

Leonardo lives an isolated life and works as a video editor, but everything changes when he meets an old friend and goes for a run along the beach every day and meets new people.

Jonas_Baldsom_0539 · 都市
27 Chs


Leonardo was at home, he had already received Jane's return, she asked for a lot of changes, apparently, she realized that it was different in that video, but Leonardo would wait for her to finish talking a little more about the changes, while he relaxed a little, and watched another episode of the same Korean series. 

Now the couple was already engaged, they were kissing, something very unusual for this type of series, it seemed to have happened too soon, but it happened, and problems for both were beginning, even the policewoman began to be chased by the gang, and was taking more care, even inside the police station, where she was always respected. 

She was a little reminiscent of Marcelle, as she showed an internal strength that surpassed appearances, she acted quickly, and always thought for the good of others, but she completely melted away for her criminal ex-boyfriend from childhood. 

Between ups and downs, the story continued, and made Leonardo reflect on his own childhood, as well as thinking about Marcelle. 

He thought about a love he had, and another love, in his adolescence, both were platonic, it was just about looks, and trying to get closer, but he never managed to go much further than that, before he was closer to Jonathan, Leonardo was very withdrawn, it was Jonathan who helped him go beyond his own limits. 

While Leonardo finished watching the series and thinking about his youth years, Marcelle called him. 

"Hi, how are you? Did you sleep well?" Marcelle asked. 

"Yes, I slept, I woke up with great energy, I even did a general cleaning at home, Jonathan and Fernanda are coming to the house for dinner tonight." 

"Um… I see." 

"What is it, something wrong?" 

"Nothing much, Jonathan and Fernanda didn't tell me they were going there today, I had… thought about making other plans." 

"Plans? Plans with Fernanda? I don't think they're going to run today." 

"No? But it was about something else, so it's okay… I must have been mistaken." 

"Are you watching that series? I also watched some episodes yesterday." 

"Yes, I think I'm more than halfway through, I'm really enjoying it." 

"Liking it? I thought it wasn't quite like you." 

"I liked the action, it made me keep watching." 

"You really seem more action oriented." 

"Yes, more agitated and explosive things, that's how I prefer it." 

"Talking about it, I keep thinking, about yesterday, about everything we did, I can't get it out of my head." 

"Seriously, I also took a few moments to think about you, it's already part of my routine." 

"What kind of thoughts?" 

"Um... I don't know if I could say, but, personally, I can tell you, how about we plan to run, just the two of us, and then talk about it better?" 

"Okay, I'm almost leaving work, apparently it doesn't rain until four in the afternoon, let's set up at the same point as always, and I'll wait for you there." 

Leonardo moved more agitatedly, and went back to watching some more relationship videos, on Jane's channel, he needs to catch up, everything was going well, but things seemed to be different, he felt different, he knew that he had changed a lot in this during the period when he isolated himself at home, he thought about it a lot, but he couldn't feel where he had changed. 

He thought he would be fine, the way he was, he had already gotten used to it, but Marcelle completely shook him, changed his routine, his thoughts, and his plans, now he wanted to improve, he wanted to achieve the best that was in him, and transmit this to others, be more present in people's lives, and be more in tune with each person who had entered his life. 

He watched some videos about these moments of kissing, and talking, and some more, about things in the bedroom. He learned a lot, even though he already knew the channel's content, he needed that, to review, and renew his own ideas. 

He listened to a pagode group that he had discovered with Marcelle, while he thought about running with her and what they would do afterwards, as he didn't have much free time, he knew that they wouldn't go much further than a few kisses, and a spicier conversation, perhaps. 

The pagoda sounded very different in Leonardo's ear, the rhythm was different from anything he was used to hearing, and the singer's voice was very different too, Belo sings a lot about drinking and friendship, a theme that always caused painful thoughts for Leonardo, but the most romantic songs brought inspiration to him. 

And soon, he finished getting ready, while singing a Belo song that he already knew "...Reinventing, shining what has not been erased, nothing has changed in me, I know that the dream can still happen..." 

