lauren. 

"You need to come more often, I love talking to you" Lauren said. 

"I think so, I can come more often, but I have to control myself, now I'm going to stay completely focused on my diet." 

"But açaí is super healthy, you can come without fear, and everything will be fine with you." 

"I'll see what I can do, but I have to think about my physique too, you can see that I've put on a lot of weight in the time I haven't been here." 

"Nothing much, you look great like that too, it suits you well, you just need to define it a little, but like this, really big seems to be ideal for your height." 

"To define? I don't really know, everyone keeps saying I look like a security guard or a police officer, I think I really need to lose weight." 

"No need, you need to continue like this, and the next time you come I'll give you a discount." 

"If it's always like this, you'll see me more and more often." 

"Really come, and bring your girlfriend, she's very quiet, but she seems like a nice person." 

"My girlfriend?" 

"Yes, I saw you kissing, is she your girlfriend?" 

"No really, I'm seeing her, but it's nothing official yet." 

"I understand, but she seems like a good person, I hope everything works out between you two." 

"Only time will tell... speaking of which, I need to go, soon I need to run a little with some friends, but this week I'll be here again." 

The day was transmitting peace and calm beyond the ordinary, the storm seemed to have washed away everything that was bad, and brought even more beauty to that scene. The streets were already quite busy, and some people were already stopping to drink the classic beer after work, something common in that neighborhood, but even so, Leonardo didn't seem to pay attention to any of this. 

He was immersed in his own thoughts, and walked steadily towards his house, and was going to start stretching for the run.