The sky was still covered by clouds, but now it was starting to lighten, the blue sky was starting to appear, and Leonardo's body seemed to be in the same shape, it was opening up to a blue sky. 

As soon as he found Marcelle, he still didn't quite know how to react, there was a good energy between them, a mixture of each one being in the same boat, and each one lying on top of each other's bed. They greeted each other with a quick hug and a very soft kiss. 

As he stretched, Leonardo's gaze was contemplating a little of Marcelle in that landscape, the gray sky, the sea was very dark, and the sand stood out even more, and Marcelle, lit up above this entire picture, as in a old painting, was the object of the scene. 

Isabela couldn't go, she was getting a cold, she thought it would be better to go home, rest, and replenish her energy, only Leonardo and Marcelle were at that meeting almost in secret, trying to make that moment of splendor in each one's life, looking for the best way, trying to run faster, lose weight and achieve personal goals, and in the middle of it all, there was a little space between each one, to think about the other, between one pull and another on the leg and arm, Marcelle looked at Leonardo, the face locked onto him, trapped, and with little expression. 

She looked more like a Greek statue, as she stretched, as she moved her muscles, her expression remained the same, like a princess from a distant island, alone in a small castle, looking at the sea, waiting for her lover to return. 

That was how Leonardo perceived Marcelle that day, but despite her serious expression, she was very determined and had a lot of energy, she said she needed to run five kilometers, and this time, she would go to the end. 

Leonardo was already feeling tired, he thought he was fine, but he seemed really tired that day, he followed Marcelle, and sighed at his own pace, inhaling, exhaling. 

With a soft step, he had little to do with Marcelle, he was focused on accompanying her, he knew that she was well above his level, he remained completely sedentary, she, lived normally, went to the gym, perhaps, she was holding back this all the time, on several occasions, she seemed not to be tired, as if she could go much further. 

Even though he was tired, he was able to keep up, despite being much heavier than her, Leonardo had longer legs, which is why he had been able to keep up for so long. And the track was practically empty, a clear path for them to run at will, going to the end, and beyond, finding themselves at the end of the line, and from there, onwards. 

His leg was covered in pain, and he was out of breath, but he managed it, he went to the five kilometer track with Marcelle, he needed a couple of minutes to stabilize himself, get back to the way he was before he started running, he needs for a while longer, but Marcelle suddenly grabbed him and hugged him, very tightly, and celebrated with extreme joy, almost jumping. 

She was very different, she looked at Leonardo in almost the same way, without smiling, without changing her expression, but it was a paralyzing look for him, he felt naked again, in front of her, completely exposed. 

Still out of breath, Leonardo kissed Marcelle, their sweat met, their sweaty shirts, their bodies, their shoulders, everything connected, like two different paints, in a brush. 

They walked for a while, along the sidewalk, without drinking anything, just the two of them, talking, walking, and enjoying that moment, just the two of them, present, looking at each other, and an affection and an almost electric tension was flowing, and they stopped. near some trees, and they spent some more time, kissing and talking. 

Leonardo talked about work, some things that happened between him and his ex-girlfriend, and went to that old cafeteria, where he used to go after work, Marcelle said she wanted an açaí, and needed to rest a little more, with him, before going home. 

When they got there, it was even emptier than the beach, they stood out among the empty chairs, they looked like a long-term couple, enjoying a walk alone, between the gray buildings and the sea. 

The cafeteria attendant immediately recognized Leonardo, he said he should come over more often to talk, he talked a little about math rock and some Emo bands, while he waited for the açaí to be ready, and as soon as the açaí arrived, he sat down with Marcelle in a table, and decided to talk a little more, he would have to leave soon, to start preparing dinner for Jonathan and Fernanda. 

"So you know how to cook?" 

"Yes, I learned a little, as I spend a lot of time at home, I prefer to prepare meals myself." 

"I hope everything goes well today, I know how you like him." 

"Yes, I'm sure everything will go well, Jonathan is an easy person to please, I just don't know how to deal with Fernanda." 

"She's friendly, and very easy to please too, buy her a chocolate and almond cake, I'm sure she'll enjoy tonight that way." 

"Um... good to know, there's a bakery near my house, maybe I'll stop by there on my way back." 

"I think it's about time, I don't want to take up much more of your time." 

"You're not taking up my time, I love spending these moments with you, I love your company." 

Marcelle gave a smile, and shook Leonardo's hand, and she gave another look like that, fixed, and Leonardo tried to decipher what that look wanted to communicate, he thought he needed to observe her more, find out more about her, delve deeper into the communication between him and Marcelle. 

She immediately drank the açaí and said that she could give Leonardo a ride home, her car was nearby, and so she did. 

He felt different, Marcelle seemed better than him in everything, better resolved, more at ease with his presence, she seemed to have been with him for a long time, she was careful, and paid a lot of attention to everything Leonardo did. 

"Have you known that cafeteria attendant for a long time?" 

"I think so, even though I haven't seen it in all this time, I haven't been to that place for about two years." 

"And nothing ever happened between you?" 

Leonardo found the question strange, she never showed him anything like that. 

"No really, when she started working at that place, she was very young, she was only 18 years old, now she must be around twenty or so, and we only have musical taste in common, nothing much beyond that." 

"She looks at you in a different way, and smiled a lot when she saw you, I think she has a secret crush on you." 

"I don't think so, I've talked to her several times, and it's always just been about music, she smiles with everyone, it's a common thing for her." 

"I don't think that's the case, but if you've never had anything, she might want to have something now." 

That conversation was very strange for Leonardo, he couldn't say for sure if it was some kind of jealousy, or something different, his brain seemed to have completely shut down, and Marcelle's gaze remained the same, shining and burning. 

Leonardo made a quick caress on Marcelle's shoulder and gave her a kiss on the cheek and another on her neck, he was trying to decipher Marcelle, and it was becoming more difficult every moment, even though she was showing that she liked him. 

"Don't worry about these things, I'm here with you, there's nothing to fear, I'm fine and peaceful with you by my side." 

Marcelle finally cracked a smile. It seemed like the sky on Leonardo's body was getting bluer and bluer, and the clouds were rushing away. 

As soon as Marcelle arrived near Leonardo's house, she stopped the car, and started kissing him, and she tasted his mouth completely, she was completely immersed in a feeling of passion, and she wanted to feel more of it, she wanted to feel more, from him. 

She lifted Leonardo's shirt, and ran her hands over his body, while kissing him, she completely felt his member, and began to massage it over his running shorts, she continued massaging, and his member was completely hard, and Leonardo began to release moans almost as passionate as the emotion Marcelle felt. 

After a while massaging Leonardo's body, she decided to go further, and left Leonardo's member completely exposed, and continued using her hands, while kissing him, and he moaned, without any control. 

He was already out of control, he pulled Marcelle's hair a little, near the back of her head, and bit her ears and neck, while he said completely sensual things in her ear, they were more moans than words, he knew she liked that, had already said. 

While Leonardo tried to keep his body under control, Marcelle lowered her face towards his member, and began to use her mouth, and it felt so soft as she was kissing him, the sensation of her tongue on his member made the sky turn completely blue, and then , it started getting lighter, and all the clouds disappeared, and it started getting lighter, and changing color, until it was completely white. 

There wasn't much to say, after that, Leonardo was already very late, Marcelle seemed to want to get out of there quickly, before anyone noticed, and they said goodbye. With hugs, and eyes locked on each other. 

Leonardo was walking down the street very quickly, no one was around, no one seemed to have noticed what had just happened, he was even calmer because of that, and he needed to stay that way. Until he can stay calm at home, and getting ready to welcome Jonathan and Fernanda. 

. . . 

Everything was already prepared, Leonardo organized the whole house, prepared dinner, got ready, and waited patiently for the arrival of Jonathan and Fernanda, while he waited, thoughts about Marcelle filled almost everything in him. 

He, who thought most about getting things back to the way they used to be, with his old friend, and overcoming that desire for isolation, now, he only thought about putting these routine things aside so he could spend more time with Marcelle. 

He was looking at his cell phone, and Marcelle wasn't online, maybe she looked a little like Leonardo at that moment, he couldn't say, he could only keep thinking about how pleasant she was. 

While looking through some messages, he noticed that Jane had sent him some photos. "Look what I found lost in my house." she said in the captions of one of the photos, in the photo was the image of Jane with Leonardo's green coat, the same one he forgot when he went to visit her. 

It looked like she did a small shoot using Leonardo's coat, eight different photos, in extravagant poses and some, you could even say sensual, something that seemed like a little joke, or something like that. 

Leonardo responded to Jane's messages, saying how he liked the photos, the coat looked really good on her, despite being much bigger than Jane's delicate body, the coat seemed to be bigger than some dresses she wore in some videos. 

Jane sent a second photo, saying how comfortable the coat was, and that she should keep it, but would buy another one, to reward Leonardo. He didn't know much what to say about it, he just said that if she liked the coat that much, she should keep it, and she didn't even need to give it back. 

While Leonardo continued exchanging messages with Jane, Leonardo's mother arrived, she had already been to the salon, had her nails and makeup done, she was ready for a real date. Leonardo said she was exaggerating, she didn't need all that. In return, she said that Leonardo didn't understand women. 

The doorbell rang, Jonathan and Fernanda arrived, it seemed that Jonathan was wearing clothes a little more extravagant than his taste, and Fernanda, seemed to have done just like Leonardo, did the complete package, nails, hair and makeup. 

Luckily, Leonardo's mother was easier to talk to, she soon picked up their daughter in her arms, and continued telling her how beautiful she was, and how much like Jonathan, she carried her around the living room, while Jonathan and Fernanda sat down to talk a little before dinner. 

Giovanna became very attached to Leonardo's mother, very quickly, she was already playing very comfortably with her, and Leonardo's hand was saying that he couldn't wait to have a grandson too. This always made Leonardo a little embarrassed, sometimes she would say things like that, asking him to install Tinder and look for a daughter-in-law for her. He just smiled and tried to make conversation when that happened. 

Fernanda and Jonathan's hand seemed to be getting along really well, while they didn't stop talking, Jonathan became distracted, looking around, as if he were impatient with something. 

Leonardo didn't know exactly what to say, he tried to talk a little about the rain, but talking about the weather was less advisable than he thought, the topic simply escalated, and he died before reaching his peak. 

Before the hunger grew even more for both of them, they decided to start dinner, and the conversation continued, with stories about the wedding, honeymoon, and motherhood. 

Leonardo watched that couple, and thought if one day he would be like that, with Marcelle. He knew it was too early to think about these things, the first few months are always an ocean of rainbows, Jane always says this kind of thing in her videos, but this ocean of rainbows was leaving Leonardo adrift. 

The food was really tasty, Fernanda praised the dishes that Leonardo prepared. Roast meat with potatoes and rosemary, mayonnaise with carrots and potatoes, rice with raisins, and a little farofa with cracklings and banana. Simple and heavy, a good Brazilian dinner. 

Leonardo talked little, his mother was very interested in finding out more about life between the two, and it seemed to be a really good life and an incredible experience. Perhaps, Leonardo could be more inspired by the relationship between Fernanda and Jonathan, learn more from them, or perhaps from her. Jonathan was still a little like Leonardo, despite being happy with Fernanda, a side of him seemed distant from it all. 

Their daughter was super excited, she managed to catch everyone's attention, she was lively, she already knew how to communicate much more than normal for her age, and that made everyone smile, and it made Leonardo try out some new smiles. 

Between so many conversations, and a few glasses of white wine, Leonardo decided to get the almond pie that Marcelle suggested for him, Fernanda couldn't hold back, she ate a slice without saying a word, concentrating on the flavor of that cake, she really liked that flavor. 

Jonathan said that he was avoiding sweets, he wanted to improve even more in running, and take better care of his health, this made Leonardo think about Marcelle again, and he put down the piece of cake almost halfway through. 

After dinner, they returned to the living room, but Jonathan already said he was tired. He remained distant from the conversations for a while, as much as Leonardo, perhaps he was no longer the same as before, or perhaps he became similar to Leonardo, in some aspects.